Interface of AimsLinearComb command : Linear Combination between 2 images
Volumes must have the same dimensions and the same voxel size.
This processes make linear combination between 2 images according to :
a.Objet1/b + c.Objet2/d + e
read1: 3D Volume ( input )Mandatory :
object 1 (volume)
multiplicative_coefficient1: Float ( optional, input )Optional :
multiplicative coefficient for object 1 (a),
by default is 1
divisor_coefficient1: Float ( optional, input )Optional :
divisor coefficient for object 1 (b),
by default is 1
read2: 3D Volume ( optional, input )Mandatory :
object 2 (volume)
multiplicative_coefficient2: Float ( optional, input )Optional :
multiplicative coefficient for object 2 (c),
by default is 1
divisor_coefficient2: Float ( optional, input )Optional :
divisor coefficient for object 2 (d),
by default is 1
constant: Integer ( optional, input )Optional :
constant offset value (e),
by default is 0
write: 3D Volume ( output )Mandatory :
output image
type: Choice ( optional, input )data type
Toolbox : Tools
User level : 1
Identifier :
File name :
Supported file formats :
read1 :GIS image, Z compressed GIS image, gz compressed GIS image, VIDA image, NIFTI-1 image, gz compressed ECAT i image, MINC image, gz compressed MINC image, DICOM image, TIFF image, XBM image, PBM image, PGM image, BMP image, XPM image, PPM image, gz compressed NIFTI-1 image, TIFF(.tif) image, gz compressed VIDA image, Z compressed VIDA image, Z compressed ECAT i image, gz compressed ECAT v image, ECAT i image, Z compressed ECAT v image, PNG image, JPEG image, MNG image, GIF image, Z compressed SPM image, SPM image, gz compressed SPM image, ECAT v imageread2 :GIS image, Z compressed GIS image, gz compressed GIS image, VIDA image, NIFTI-1 image, gz compressed ECAT i image, MINC image, gz compressed MINC image, DICOM image, TIFF image, XBM image, PBM image, PGM image, BMP image, XPM image, PPM image, gz compressed NIFTI-1 image, TIFF(.tif) image, gz compressed VIDA image, Z compressed VIDA image, Z compressed ECAT i image, gz compressed ECAT v image, ECAT i image, Z compressed ECAT v image, PNG image, JPEG image, MNG image, GIF image, Z compressed SPM image, SPM image, gz compressed SPM image, ECAT v imagewrite :GIS image, Z compressed GIS image, gz compressed GIS image, VIDA image, NIFTI-1 image, gz compressed ECAT i image, MINC image, gz compressed MINC image, DICOM image, TIFF image, XBM image, PBM image, PGM image, BMP image, XPM image, PPM image, gz compressed NIFTI-1 image, TIFF(.tif) image, gz compressed VIDA image, Z compressed VIDA image, Z compressed ECAT i image, gz compressed ECAT v image, ECAT i image, Z compressed ECAT v image, PNG image, JPEG image, MNG image, GIF image, Z compressed SPM image, SPM image, gz compressed SPM image, ECAT v image