#! /cvmfs/neugrid.egi.eu/software/x86_64/c-pack-d788610/linuxbrew/bin/perl use warnings; use File::Basename; use Safe; # glib-mkenums.pl # Information about the current enumeration my $flags; # Is enumeration a bitmask? my $option_underscore_name; # Overriden underscore variant of the enum name # for example to fix the cases we don't get the # mixed-case -> underscorized transform right. my $option_lowercase_name; # DEPRECATED. A lower case name to use as part # of the *_get_type() function, instead of the # one that we guess. For instance, when an enum # uses abnormal capitalization and we can not # guess where to put the underscores. my $seenbitshift; # Have we seen bitshift operators? my $enum_prefix; # Prefix for this enumeration my $enumname; # Name for this enumeration my $enumshort; # $enumname without prefix my $enumname_prefix; # prefix of $enumname my $enumindex = 0; # Global enum counter my $firstenum = 1; # Is this the first enumeration per file? my @entries; # [ $name, $val ] for each entry my $sandbox = Safe->new; # sandbox for safe evaluation of expressions sub parse_trigraph { my $opts = shift; my @opts; for $opt (split /\s*,\s*/, $opts) { $opt =~ s/^\s*//; $opt =~ s/\s*$//; my ($key,$val) = $opt =~ /(\w+)(?:=(.+))?/; defined $val or $val = 1; push @opts, $key, $val; } @opts; } sub parse_entries { my $file = shift; my $file_name = shift; my $looking_for_name = 0; while (<$file>) { # read lines until we have no open comments while (m@/\*([^*]|\*(?!/))*$@) { my $new; defined ($new = <$file>) || die "Unmatched comment in $ARGV"; $_ .= $new; } # strip comments w/o options s@/\*(?!<) ([^*]+|\*(?!/))* \*/@@gx; # strip newlines s@\n@ @; # skip empty lines next if m@^\s*$@; if ($looking_for_name) { if (/^\s*(\w+)/) { $enumname = $1; return 1; } } # Handle include files if (/^\#include\s*<([^>]*)>/ ) { my $file= "../$1"; open NEWFILE, $file or die "Cannot open include file $file: $!\n"; if (parse_entries (\*NEWFILE, $NEWFILE)) { return 1; } else { next; } } if (/^\s*\}\s*(\w+)/) { $enumname = $1; $enumindex++; return 1; } if (/^\s*\}/) { $enumindex++; $looking_for_name = 1; next; } if (m@^\s* (\w+)\s* # name (?:=( # value \s*\w+\s*\(.*\)\s* # macro with multiple args | # OR (?:[^,/]|/(?!\*))* # anything but a comma or comment ))?,?\s* (?:/\*< # options (([^*]|\*(?!/))*) >\s*\*/)?,? \s*$ @x) { my ($name, $value, $options) = ($1,$2,$3); if (!defined $flags && defined $value && $value =~ /< Identifier prefix\n"; print " --symbol-prefix Symbol prefix\n"; print " --fhead Output file header\n"; print " --fprod Per input file production\n"; print " --ftail Output file trailer\n"; print " --eprod Per enum text (produced prior to value itarations)\n"; print " --vhead Value header, produced before iterating over enum values\n"; print " --vprod Value text, produced for each enum value\n"; print " --vtail Value tail, produced after iterating over enum values\n"; print " --comments Comment structure\n"; print " --template file Template file\n"; print " -v, --version Print version informations\n\n"; print "Production text substitutions:\n"; print " \@EnumName\@ PrefixTheXEnum\n"; print " \@enum_name\@ prefix_the_xenum\n"; print " \@ENUMNAME\@ PREFIX_THE_XENUM\n"; print " \@ENUMSHORT\@ THE_XENUM\n"; print " \@ENUMPREFIX\@ PREFIX\n"; print " \@VALUENAME\@ PREFIX_THE_XVALUE\n"; print " \@valuenick\@ the-xvalue\n"; print " \@valuenum\@ the integer value (limited support, Since: 2.26)\n"; print " \@type\@ either enum or flags\n"; print " \@Type\@ either Enum or Flags\n"; print " \@TYPE\@ either ENUM or FLAGS\n"; print " \@filename\@ name of current input file\n"; print " \@basename\@ base name of the current input file (Since: 2.22)\n"; exit 0; } # production variables: my $idprefix = ""; # "G", "Gtk", etc my $symprefix = ""; # "g", "gtk", etc, if not just lc($idprefix) my $fhead = ""; # output file header my $fprod = ""; # per input file production my $ftail = ""; # output file trailer my $eprod = ""; # per enum text (produced prior to value itarations) my $vhead = ""; # value header, produced before iterating over enum values my $vprod = ""; # value text, produced for each enum value my $vtail = ""; # value tail, produced after iterating over enum values my $comment_tmpl = ""; # comment template sub read_template_file { my ($file) = @_; my %tmpl = ('file-header', $fhead, 'file-production', $fprod, 'file-tail', $ftail, 'enumeration-production', $eprod, 'value-header', $vhead, 'value-production', $vprod, 'value-tail', $vtail, 'comment', $comment_tmpl); my $in = 'junk'; open (FILE, $file) || die "Can't open $file: $!\n"; while () { if (/^\/\*\*\*\s+(BEGIN|END)\s+([\w-]+)\s+\*\*\*\//) { if (($in eq 'junk') && ($1 eq 'BEGIN') && (exists($tmpl{$2}))) { $in = $2; next; } elsif (($in eq $2) && ($1 eq 'END') && (exists($tmpl{$2}))) { $in = 'junk'; next; } else { die "Malformed template file $file\n"; } } if (!($in eq 'junk')) { $tmpl{$in} .= $_; } } close (FILE); if (!($in eq 'junk')) { die "Malformed template file $file\n"; } $fhead = $tmpl{'file-header'}; $fprod = $tmpl{'file-production'}; $ftail = $tmpl{'file-tail'}; $eprod = $tmpl{'enumeration-production'}; $vhead = $tmpl{'value-header'}; $vprod = $tmpl{'value-production'}; $vtail = $tmpl{'value-tail'}; $comment_tmpl = $tmpl{'comment'}; # default to C-style comments $comment_tmpl = "/* \@comment\@ */" if $comment_tmpl eq ""; } if (!defined $ARGV[0]) { usage; } while ($_=$ARGV[0],/^-/) { shift; last if /^--$/; if (/^--template$/) { read_template_file (shift); } elsif (/^--identifier-prefix$/) { $idprefix = shift } elsif (/^--symbol-prefix$/) { $symprefix = shift } elsif (/^--fhead$/) { $fhead = $fhead . shift } elsif (/^--fprod$/) { $fprod = $fprod . shift } elsif (/^--ftail$/) { $ftail = $ftail . shift } elsif (/^--eprod$/) { $eprod = $eprod . shift } elsif (/^--vhead$/) { $vhead = $vhead . shift } elsif (/^--vprod$/) { $vprod = $vprod . shift } elsif (/^--vtail$/) { $vtail = $vtail . shift } elsif (/^--comments$/) { $comment_tmpl = shift } elsif (/^--help$/ || /^-h$/ || /^-\?$/) { usage; } elsif (/^--version$/ || /^-v$/) { version; } else { usage; } last if not defined($ARGV[0]); } # put auto-generation comment { my $comment = $comment_tmpl; $comment =~ s/\@comment\@/Generated data (by glib-mkenums)/; print "\n" . $comment . "\n\n"; } if (length($fhead)) { my $prod = $fhead; my $base = basename ($ARGV[0]); $prod =~ s/\@filename\@/$ARGV[0]/g; $prod =~ s/\@basename\@/$base/g; $prod =~ s/\\a/\a/g; $prod =~ s/\\b/\b/g; $prod =~ s/\\t/\t/g; $prod =~ s/\\n/\n/g; $prod =~ s/\\f/\f/g; $prod =~ s/\\r/\r/g; chomp ($prod); print "$prod\n"; } while (<>) { if (eof) { close (ARGV); # reset line numbering $firstenum = 1; # Flag to print filename at next enum } # read lines until we have no open comments while (m@/\*([^*]|\*(?!/))*$@) { my $new; defined ($new = <>) || die "Unmatched comment in $ARGV"; $_ .= $new; } # strip comments w/o options s@/\*(?!<) ([^*]+|\*(?!/))* \*/@@gx; # ignore forward declarations next if /^\s*typedef\s+enum.