BrainVISA database directory organization

It is possible to completely define the set of rules used to convert a directory in a BrainVISA database. That allows the use of BrainVISA without having to modify an existing file organization. However, the writing of such a system of rules requires a significant investment in the study of BrainVISA. This is why BrainVISA is provided with a default data organization system that can be used easily. Information about how to extend BrainVISA ontology can be found in the BrainVISA programming manual.

By default, data in a BrainVISA database are organized in a hierarchical structure with the following directories :

Each toolbox can have its own rules to organize data or add more levels to store additionnal data.

Example: Database organization for T1-weighted data

T1-weighted data are stored in a directory database/protocol/subject/t1mri. Database, protocol and subject directories names are choosen by the user but t1mri is a fixed name.

t1mri directory contains :

  • One or several acquisition directory, named by the user. Each contains :
    • Raw data
    • One or several analysis directory, named by the user, and which contains the results of an analysis on the raw data, more precisely:
      • segmentation directory: contains data generated by the segmentation pipeline and a mesh directory containing meshes generated by the pipeline.
      • folds directory: contains 3.0 and 3.1 directories for the different versions of sulci graphs.

Referentials and transformations for the data are stored in database/protocol/subject/registration.

Figure 4.2. Example of a BrainVISA database containing T1-weighted data

Example of a BrainVISA database containing T1-weighted data