Who developped BrainVISA

BrainVISA was developed by a group of methodologists at the IFR 49 (Institut Fédératif de Recherche). Their aim was to provide for potential users a range of methodological tools, via a relatively user-friendly unifying interface. In addition, this interface facilitates communication between the different groups of methodologists working in the various laboratories. This project was financed by the french ministry of Research, within the framework of an ACI (Action Concertée Incitative) in the telemedicine field. The first prototype was developed by Yann Cointepas in 2000/2001. See Y. Cointepas, J.-F. Mangin, L. Garnero, J.-B. Poline, and H. Benali. BrainVISA: Software platform for visualization and analysis of multi-modality brain data. In Proc. 7th HBM, Brighton, United Kingdom, pages S98, 2001.