Demonstration data


For training and educational purposes, 2 datasets can be downloaded on demand at the following e-mail address: Please mention your institution, lab, research area, email address and operating system (Windows, MacOS or Linux).

Demonstration data enable to test all the BrainRAT functionalities through two applications:

  1. A unilateral stimulation of the rat visual system ([14C]-2DG autoradiography, Nissl staining -> ~150 adjacent sections)
  2. A whole rat brain anatomical dataset(Nissl staining -> ~200 adjacent sections)
Demonstration data will be made available electronically via anonymous FTP from the CEA FTP server as .zip or .tar.gz files according to our operating systems.

Remember that they are CEA property and are made available for educational purposes only. The use of these data for other purposes are submitted to CEA authorization. In case of use of BrainRAT for academic researches, please mention Dubois et al., 2007, J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab.