This process is used through the projection pipeline in order to register anatomical and functional data before projection.
input: Maillage de la matière blanche d'un hémisphère ( entrée )input is the white mesh to register.
transformation: Transformation matrix ( entrée )transformation is the .trm transformation to apply to the mesh
output: Maillage de la matière blanche d'un hémisphère ( sortie )output is the output resulting from the registration of the input mesh
Toolbox : Surface corticale
Niveau d'utilisateur : 0
Identifiant :
Nom de fichier :
Supported file formats :
input :Maillage TRI, Z compressed TRI mesh, PLY mesh, gz compressed TRI mesh, Maillage MESH, Z compressed MESH mesh, gz compressed MESH mesh, gz compressed PLY mesh, Z compressed PLY mesh, GIFTI file, Z compressed GIFTI file, MNI OBJ mesh, gz compressed GIFTI file, Z compressed MNI OBJ mesh, gz compressed MNI OBJ meshtransformation :Transformation matrixoutput :Maillage TRI, Z compressed TRI mesh, PLY mesh, gz compressed TRI mesh, Maillage MESH, Z compressed MESH mesh, gz compressed MESH mesh, gz compressed PLY mesh, Z compressed PLY mesh, GIFTI file, Z compressed GIFTI file, MNI OBJ mesh, gz compressed GIFTI file, Z compressed MNI OBJ mesh, gz compressed MNI OBJ mesh