
BrainRAT results from collaborative work of image processing methodologists and biologists of MIRCen, a new CEA facility headed by Philippe Hantraye and dedicated to preclinical research.

BrainRAT is mainly developed by the MIRCen image processing team of Thierry Delzescaux, PhD (Julien Dauguet, PhD, Jessica Lebenberg, PhD student, N. Souedet, software engineer and Didier Thenadey, IT specialist) as well as by some close collaborators (Albertine Dubois, PhD, Inserm U803, Vincent Frouin, CEA/SCSR, Denis Rivière, PhD and Yann Cointepas, PhD, CEA/NeuroSpin).

Expert biologists have been associated with this project, from the beginning, to guarantee the relevance of developed methods and the compatibility/performances of processing times with biological experiments (Anne-Sophie Hérard, PhD, Gilles Bonvento, PhD, and Françoise Condé, PhD).

All the above-mentioned people can be contacted by e-mail at