Handling referentials with Anatomist

To handle referentials (i.e. coordinate systems), Anatomist uses colors to make them visually identifiable. Each loaded object into Anatomist is labelled with a referential (the color disk near the object). A transformation from one referential to another is symbolized with an arrow between two referentials (see in Anatomist: Settings -> Referential window).

When BrainVISA drives Anatomist, objects are loaded with coordinate systems according to the priority as mentioned in the paragraph above Referential managed by BrainVISA. However if the same object is loaded manually in Anatomist (and not through BrainVISA), then it will be located in a default referential (the red one). Thus, coordinate systems can be different (in other hand color disks are different) and you may end up with incoherent displays (the cursor is not in the same place in the same volume).


To change the referential of an object -> Right click on the object -> Referentials -> Load. The handling of referentials is detailed in the Anatomist handbook.