MPEG encoder

Converts a set of 2D images (JPEG, PNG,...) into a Mpeg film.


This process allows to choose in a choice of sub-processes, each specialized to use a specific MPEG encoder software (we have used freeware encoders like mencoder, transcode or recmpeg). Each of these sub-processes takes, at least, a list of 2D images as input, and a MPEG or AVI filename as output. They can also have additional parameters (encoding codec, quality, time scale etc.).
Those external programs should be correctly installed on the system before corresponding sub-processes can be valid. Therefore, depending on which programs BrainVisa detects, the choice of encoders will be wide or restricted (and even absent if no encoder is present).


images: ListOf ( input )
2D images set, must be ordered
animation: MPEG film ( output )

Technical information

Toolbox : Tools

User level : 2

Identifier : mpegEncode

File name : brainvisa/toolboxes/tools/processes/movies/

Supported file formats :

animation :
AVI film, MPEG film, QuickTime film