This process enables to flip a volume either in a mirror way or swapping coordinates.
Input_3dImage: Volume 3D ( entrée )Click on .
Select the volume to be flipped, for instance Test_volume_rat1_cresyl.ima.
Flip_Parameter_1: Choice ( input )Choose the first flip mode among the list, for instance zz (swap the Z-axis i.e. reverse the Z-axis coordinates).
Concerning our demonstration data, it reverses the stack order of slices (from antero-posterior to postero-anterior relationship).
Flip_Parameter_2: Choice ( optional, input )Choose the second flip mode among the list, for instance yy (swap the Y-axis i.e. reverse the Y-axis coordinates).
Concerning our demonstration data, it flips the volume in a horizontal mirror way.
This parameter is optional and by default set to None.
Flip_Parameter_3: Choice ( optional, input )Choose the third flip mode among the list.
This parameter is optional and by default set to None.
Output_3dImage: Volume 3D ( optional, sortie )Click on .
Specify the output directory and enter the output file name, for instance Test_flipzzyy_volume_rat1_cresyl.ima.
This parameter is optional. If you do not complete it, you will be notified by a warning message that the process will be going to overwrite the input volume.
Toolbox : BrainRAT
Niveau d'utilisateur : 0
Identifiant :
Nom de fichier :
Supported file formats :
Input_3dImage :GIS image, TIFF image, TIFF(.tif) image, JPEG imageOutput_3dImage :GIS image, TIFF image, TIFF(.tif) image, JPEG image