Normalization of the the anatomical image.
anatomy_data: Raw T1 MRI ( entrée )The anatomical data to normalise
anatomical_template: anatomical Template ( entrée )The anatomical reference template (choose from our database)
Alignment: Choice ( input )The type of alignment between the anatomical image and the template
transformation_matrix: FSL transformation ( sortie )The resulting transformation matrix
normalized_anatomy_data: Raw T1 MRI ( sortie )The resulting normalised image
cost_function: Choice ( input )
search_cost_function: Choice ( input )
Toolbox : Morphologist
Niveau d'utilisateur : 2
Identifiant :
Nom de fichier :
Supported file formats :
anatomy_data :NIFTI-1 image, gz compressed NIFTI-1 imageanatomical_template :NIFTI-1 image, gz compressed NIFTI-1 imagetransformation_matrix :Matlab filenormalized_anatomy_data :gz compressed NIFTI-1 image