Here is a summary of the main steps that you need to follow to start with BrainVISA:
Create a database where all data written by BrainVISA will be stored : BrainVISA menu -> Preferences -> Databases -> Add button. It is strongly advisable to use a database to process data with BrainVISA. Indeed, some important features are not available when you are using data outside a database. More information about databases in the Databases and ontology chapter.
Import raw data: Data Management toolbox -> import... Choose the process according to the type of data. Select raw data with . Fill in database attributes using . The process will copy data in BrainVISA database.
Process data: Open a process, enter input parameters by selecting them in the database using . BrainVISA automatically complete as many parameters as possible. Output data will be written in the database.
Visualize data with
Iteration of a process on several data with the iterate button in the process.