02. volume - analyse de volume par ROI

This process enables you to perform a conventional ROI-based analysis of 3D reconstructed autoradiographic volumes. The information is extracted from specified ROI(s) and then used to compute ordinary statistics (volume in mm3, mean, standard deviation, min, max).

1 In the demonstration data set, the region of interest was the superior colliculus. It has been manually segmented on each section of the 3D rigidly aligned histological volume (Test_volume_rat_cresyl_aligned.ima) yielding a volume of interest (VOI) and allowing assessment of its 3D shape (see next process). As the histological (reference) and autoradiographic volumes have been co-registered, this VOI can be directly mapped on the autoradiographic volume.

2 After running the process, you will be able to retrieve results by opening the output text file with a common text editor such as gedit, kate, kwrite under Linux or with a spreadsheet.


ListOf_Input_3dImage: ListOf ( input )
ListOf_Input_3dImage_ROI: ListOf ( input )
ListOf_Input_Motion_3dImage_TO_ROI: ListOf ( optional, input )
Hierarchy: Hiérarchie ( optional, entrée )
Hierarchy_Use_Path: Booléen ( optional, input )
ListOf_Output_Text_Results: ListOf ( optional, input )
Synthesis_Result: Text file ( optional, sortie )

Informations techniques

Toolbox : BrainRAT

Niveau d'utilisateur : 0

Identifiant : VolumeROIAnalysis

Nom de fichier : brainvisa/toolboxes/brainrat/processes/pmianalysis/VolumeROIAnalysis.py

Supported file formats :

Hierarchy :
Synthesis_Result :
Text file