class Perl < Formula desc "Highly capable, feature-rich programming language" homepage "" url "" mirror "" sha256 "2b475d0849d54c4250e9cba4241b7b7291cffb45dfd083b677ca7b5d38118f27" head "", :branch => "blead" bottle do sha256 "a1bbae429655d663bfa47ccad7ec10b0412f07702abf1ed442ccc37e014de3bb" => :el_capitan sha256 "0e7a6aea826e32f2f3b77a1889a26457dfb8d72e6382d350590f8391b89ef3d4" => :yosemite sha256 "b6c3b4aa11cd78191840029502763b9249c74e63d58412a82854fec4350ac5a3" => :mavericks end keg_only :provided_by_osx, "OS X ships Perl and overriding that can cause unintended issues" option "with-dtrace", "Build with DTrace probes" option "without-test", "Skip running the build test suite" deprecated_option "with-tests" => "with-test" def install args = %W[ -des -Dprefix=#{prefix} -Dman1dir=#{man1} -Dman3dir=#{man3} -Duseshrplib -Duselargefiles -Dusethreads ] args << "-Dusedtrace" if build.with? "dtrace" args << "-Dusedevel" if build.head? # Prevent "Cannot find errno.h at Errno_pm.PL line 138." in standalone # linuxbrew installation... can break perl if this is not the case args << "-Dlocincpth='#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/include'" args << "-Dloclibpth='#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib'" system "./Configure", *args system "make" # OS X El Capitan's SIP feature prevents DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH from being passed to child # processes, which causes the make test step to fail. # # if MacOS.version < :el_capitan system "make", "test" if build.with? "test" end system "make", "install" end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent By default Perl installs modules in your HOME dir. If this is an issue run: `#{bin}/cpan o conf init` EOS end test do (testpath/"").write "print 'Perl is not an acronym, but JAPH is a Perl acronym!';" system "#{bin}/perl", "" end end