This process converts a volume from Dicom format to Nifti or Compressed Nifti format. It uses dcm2nii Mricron tool, so it is available only if this tool is installed. The input parameter can be either a Dicom file (extension .dcm) or a directory that contains the Dicom files (no specific extension in this case).
input_file: Volume 4D ( optional, entrée )The Dicom input file to be converted.
write: Volume 4D ( sortie )The output Nifti file.
input_directory: Répertoire ( optional, entrée )You can use this parameter instead of input_file if you want to convert several Dicom files that are in a directory.
removeSource: Booléen ( input )Remove the Dicom source files.
Toolbox : Outils
Niveau d'utilisateur : 0
Identifiant :
Nom de fichier :
Supported file formats :
input_file :DICOM imagewrite :NIFTI-1 image, gz compressed NIFTI-1 imageinput_directory :Répertoire