To create 3D image from text file with voxel value and coordinates.
To create 3D image from text file with voxel value and coordinates.
Text file format
Each line corresponds informations of one point :
voxel_value coordX coordY coordZ
Example :
10 45 56 78
45 45 78 56
30 45 85 69
This file indicates 3 points :
point number#1 : voxel value is 10 and coordinates are (45, 56, 78)
point number#2 : voxel value is 45 and coordinates are (45, 78, 56)
point number#3 : voxel value is 30 and coordinates are (45, 85, 69)
Note : Referential of coordinates points is image referential. Origine image (0, 0, 0) is the voxel at the top, font and right of volume. If your points are in another referential you must compute coordinates in referential image.
Image format:
3D image will be create with informations (dimX ......) and initialized with data of 'file_of_point'.
To create ROI graph from new image :
ROI graph can be create with AimsGraphConvert. Here, you must know that all voxels with same value voxel will be put in same node.
file_of_point: Coordinates File ( input )Text file with voxel value and coordinates
image_output: 3D Volume ( output )Path of new 3D image
dimX: Integer ( input )Image dimension in mm of X axe
dimY: Integer ( input )Image dimension in mm of Y axe
dimZ: Integer ( input )Image dimension in mm of Z axe
sizeX: Float ( input )Voxel dimension in X
sizeY: Float ( input )Voxel dimension in Y
sizeZ: Float ( input )Voxel dimension in Z
create_roigraph: Choice ( optional, input )To create ROI graph from new image
graph_output: Roi graph ( optional, output )Path of ROI graph if 'create_graph' option is 'yes'
Toolbox : Tools
User level : 2
Identifier :
File name :
Supported file formats :
file_of_point :Text fileimage_output :GIS image, VIDA image, NIFTI-1 image, MINC image, TIFF image, XBM image, PBM image, PGM image, BMP image, XPM image, PPM image, gz compressed NIFTI-1 image, ECAT i image, PNG image, JPEG image, MNG image, GIF image, SPM image, ECAT v imagegraph_output :Graph and data