Side: Choice ( input )
Projection: Choice ( input )
Parcellation: Choice ( input )
Lgraph: Labelled Cortical folds graph ( optional, entrée )
Rgraph: Labelled Cortical folds graph ( optional, entrée )
mri_corrected: IRM T1 Biais Corrigé ( entrée )
sulcus_identification: Choice ( input )
translation: Label translation ( entrée )
gyri_model: Gyri Model ( entrée )
sulci_label_to_sulci_name: Sulci To White Texture Translation ( sortie )
left_gyri_label_to_gyri_name: Gyri To White Texture Translation ( sortie )
right_gyri_label_to_gyri_name: Gyri To White Texture Translation ( sortie )
left_white_mesh: Left Hemisphere White Mesh ( optional, entrée )
right_white_mesh: Right Hemisphere White Mesh ( optional, entrée )
left_hemi_mesh: Left Hemisphere Mesh ( optional, entrée )
right_hemi_mesh: Right Hemisphere Mesh ( optional, entrée )
left_grey_white: Left Grey White Mask ( optional, entrée )
right_grey_white: Right Grey White Mask ( optional, entrée )
left_white_sulci: Sulci White Texture ( optional, sortie )
right_white_sulci: Sulci White Texture ( optional, sortie )
left_white_gyri: Gyri White Texture ( optional, sortie )
right_white_gyri: Gyri White Texture ( optional, sortie )
left_gyri_graph: Gyri Graph ( optional, sortie )
right_gyri_graph: Gyri Graph ( optional, sortie )
left_white_gyri_volume: Gyri White Volume ( optional, sortie )
right_white_gyri_volume: Gyri White Volume ( optional, sortie )
Toolbox : Surface corticale
Niveau d'utilisateur : 2
Identifiant :
Nom de fichier :
Supported file formats :
Lgraph :Graph and dataRgraph :Graph and datamri_corrected :GIS image, VIDA image, NIFTI-1 image, MINC image, gz compressed MINC image, DICOM image, TIFF image, XBM image, PBM image, PGM image, BMP image, XPM image, PPM image, gz compressed NIFTI-1 image, TIFF(.tif) image, ECAT i image, PNG image, JPEG image, MNG image, GIF image, SPM image, ECAT v imagetranslation :Label Translationgyri_model :Gyri Modelsulci_label_to_sulci_name :Text fileleft_gyri_label_to_gyri_name :Text fileright_gyri_label_to_gyri_name :Text fileleft_white_mesh :Maillage TRI, PLY mesh, Maillage MESH, GIFTI file, MNI OBJ meshright_white_mesh :Maillage TRI, PLY mesh, Maillage MESH, GIFTI file, MNI OBJ meshleft_hemi_mesh :Maillage TRI, PLY mesh, Maillage MESH, GIFTI file, MNI OBJ meshright_hemi_mesh :Maillage TRI, PLY mesh, Maillage MESH, GIFTI file, MNI OBJ meshleft_grey_white :GIS image, VIDA image, NIFTI-1 image, MINC image, gz compressed MINC image, DICOM image, TIFF image, XBM image, PBM image, PGM image, BMP image, XPM image, PPM image, gz compressed NIFTI-1 image, TIFF(.tif) image, ECAT i image, PNG image, JPEG image, MNG image, GIF image, SPM image, ECAT v imageright_grey_white :GIS image, VIDA image, NIFTI-1 image, MINC image, gz compressed MINC image, DICOM image, TIFF image, XBM image, PBM image, PGM image, BMP image, XPM image, PPM image, gz compressed NIFTI-1 image, TIFF(.tif) image, ECAT i image, PNG image, JPEG image, MNG image, GIF image, SPM image, ECAT v imageleft_white_sulci :GIFTI file, Textureright_white_sulci :GIFTI file, Textureleft_white_gyri :GIFTI file, Textureright_white_gyri :GIFTI file, Textureleft_gyri_graph :Graph and dataright_gyri_graph :Graph and dataleft_white_gyri_volume :GIS image, VIDA image, NIFTI-1 image, MINC image, TIFF image, XBM image, PBM image, PGM image, BMP image, XPM image, PPM image, gz compressed NIFTI-1 image, ECAT i image, PNG image, JPEG image, MNG image, GIF image, SPM image, ECAT v imageright_white_gyri_volume :GIS image, VIDA image, NIFTI-1 image, MINC image, TIFF image, XBM image, PBM image, PGM image, BMP image, XPM image, PPM image, gz compressed NIFTI-1 image, ECAT i image, PNG image, JPEG image, MNG image, GIF image, SPM image, ECAT v image