1 - Conversion de base de données

This process is usefull if you want to use a database created with a BrainVISA version ealier than 3.1. Files organization has changed since version 3.1, so these databases must be converted in order to have data correctly identified.


The process searches for actions to perform on the database files in order to have these files identified by BrainVISA.

Suggested actions are presented to the user. He can choose to unselect some actions he doesn't want to be performed. At this step, possible actions are move/rename or remove.

After user validation, the database is processed by performing selected actions. All actions can be undone (even remove because files are not really removed but put in a trash directory). An undo script is generated, so it is possible to undo changes, by starting again the process with parameter undo=Yes.

The actions are grouped by toolboxes because the converter has several parts, each specialized for one toolbox. There is also several undo scripts which are written in a directory scripts in the database.

After conversion, the database follows brainvisa-3.1.0 ontology.


database: Choice ( input )
Choose the database to convert.
segment_default_destination: Choice ( optional, input )
The destination where you want to put unrecognized data found in segment directory. By default, unrecognized data is put in t1mri segmentation directory. But you can choose to put it in pet segmentation directory. If you choose None, unrecognized data will stay in segment directory.
graphe_default_destination: Choice ( optional, input )
The destination where you want to put unrecognized data found in graphe directory. By default, unrecognized data is put in t1mri folds directory. But you can choose to put it in t1mri roi or in pet roi directory. If you choose None, unrecognized data will stay in graphe directory.
undo: Booléen ( input )
If True the process reverts previous conversion.

Informations techniques

Toolbox : Gestion des données

Niveau d'utilisateur : 0

Identifiant : convertDatabase

Nom de fichier : brainvisa/toolboxes/data management/processes/convert_old_database_steps/convertDatabase.py