class Python < Formula desc "Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language" homepage "" head "", :using => :hg, :branch => "2.7" url "" sha256 "82929b96fd6afc8da838b149107078c02fa1744b7e60999a8babbc0d3fa86fc6" bottle do revision 2 sha256 "990c30084e9c55ee708db3f2a5f15984dc44406473002ef97c11b183566abacb" => :el_capitan sha256 "301c5cef9bc3b8afc6e4a35b92f75739eecae0a9407f8ee39d3af83ce5425f2f" => :yosemite sha256 "f9c35b48fd15a35b1ac69f36deff4f403e4839ca8f6a8b7fe2311da8c17397c3" => :mavericks end # Homebrew doesn't accept a wide/ucs4 option because narrow build is the de facto standard # on Windows and OSX, but wide seems to be the default for linux # More details in: option "with-unicode-ucs4", "Build unicode support with UCS4" option :universal option "with-quicktest", "Run `make quicktest` after the build (for devs; may fail)" option "with-tcl-tk", "Use Homebrew's Tk instead of OS X Tk (has optional Cocoa and threads support)" option "with-poll", "Enable select.poll, which is not fully implemented on OS X (" deprecated_option "quicktest" => "with-quicktest" deprecated_option "with-brewed-tk" => "with-tcl-tk" depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "readline" => :recommended depends_on "sqlite" => :recommended depends_on "gdbm" => :recommended depends_on "openssl" depends_on "homebrew/dupes/tcl-tk" => :optional depends_on "berkeley-db4" => :optional depends_on :x11 if build.with?("tcl-tk") && Tab.for_name("homebrew/dupes/tcl-tk").with?("x11") depends_on "bzip2" unless OS.mac? skip_clean "bin/pip", "bin/pip-2.7" skip_clean "bin/easy_install", "bin/easy_install-2.7" resource "setuptools" do url "" sha256 "214bf29933f47cf25e6faa569f710731728a07a19cae91ea64f826051f68a8cf" end resource "pip" do url "" sha256 "46f4bd0d8dfd51125a554568d646fe4200a3c2c6c36b9f2d06d2212148439521" end resource "wheel" do url "" sha256 "eaad353805c180a47545a256e6508835b65a8e830ba1093ed8162f19a50a530c" end # Patch for pyport.h macro issue # # patch do url "" sha256 "c075353337f9ff3ccf8091693d278782fcdff62c113245d8de43c5c7acc57daf" end # Patch to disable the search for Tk.framework, since Homebrew's Tk is # a plain unix build. Remove `-lX11`, too because our Tk is "AquaTk". patch :DATA if build.with? "tcl-tk" # Fix extension module builds against Xcode 7 SDKs # # patch do url "" sha256 "86714b750c887065952cd556f4d23246edf3124384f579356c8e377bc6ff2f83" end def lib_cellar prefix / (OS.mac? ? "Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7" : "") / "lib/python2.7" end def site_packages_cellar lib_cellar/"site-packages" end # The HOMEBREW_PREFIX location of site-packages. def site_packages HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"lib/python2.7/site-packages" end # setuptools remembers the build flags python is built with and uses them to # build packages later. Xcode-only systems need different flags. pour_bottle? do reason "The bottle needs the Xcode CLT to be installed." satisfy { MacOS::CLT.installed? } end def install if build.with? "poll" opoo "The given option --with-poll enables a somewhat broken poll() on OS X (" end # Unset these so that installing pip and setuptools puts them where we want # and not into some other Python the user has installed. ENV["PYTHONHOME"] = nil ENV["PYTHONPATH"] = nil args = %W[ --prefix=#{prefix} --enable-ipv6 --datarootdir=#{share} --datadir=#{share} #{OS.mac? ? "--enable-framework=#{frameworks}" : "--enable-shared"} --without-ensurepip ] args << "--without-gcc" if ENV.compiler == :clang args << "--enable-unicode=ucs4" if build.with? "unicode-ucs4" cflags = [] ldflags = [] cppflags = [] unless MacOS::CLT.installed? # Help Python's build system (setuptools/pip) to build things on Xcode-only systems # The looks at "-isysroot" to get the sysroot (and not at --sysroot) cflags << "-isysroot #{MacOS.sdk_path}" ldflags << "-isysroot #{MacOS.sdk_path}" cppflags << "-I#{MacOS.sdk_path}/usr/include" # find zlib # For the Xlib.h, Python needs this header dir with the system Tk if build.without? "tcl-tk" cflags << "-I#{MacOS.sdk_path}/System/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Versions/8.5/Headers" end end # Python's parses CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS to learn search # paths for the dependencies of the compiled extension modules. # See Homebrew/linuxbrew#420, Homebrew/linuxbrew#460, and Homebrew/linuxbrew#875 if OS.linux? cppflags << ENV.cppflags << " -I#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/include" ldflags << ENV.ldflags end # Avoid linking to libgcc args << "MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=#{MacOS.version}" # We want our readline and openssl! This is just to outsmart the detection code, # superenv handles that cc finds includes/libs! inreplace "" do |s| s.gsub! "do_readline = self.compiler.find_library_file(lib_dirs, 'readline')", "do_readline = '#{Formula["readline"].opt_lib}/'" s.gsub! "/usr/local/ssl", Formula["openssl"].opt_prefix s.gsub! "/usr/include/db4", Formula["berkeley-db4"].opt_include s.gsub! "'/usr/include',", "'#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/include','/usr/include'," s.gsub! "'/lib64',", "'#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib','/lib64'," end if build.universal? ENV.universal_binary args << "--enable-universalsdk=/" << "--with-universal-archs=intel" end # Allow sqlite3 module to load extensions: # if build.with? "sqlite" inreplace("", 'sqlite_defines.append(("SQLITE_OMIT_LOAD_EXTENSION", "1"))', "") end # Allow python modules to use ctypes.find_library to find homebrew's stuff # even if homebrew is not a /usr/local/lib. Try this with: # `brew install enchant && pip install pyenchant` inreplace "./Lib/ctypes/macholib/" do |f| f.gsub! "DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FALLBACK = [", "DEFAULT_LIBRARY_FALLBACK = [ '#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib'," f.gsub! "DEFAULT_FRAMEWORK_FALLBACK = [", "DEFAULT_FRAMEWORK_FALLBACK = [ '#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/Frameworks'," end if build.with? "tcl-tk" tcl_tk = Formula["homebrew/dupes/tcl-tk"].opt_prefix cppflags << "-I#{tcl_tk}/include" ldflags << "-L#{tcl_tk}/lib" end system "./configure", *args # HAVE_POLL is "broken" on OS X. See: # # if build.without? "poll" inreplace "pyconfig.h", /.*?(HAVE_POLL[_A-Z]*).*/, '#undef \1' end system "make" ENV.deparallelize # installs must be serialized # Tell Python not to install into /Applications system "make", "install", "PYTHONAPPSDIR=#{prefix}" # Demos and Tools system "make", "frameworkinstallextras", "PYTHONAPPSDIR=#{share}/python" if OS.mac? system "make", "quicktest" if build.with? "quicktest" # Symlink the pkgconfig files into HOMEBREW_PREFIX so they're accessible. (lib/"pkgconfig").install_symlink Dir["#{frameworks}/Python.framework/Versions/Current/lib/pkgconfig/*"] # Fixes setting Python build flags for certain software # See: # inreplace lib_cellar/"config/Makefile" do |s| s.change_make_var! "LINKFORSHARED", "-u _PyMac_Error $(PYTHONFRAMEWORKINSTALLDIR)/Versions/$(VERSION)/$(PYTHONFRAMEWORK)" end if OS.mac? # Remove the site-packages that Python created in its Cellar. site_packages_cellar.rmtree (libexec/"setuptools").install resource("setuptools") (libexec/"pip").install resource("pip") (libexec/"wheel").install resource("wheel") end def post_install # Fix up the site-packages so that user-installed Python software survives # minor updates, such as going from 2.7.0 to 2.7.1: # Create a site-packages in HOMEBREW_PREFIX/lib/python2.7/site-packages site_packages.mkpath # Symlink the prefix site-packages into the cellar. site_packages_cellar.unlink if site_packages_cellar.exist? site_packages_cellar.parent.install_symlink site_packages # Write our rm_rf Dir["#{site_packages}/[co]"] (site_packages/"").atomic_write(sitecustomize) if OS.mac? # Remove old setuptools installations that may still fly around and be # listed in the easy_install.pth. This can break setuptools build with # zipimport.ZipImportError: bad local file header # setuptools-0.9.5-py3.3.egg rm_rf Dir["#{site_packages}/setuptools*"] rm_rf Dir["#{site_packages}/distribute*"] rm_rf Dir["#{site_packages}/pip[-_.][0-9]*", "#{site_packages}/pip"] setup_args = ["-s", "", "--no-user-cfg", "install", "--force", "--verbose", "--single-version-externally-managed", "--record=installed.txt", "--install-scripts=#{bin}", "--install-lib=#{site_packages}"] (libexec/"setuptools").cd { system "#{bin}/python", *setup_args } (libexec/"pip").cd { system "#{bin}/python", *setup_args } (libexec/"wheel").cd { system "#{bin}/python", *setup_args } # When building from source, these symlinks will not exist, since # post_install happens after linking. %w[pip pip2 pip2.7 easy_install easy_install-2.7 wheel].each do |e| (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"bin").install_symlink bin/e end # Help distutils find brewed stuff when building extensions include_dirs = [HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"include", Formula["openssl"].opt_include] library_dirs = [HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"lib", Formula["openssl"].opt_lib] if build.with? "sqlite" include_dirs << Formula["sqlite"].opt_include library_dirs << Formula["sqlite"].opt_lib end if build.with? "tcl-tk" include_dirs << Formula["homebrew/dupes/tcl-tk"].opt_include library_dirs << Formula["homebrew/dupes/tcl-tk"].opt_lib end cfg = lib_cellar/"distutils/distutils.cfg" cfg.atomic_write <<-EOF.undent [install] prefix=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX} [build_ext] include_dirs=#{include_dirs.join ":"} library_dirs=#{library_dirs.join ":"} EOF end def sitecustomize <<-EOF.undent # This file is created by Homebrew and is executed on each python startup. # Don't print from here, or else python command line scripts may fail! # import re import os import sys if sys.version_info[0] != 2: # This can only happen if the user has set the PYTHONPATH for 3.x and run Python 2.x or vice versa. # Every Python looks at the PYTHONPATH variable and we can't fix it here in, # because the PYTHONPATH is evaluated after the Many modules (e.g. PyQt4) are # built only for a specific version of Python and will fail with cryptic error messages. # In the end this means: Don't set the PYTHONPATH permanently if you use different Python versions. exit('Your PYTHONPATH points to a site-packages dir for Python 2.x but you are running Python ' + str(sys.version_info[0]) + '.x!\\n PYTHONPATH is currently: "' + str(os.environ['PYTHONPATH']) + '"\\n' + ' You should `unset PYTHONPATH` to fix this.') # Only do this for a brewed python: if os.path.realpath(sys.executable).startswith('#{rack}'): # Shuffle /Library site-packages to the end of sys.path and reject # paths in /System pre-emptively (#14712) library_site = '/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages' library_packages = [p for p in sys.path if p.startswith(library_site)] sys.path = [p for p in sys.path if not p.startswith(library_site) and not p.startswith('/System')] # .pth files have already been processed so don't use addsitedir sys.path.extend(library_packages) # the Cellar site-packages is a symlink to the HOMEBREW_PREFIX # site_packages; prefer the shorter paths long_prefix = re.compile(r'#{rack}/[0-9\._abrc]+/Frameworks/Python\.framework/Versions/2\.7/lib/python2\.7/site-packages') sys.path = [long_prefix.sub('#{site_packages}', p) for p in sys.path] # LINKFORSHARED (and python-config --ldflags) return the # full path to the lib (yes, "Python" is actually the lib, not a # dir) so that third-party software does not need to add the # -F/#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/Frameworks switch. try: from _sysconfigdata import build_time_vars build_time_vars['LINKFORSHARED'] = '-u _PyMac_Error #{opt_prefix}/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Python' except: pass # remember: don't print here. Better to fail silently. # Set the sys.executable to use the opt_prefix sys.executable = '#{opt_bin}/python2.7' EOF end def caveats; <<-EOS.undent Pip and setuptools have been installed. To update them pip install --upgrade pip setuptools You can install Python packages with pip install They will install into the site-package directory #{site_packages} See: EOS end test do # Check if sqlite is ok, because we build with --enable-loadable-sqlite-extensions # and it can occur that building sqlite silently fails if OSX's sqlite is used. system "#{bin}/python", "-c", "import sqlite3" # Check if some other modules import. Then the linked libs are working. system "#{bin}/python", "-c", "import Tkinter; root = Tkinter.Tk()" system bin/"pip", "list" end end __END__ diff --git a/ b/ index 716f08e..66114ef 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1810,9 +1810,6 @@ class PyBuildExt(build_ext): # Rather than complicate the code below, detecting and building # AquaTk is a separate method. Only one Tkinter will be built on # Darwin - either AquaTk, if it is found, or X11 based Tk. - if (host_platform == 'darwin' and - self.detect_tkinter_darwin(inc_dirs, lib_dirs)): - return # Assume we haven't found any of the libraries or include files # The versions with dots are used on Unix, and the versions without @@ -1858,21 +1855,6 @@ class PyBuildExt(build_ext): if dir not in include_dirs: include_dirs.append(dir) - # Check for various platform-specific directories - if host_platform == 'sunos5': - include_dirs.append('/usr/openwin/include') - added_lib_dirs.append('/usr/openwin/lib') - elif os.path.exists('/usr/X11R6/include'): - include_dirs.append('/usr/X11R6/include') - added_lib_dirs.append('/usr/X11R6/lib64') - added_lib_dirs.append('/usr/X11R6/lib') - elif os.path.exists('/usr/X11R5/include'): - include_dirs.append('/usr/X11R5/include') - added_lib_dirs.append('/usr/X11R5/lib') - else: - # Assume default location for X11 - include_dirs.append('/usr/X11/include') - added_lib_dirs.append('/usr/X11/lib') # If Cygwin, then verify that X is installed before proceeding if host_platform == 'cygwin': @@ -1897,9 +1879,6 @@ class PyBuildExt(build_ext): if host_platform in ['aix3', 'aix4']: libs.append('ld') - # Finally, link with the X11 libraries (not appropriate on cygwin) - if host_platform != "cygwin": - libs.append('X11') ext = Extension('_tkinter', ['_tkinter.c', 'tkappinit.c'], define_macros=[('WITH_APPINIT', 1)] + defs,