*;/; if (m@^\s*typedef\s+enum\s* ({)?\s* (?:/\*< (([^*]|\*(?!/))*) >\s*\*/)? \s*({)? @x) { if (defined $2) { my %options = parse_trigraph ($2); next if defined $options{skip}; $enum_prefix = $options{prefix}; $flags = $options{flags}; $option_lowercase_name = $options{lowercase_name}; $option_underscore_name = $options{underscore_name}; } else { $enum_prefix = undef; $flags = undef; $option_lowercase_name = undef; $option_underscore_name = undef; } if (defined $option_lowercase_name) { if (defined $option_underscore_name) { print STDERR "$0: $ARGV:$.: lowercase_name overriden with underscore_name\n"; $option_lowercase_name = undef; } else { print STDERR "$0: $ARGV:$.: lowercase_name is deprecated, use underscore_name\n"; } } # Didn't have trailing '{' look on next lines if (!defined $1 && !defined $4) { while (<>) { if (eof) { die "Hit end of file while parsing enum in $ARGV"; } if (s/^\s*\{//) { last; } } } $seenbitshift = 0; @entries = (); # Now parse the entries parse_entries (\*ARGV, $ARGV); # figure out if this was a flags or enums enumeration if (!defined $flags) { $flags = $seenbitshift; } # Autogenerate a prefix if (!defined $enum_prefix) { for (@entries) { my $nick = $_->[2]; if (!defined $nick) { my $name = $_->[0]; if (defined $enum_prefix) { my $tmp = ~ ($name ^ $enum_prefix); ($tmp) = $tmp =~ /(^\xff*)/; $enum_prefix = $enum_prefix & $tmp; } else { $enum_prefix = $name; } } } if (!defined $enum_prefix) { $enum_prefix = ""; } else { # Trim so that it ends in an underscore $enum_prefix =~ s/_[^_]*$/_/; } } else { # canonicalize user defined prefixes $enum_prefix = uc($enum_prefix); $enum_prefix =~ s/-/_/g; $enum_prefix =~ s/(.*)([^_])$/$1$2_/; } for $entry (@entries) { my ($name,$num,$nick) = @{$entry}; if (!defined $nick) { ($nick = $name) =~ s/^$enum_prefix//; $nick =~ tr/_/-/; $nick = lc($nick); @{$entry} = ($name, $num, $nick); } } # Spit out the output if (defined $option_underscore_name) { $enumlong = uc $option_underscore_name; $enumsym = lc $option_underscore_name; $enumshort = $enumlong; $enumshort =~ s/^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*_//; $enumname_prefix = $enumlong; $enumname_prefix =~ s/_$enumshort$//; } elsif (!$symprefix && !$idprefix) { # enumname is e.g. GMatchType $enspace = $enumname; $enspace =~ s/^([A-Z][a-z]*).*$/$1/; $enumshort = $enumname; $enumshort =~ s/^[A-Z][a-z]*//; $enumshort =~ s/([^A-Z])([A-Z])/$1_$2/g; $enumshort =~ s/([A-Z][A-Z])([A-Z][0-9a-z])/$1_$2/g; $enumshort = uc($enumshort); $enumname_prefix = $enumname; $enumname_prefix =~ s/^([A-Z][a-z]*).*$/$1/; $enumname_prefix = uc($enumname_prefix); $enumlong = uc($enspace) . "_" . $enumshort; $enumsym = lc($enspace) . "_" . lc($enumshort); if (defined($option_lowercase_name)) { $enumsym = $option_lowercase_name; } } else { $enumshort = $enumname; if ($idprefix) { $enumshort =~ s/^${idprefix}//; } else { $enumshort =~ s/^[A-Z][a-z]*//; } $enumshort =~ s/([^A-Z])([A-Z])/$1_$2/g; $enumshort =~ s/([A-Z][A-Z])([A-Z][0-9a-z])/$1_$2/g; $enumshort = uc($enumshort); $enumname_prefix = $symprefix && uc($symprefix) || uc($idprefix); $enumlong = $enumname_prefix . "_" . $enumshort; $enumsym = lc($enumlong); } if ($firstenum) { $firstenum = 0; if (length($fprod)) { my $prod = $fprod; my $base = basename ($ARGV); $prod =~ s/\@filename\@/$ARGV/g; $prod =~ s/\@basename\@/$base/g; $prod =~ s/\\a/\a/g; $prod =~ s/\\b/\b/g; $prod =~ s/\\t/\t/g; $prod =~ s/\\n/\n/g; $prod =~ s/\\f/\f/g; $prod =~ s/\\r/\r/g; chomp ($prod); print "$prod\n"; } } if (length($eprod)) { my $prod = $eprod; $prod =~ s/\@enum_name\@/$enumsym/g; $prod =~ s/\@EnumName\@/$enumname/g; $prod =~ s/\@ENUMSHORT\@/$enumshort/g; $prod =~ s/\@ENUMNAME\@/$enumlong/g; $prod =~ s/\@ENUMPREFIX\@/$enumname_prefix/g; if ($flags) { $prod =~ s/\@type\@/flags/g; } else { $prod =~ s/\@type\@/enum/g; } if ($flags) { $prod =~ s/\@Type\@/Flags/g; } else { $prod =~ s/\@Type\@/Enum/g; } if ($flags) { $prod =~ s/\@TYPE\@/FLAGS/g; } else { $prod =~ s/\@TYPE\@/ENUM/g; } $prod =~ s/\\a/\a/g; $prod =~ s/\\b/\b/g; $prod =~ s/\\t/\t/g; $prod =~ s/\\n/\n/g; $prod =~ s/\\f/\f/g; $prod =~ s/\\r/\r/g; chomp ($prod); print "$prod\n"; } if (length($vhead)) { my $prod = $vhead; $prod =~ s/\@enum_name\@/$enumsym/g; $prod =~ s/\@EnumName\@/$enumname/g; $prod =~ s/\@ENUMSHORT\@/$enumshort/g; $prod =~ s/\@ENUMNAME\@/$enumlong/g; $prod =~ s/\@ENUMPREFIX\@/$enumname_prefix/g; if ($flags) { $prod =~ s/\@type\@/flags/g; } else { $prod =~ s/\@type\@/enum/g; } if ($flags) { $prod =~ s/\@Type\@/Flags/g; } else { $prod =~ s/\@Type\@/Enum/g; } if ($flags) { $prod =~ s/\@TYPE\@/FLAGS/g; } else { $prod =~ s/\@TYPE\@/ENUM/g; } $prod =~ s/\\a/\a/g; $prod =~ s/\\b/\b/g; $prod =~ s/\\t/\t/g; $prod =~ s/\\n/\n/g; $prod =~ s/\\f/\f/g; $prod =~ s/\\r/\r/g; chomp ($prod); print "$prod\n"; } if (length($vprod)) { my $prod = $vprod; my $next_num = 0; $prod =~ s/\\a/\a/g; $prod =~ s/\\b/\b/g; $prod =~ s/\\t/\t/g; $prod =~ s/\\n/\n/g; $prod =~ s/\\f/\f/g; $prod =~ s/\\r/\r/g; for (@entries) { my ($name,$num,$nick) = @{$_}; my $tmp_prod = $prod; if ($prod =~ /\@valuenum\@/) { # only attempt to eval the value if it is requested # this prevents us from throwing errors otherwise if (defined $num) { # use sandboxed perl evaluation as a reasonable # approximation to C constant folding $num = $sandbox->reval ($num); # make sure it parsed to an integer if (!defined $num or $num !~ /^-?\d+$/) { die "Unable to parse enum value '$num'"; } } else { $num = $next_num; } $tmp_prod =~ s/\@valuenum\@/$num/g; $next_num = $num + 1; } $tmp_prod =~ s/\@VALUENAME\@/$name/g; $tmp_prod =~ s/\@valuenick\@/$nick/g; if ($flags) { $tmp_prod =~ s/\@type\@/flags/g; } else { $tmp_prod =~ s/\@type\@/enum/g; } if ($flags) { $tmp_prod =~ s/\@Type\@/Flags/g; } else { $tmp_prod =~ s/\@Type\@/Enum/g; } if ($flags) { $tmp_prod =~ s/\@TYPE\@/FLAGS/g; } else { $tmp_prod =~ s/\@TYPE\@/ENUM/g; } chomp ($tmp_prod); print "$tmp_prod\n"; } } if (length($vtail)) { my $prod = $vtail; $prod =~ s/\@enum_name\@/$enumsym/g; $prod =~ s/\@EnumName\@/$enumname/g; $prod =~ s/\@ENUMSHORT\@/$enumshort/g; $prod =~ s/\@ENUMNAME\@/$enumlong/g; $prod =~ s/\@ENUMPREFIX\@/$enumname_prefix/g; if ($flags) { $prod =~ s/\@type\@/flags/g; } else { $prod =~ s/\@type\@/enum/g; } if ($flags) { $prod =~ s/\@Type\@/Flags/g; } else { $prod =~ s/\@Type\@/Enum/g; } if ($flags) { $prod =~ s/\@TYPE\@/FLAGS/g; } else { $prod =~ s/\@TYPE\@/ENUM/g; } $prod =~ s/\\a/\a/g; $prod =~ s/\\b/\b/g; $prod =~ s/\\t/\t/g; $prod =~ s/\\n/\n/g; $prod =~ s/\\f/\f/g; $prod =~ s/\\r/\r/g; chomp ($prod); print "$prod\n"; } } } if (length($ftail)) { my $prod = $ftail; my $base = basename ($ARGV); $prod =~ s/\@filename\@/$ARGV/g; $prod =~ s/\@basename\@/$base/g; $prod =~ s/\\a/\a/g; $prod =~ s/\\b/\b/g; $prod =~ s/\\t/\t/g; $prod =~ s/\\n/\n/g; $prod =~ s/\\f/\f/g; $prod =~ s/\\r/\r/g; chomp ($prod); print "$prod\n"; } # put auto-generation comment { my $comment = $comment_tmpl; $comment =~ s/\@comment\@/Generated data ends here/; print "\n" . $comment . "\n\n"; }