Viewer for the visualization of contrast surface results.
This viewer displays the (inflated) brain with the curvature of the white matter mesh and the activation (contrasts, T map, etc). It allows to change the inflation of the brain and to change palettes of all textures at your will (contrast of the curvature texture or thresholds of the activations). A maximum of three functional contrasts may be displayed in three colors: red, green and blue. The mix of these colors gives three different ones: red+green=yellow, red+blue=magenta, green+blue=cyan.
activations_texture_1_red: Functional Time Texture ( input )First contrast, T map, z map, etc (.tex or .gii). It appears in red.
activations_texture_2_green: Functional Time Texture ( optional, input )Second contrast, T map, z map, etc (.tex or .gii). It appears in green.
activations_texture_3_blue: Functional Time Texture ( optional, input )Third contrast, T map, z map, etc (.tex or .gii). It appears in blue.
input_mesh: Hemisphere White Mesh ( input )White matter mesh.
compute_inflated_mesh: Boolean ( input )True/False (default value: True) - Indicates if the inflated brain mesh has to be computed (if it has not been computed previously).
inflated_mesh: Inflated Hemisphere White Mesh ( output )Inflated mesh.
curvature_texture: White Curvature Texture ( output )Curvature of the input mesh -white matter- (.tex/.gii).
iterations: Integer ( input )Inflation number of iterations (default value: 500).
save_inflate_sequence: Boolean ( input )True/False (default value: False) - If "True" is selected, the process computes and displays the different steps of the inflated brain. If "False" is selected, only the maximum inflated brain is computed/displayed.
Toolbox : Cortical Surface
User level : 0
Identifier :
File name :
Supported file formats :
activations_texture_1_red :GIFTI file, Textureactivations_texture_2_green :GIFTI file, Textureactivations_texture_3_blue :GIFTI file, Textureinput_mesh :TRI mesh, PLY mesh, MESH mesh, GIFTI file, MNI OBJ meshinflated_mesh :TRI mesh, PLY mesh, MESH mesh, GIFTI file, MNI OBJ meshcurvature_texture :GIFTI file, Texture