# ========================================================================== # imViewer-Simple.py # # An example program that opens uncompressed DICOM images and # converts them via numPy and PIL to be viewed in wxWidgets GUI # apps. The conversion is currently: # # pydicom->NumPy->PIL->wxPython.Image->wxPython.Bitmap # # Gruesome but it mostly works. Surely there is at least one # of these steps that could be eliminated (probably PIL) but # haven't tried that yet and I may want some of the PIL manipulation # functions. # # This won't handle RLE, embedded JPEG-Lossy, JPEG-lossless, # JPEG2000, old ACR/NEMA files, or anything wierd. Also doesn't # handle some RGB images that I tried. # # Have added Adit Panchal's LUT code. It helps a lot, but needs # to be further generalized. Added test for window and/or level # as 'list' type - crude, but it worked for a bunch of old MR and # CT slices I have. # # Testing: minimal # Tried only on WinXP sp2 using numpy 1.3.0 # and PIL 1.1.7b1, Python 2.6.4, and wxPython # # Dave Witten: Nov. 11, 2009 # ========================================================================== import dicom import wx have_PIL = True try: import PIL.Image except: have_PIL = False have_numpy = True try: import numpy as np except: have_numpy = False # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize image capabilities. # ---------------------------------------------------------------- wx.InitAllImageHandlers() def MsgDlg(window, string, caption='OFAImage', style=wx.YES_NO | wx.CANCEL): """Common MessageDialog.""" dlg = wx.MessageDialog(window, string, caption, style) result = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return result class ImFrame(wx.Frame): """Class for main window.""" def __init__(self, parent, title): """Create the pydicom image example's main frame window.""" wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id=-1, title="", pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.Size(w=1024, h=768), style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE | wx.SUNKEN_BORDER | wx.CLIP_CHILDREN) # -------------------------------------------------------- # Set up the menubar. # -------------------------------------------------------- self.mainmenu = wx.MenuBar() # Make the 'File' menu. menu = wx.Menu() item = menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, '&Open', 'Open file for editing') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnFileOpen, item) item = menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'E&xit', 'Exit Program') self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnFileExit, item) self.mainmenu.Append(menu, '&File') # Attach the menu bar to the window. self.SetMenuBar(self.mainmenu) # -------------------------------------------------------- # Set up the main splitter window. # -------------------------------------------------------- self.mainSplitter = wx.SplitterWindow(self, style=wx.NO_3D | wx.SP_3D) self.mainSplitter.SetMinimumPaneSize(1) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Create the folderTreeView on the left. # ------------------------------------------------------------- self.dsTreeView = wx.TreeCtrl(self.mainSplitter, style=wx.TR_LINES_AT_ROOT | wx.TR_HAS_BUTTONS) # -------------------------------------------------------- # Create the ImageView on the right pane. # -------------------------------------------------------- self.imView = wx.Panel(self.mainSplitter, style=wx.VSCROLL | wx.HSCROLL | wx.CLIP_CHILDREN) self.imView.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) self.imView.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnEraseBackground) self.imView.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize) # -------------------------------------------------------- # Install the splitter panes. # -------------------------------------------------------- self.mainSplitter.SplitVertically(self.dsTreeView, self.imView) self.mainSplitter.SetSashPosition(300, True) # -------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize some values # -------------------------------------------------------- self.dcmdsRoot = False self.foldersRoot = False self.loadCentered = True self.bitmap = None self.Show(True) def OnFileExit(self, event): """Exits the program.""" self.Destroy() event.Skip() def OnSize(self, event): "Window 'size' event." self.Refresh() def OnEraseBackground(self, event): "Window 'erase background' event." pass def populateTree(self, ds): """ Populate the tree in the left window with the [desired] dataset values""" if not self.dcmdsRoot: self.dcmdsRoot = self.dsTreeView.AddRoot(text="DICOM Objects") else: self.dsTreeView.DeleteChildren(self.dcmdsRoot) self.recurse_tree(ds, self.dcmdsRoot) self.dsTreeView.ExpandAll() def recurse_tree(self, ds, parent, hide=False): """ order the dicom tags """ for data_element in ds: if isinstance(data_element.value, unicode): ip = self.dsTreeView.AppendItem(parent, text=unicode(data_element)) else: ip = self.dsTreeView.AppendItem(parent, text=str(data_element)) if data_element.VR == "SQ": for i, ds in enumerate(data_element.value): sq_item_description = data_element.name.replace(" Sequence", "") item_text = "%s %d" % (sq_item_description, i + 1) parentNodeID = self.dsTreeView.AppendItem(ip, text=item_text.rjust(128)) self.recurse_tree(ds, parentNodeID) # --- Most of what is important happens below this line --------------------- def OnFileOpen(self, event): """Opens a selected file.""" dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, 'Choose a file to add.', '', '', '*.