Download and install SPAM sulci recognition models
SPAM models are quite big, so are to be downloaded and installed separately from the main BrainVisa distribution. This process automatizes the download and installation process of these models.
Models are normally installed in the BrainVisa internal shared database. However it is possible to install them in a new database, or in any database following the "shared" ontology organization. It is epecially useful for users who are using a common BrianVisa installation and do not have write permissions to its internal database.
Model archives are downloaded from internet, so a network connection is needed. The size of the archives is about 100-120 MBytes each, and there are 4 different archives.
The models installation allows to use the SPAM recognition processes family, depending on the installed models.
Alternately, instead of using this process, models can be downloaded by hand from the BrainVISA web site, in the "data" section. BrainVisa 4.2 is using models version 4.2.
For "Talairach" mode, the "" package is required. For "Global registration" mode, the "" package is required For "Local registration" mode, the "" package is required, and it must be applied after a global registration step, so the requirements for global registration do apply. For "Markovian" mode, no additional data is required, but it must be applied after a global registration step, so the requirements for global registration do apply. Additional data are available for SPAM models visualization: use the "" file. All these additional packages should be uncompressed in the BrainVisa binary distribution, in the "share/brainvisa-share-<version>" subdirectory. After uncompressing the data, the internal "shared" database of BrainVisa must be updated.
download_url: String ( input )
install_talairach_models: Booléen ( input )
install_global_models: Booléen ( input )
install_local_models: Booléen ( input )
install_additional_models: Booléen ( input )
install_in_compatible_database: Choice ( input )
destination_database_directory: Répertoire ( optional, sortie )
Toolbox : Morphologist
Niveau d'utilisateur : 0
Identifiant :
Nom de fichier :
Supported file formats :
destination_database_directory :Répertoire