Projection using Convolution Kernels


Convolution kernels created from a cortical surface mesh allow to project 3D/4D volumes on this mesh, provided the kernels have been previously computed at the same resolution as the volumes. This second step creates surface-based representations of these volumes using these kernels.

This is the second step of the process for projection fMRI data onto the cortical surface. (see process Create Surface-Based Functional Data)


white_mesh: Hemisphere White Mesh ( input )
intmesh represents the mesh of the inner cortical surface, i.e. the grey / white matter interface
kernels: Projection convolution kernels ( input )
kernels represents the convolution kernels, stored in a 4D volume and computed at the previous step (see Creation of Kernels for fMRI data projection)
fMRI_4D_data: 4D Volume ( input )
fMRI_4D_data is the volume to be projected on the surface. Check out that the kernels have the same size as the projected volume.
fMRI_surface_data: Functional Time Texture ( output )
fMRI_surface_data is the output projected data, stored as a mesh texture.

Technical information

Toolbox : Cortical Surface

User level : 0

Identifier : ProjectionUsingKernels

File name : brainvisa/toolboxes/cortical_surface/processes/functional/projection_to_cortical_surface/

Supported file formats :

white_mesh :
TRI mesh, Z compressed TRI mesh, PLY mesh, gz compressed TRI mesh, MESH mesh, Z compressed MESH mesh, gz compressed MESH mesh, gz compressed PLY mesh, Z compressed PLY mesh, GIFTI file, Z compressed GIFTI file, MNI OBJ mesh, gz compressed GIFTI file, Z compressed MNI OBJ mesh, gz compressed MNI OBJ mesh
kernels :
GIS image, Z compressed GIS image, gz compressed GIS image, VIDA image, NIFTI-1 image, gz compressed ECAT i image, MINC image, gz compressed MINC image, TIFF image, XBM image, PBM image, PGM image, BMP image, XPM image, PPM image, gz compressed NIFTI-1 image, TIFF(.tif) image, gz compressed VIDA image, Z compressed VIDA image, Z compressed ECAT i image, gz compressed ECAT v image, ECAT i image, Z compressed ECAT v image, PNG image, JPEG image, MNG image, GIF image, Z compressed SPM image, SPM image, gz compressed SPM image, ECAT v image
fMRI_4D_data :
GIS image, Z compressed GIS image, gz compressed GIS image, VIDA image, NIFTI-1 image, gz compressed ECAT i image, MINC image, gz compressed MINC image, TIFF image, XBM image, PBM image, PGM image, BMP image, XPM image, PPM image, gz compressed NIFTI-1 image, TIFF(.tif) image, gz compressed VIDA image, Z compressed VIDA image, Z compressed ECAT i image, gz compressed ECAT v image, ECAT i image, Z compressed ECAT v image, PNG image, JPEG image, MNG image, GIF image, Z compressed SPM image, SPM image, gz compressed SPM image, ECAT v image
fMRI_surface_data :