image - rename image series

This process automatically renames a series of 2D images in order to harmonize the names.


Input_ListOf_2dImage: ListOf ( input )
Click on .
Select the multiple images to be renamed by holding down on the control button on your keyboard (Ctrl), for instance Test_rat1_cresyl_slice001.tif, Test_rat1_cresyl_slice002.tif, Test_rat1_cresyl_slice003.tif ... Test_rat1_cresyl_slice162.tif.
Series_Name_Prefix: String ( input )
Enter the prefix that will be used to create the output image names, for instance Test_rat2_cresyl_slice.
Digit_Number: Integer ( input )
Enter the digit type of the total number of images to be renamed. A double-digit number is between 10 and 99, a third-digit number is between 100 and 999, etc. This number hence defines the total number of images which will able to be successively renamed. For instance, if you want to rename 167 images, you have to enter 3.
A default value of 3 is automatically assigned.
Format_Extension: String ( input )
Enter the extension format of each output image.
By default, the same extension format as that of the first file entered in Input_ListOf_2dImage is automatically assigned, for instance .tif.
Output_Directory: Directory ( input )
Click on .
Specify the output directory in which the renamed images will be stored. Note that the original input images are not deleted.
NOTE: the first image will be renamed as [Series_Name_Prefix]000
Output_ListOf_2dImage: ListOf ( input )

Technical information

Toolbox : BrainRAT

User level : 0

Identifier : RenameImageSeries

File name : brainvisa/toolboxes/brainrat/processes/toolbox/

Supported file formats :

Output_Directory :