*', wx.OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: fullPath = dlg.GetPath() imageFile = dlg.GetFilename() # checkDICMHeader() self.show_file(imageFile, fullPath) def OnPaint(self, event): "Window 'paint' event." dc = wx.PaintDC(self.imView) dc = wx.BufferedDC(dc) # paint a background just so it isn't *so* boring. dc.SetBackground(wx.Brush("WHITE")) dc.Clear() dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush("GREY", wx.CROSSDIAG_HATCH)) windowsize = self.imView.GetSizeTuple() dc.DrawRectangle(0, 0, windowsize[0], windowsize[1]) bmpX0 = 0 bmpY0 = 0 if self.bitmap is not None: if self.loadCentered: bmpX0 = (windowsize[0] - self.bitmap.Width) / 2 bmpY0 = (windowsize[1] - self.bitmap.Height) / 2 dc.DrawBitmap(self.bitmap, bmpX0, bmpY0, False) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # ImFrame.ConvertWXToPIL() # Expropriated from Andrea Gavana's # ShapedButton.py in the wxPython dist # ------------------------------------------------------------ def ConvertWXToPIL(self, bmp): """ Convert wx.Image Into PIL Image. """ width = bmp.GetWidth() height = bmp.GetHeight() im = wx.EmptyImage(width, height) im.fromarray("RGBA", (width, height), bmp.GetData()) return im # ------------------------------------------------------------ # ImFrame.ConvertPILToWX() # Expropriated from Andrea Gavana's # ShapedButton.py in the wxPython dist # ------------------------------------------------------------ def ConvertPILToWX(self, pil, alpha=True): """ Convert PIL Image Into wx.Image. """ if alpha: image = apply(wx.EmptyImage, pil.size) image.SetData(pil.convert("RGB").tostring()) image.SetAlphaData(pil.convert("RGBA").tostring()[3::4]) else: image = wx.EmptyImage(pil.size[0], pil.size[1]) new_image = pil.convert('RGB') data = new_image.tostring() image.SetData(data) return image def get_LUT_value(self, data, window, level): """Apply the RGB Look-Up Table for the given data and window/level value.""" if not have_numpy: raise ImportError("Numpy is not available. See http://numpy.scipy.org/ to download and install") if isinstance(window, list): window = window[0] if isinstance(level, list): level = level[0] return np.piecewise(data, [data <= (level - 0.5 - (window - 1) / 2), data > (level - 0.5 + (window - 1) / 2)], [0, 255, lambda data: ((data - (level - 0.5)) / (window - 1) + 0.5) * (255 - 0)] ) # ----------------------------------------------------------- # ImFrame.loadPIL_LUT(dataset) # Display an image using the Python Imaging Library (PIL) # ----------------------------------------------------------- def loadPIL_LUT(self, dataset): if not have_PIL: raise ImportError("Python Imaging Library is not available. See http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/ to download and install") if('PixelData' not in dataset): raise TypeError("Cannot show image -- DICOM dataset does not have pixel data") if('WindowWidth' not in dataset) or ('WindowCenter' not in dataset): # can only apply LUT if these values exist bits = dataset.BitsAllocated samples = dataset.SamplesPerPixel if bits == 8 and samples == 1: mode = "L" elif bits == 8 and samples == 3: mode = "RGB" elif bits == 16: # not sure about this -- PIL source says is 'experimental' and no documentation. mode = "I;16" # Also, should bytes swap depending on endian of file and system?? else: raise TypeError("Don't know PIL mode for %d BitsAllocated and %d SamplesPerPixel" % (bits, samples)) size = (dataset.Columns, dataset.Rows) im = PIL.Image.frombuffer(mode, size, dataset.PixelData, "raw", mode, 0, 1) # Recommended to specify all details by http://www.pythonware.com/library/pil/handbook/image.htm else: image = self.get_LUT_value(dataset.pixel_array, dataset.WindowWidth, dataset.WindowCenter) im = PIL.Image.fromarray(image).convert('L') # Convert mode to L since LUT has only 256 values: http://www.pythonware.com/library/pil/handbook/image.htm return im def show_file(self, imageFile, fullPath): """ Load the DICOM file, make sure it contains at least one image, and set it up for display by OnPaint(). ** be careful not to pass a unicode string to read_file or it will give you 'fp object does not have a defer_size attribute, or some such.""" ds = dicom.read_file(str(fullPath)) ds.decode() # change strings to unicode self.populateTree(ds) if 'PixelData' in ds: self.dImage = self.loadPIL_LUT(ds) if self.dImage is not None: tmpImage = self.ConvertPILToWX(self.dImage, False) self.bitmap = wx.BitmapFromImage(tmpImage) self.Refresh() # ------ This is just the initialization of the App ------------------------- # ======================================================= # The main App Class. # ======================================================= class App(wx.App): """Image Application.""" def OnInit(self): """Create the Image Application.""" ImFrame(None, 'wxImage Example') return True # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # If this file is running as main or a standalone test, begin execution here. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': app = App(0) app.MainLoop()