class AwsSnsCli < Formula desc "Client for Amazon Simple Notification web service" homepage "" url "" # The version in the tarball is the API version; this is the tool version version "2013-09-27" sha256 "c14adade30bf366f7d95d19d177babd33669dbd0e4b46f2c81304723776d382f" bottle :unneeded depends_on :java def install env = Language::Java.java_home_env.merge(:AWS_SNS_HOME => libexec) rm Dir["bin/*.cmd"] # Remove Windows versions chmod 0755, Dir["bin/*"] libexec.install Dir["*"] Pathname.glob("#{libexec}/bin/*") do |file| next if basename = file.basename next if basename.to_s == "service" (bin/basename).write_env_script file, env end end def caveats <<-EOS.undent Before you can use these tools you must export some variables to your $SHELL. export AWS_ACCESS_KEY="<Your AWS Access ID>" export AWS_SECRET_KEY="<Your AWS Secret Key>" export AWS_CREDENTIAL_FILE="<Path to the credentials file>" EOS end test do assert_match /w.x.y.z/, shell_output("#{bin}/sns-version") end end