# test_filereader.py """unittest tests for dicom.filereader module""" # Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Darcy Mason # This file is part of pydicom, released under a modified MIT license. # See the file license.txt included with this distribution, also # available at http://pydicom.googlecode.com import sys import os import os.path import unittest from io import BytesIO import shutil # os.stat is only available on Unix and Windows XXX Mac? # Not sure if on other platforms the import fails, or the call to it?? stat_available = True try: from os import stat # NOQA except: stat_available = False have_numpy = True try: import numpy # NOQA except: have_numpy = False from dicom.filereader import read_file from dicom.errors import InvalidDicomError from dicom.tag import Tag, TupleTag import dicom.valuerep import gzip from dicom.test.warncheck import assertWarns from pkg_resources import Requirement, resource_filename test_dir = resource_filename(Requirement.parse("pydicom"), "dicom/testfiles") rtplan_name = os.path.join(test_dir, "rtplan.dcm") rtdose_name = os.path.join(test_dir, "rtdose.dcm") ct_name = os.path.join(test_dir, "CT_small.dcm") mr_name = os.path.join(test_dir, "MR_small.dcm") jpeg2000_name = os.path.join(test_dir, "JPEG2000.dcm") jpeg_lossy_name = os.path.join(test_dir, "JPEG-lossy.dcm") jpeg_lossless_name = os.path.join(test_dir, "JPEG-LL.dcm") deflate_name = os.path.join(test_dir, "image_dfl.dcm") rtstruct_name = os.path.join(test_dir, "rtstruct.dcm") priv_SQ_name = os.path.join(test_dir, "priv_SQ.dcm") nested_priv_SQ_name = os.path.join(test_dir, "nested_priv_SQ.dcm") no_meta_group_length = os.path.join(test_dir, "no_meta_group_length.dcm") gzip_name = os.path.join(test_dir, "zipMR.gz") dir_name = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) save_dir = os.getcwd() def isClose(a, b, epsilon=0.000001): """Compare within some tolerance, to avoid machine roundoff differences""" try: a.append # see if is a list except: # (is not) return abs(a - b) < epsilon else: if len(a) != len(b): return False for ai, bi in zip(a, b): if abs(ai - bi) > epsilon: return False return True class ReaderTests(unittest.TestCase): def testRTPlan(self): """Returns correct values for sample data elements in test RT Plan file""" plan = read_file(rtplan_name) beam = plan.BeamSequence[0] cp0, cp1 = beam.ControlPointSequence # if not two controlpoints, then this would raise exception self.assertEqual(beam.TreatmentMachineName, "unit001", "Incorrect unit name") self.assertEqual(beam.TreatmentMachineName, beam[0x300a, 0x00b2].value, "beam TreatmentMachineName does not match the value accessed by tag number") got = cp1.ReferencedDoseReferenceSequence[0].CumulativeDoseReferenceCoefficient DS = dicom.valuerep.DS expected = DS('0.9990268') self.assertTrue(got == expected, "Cum Dose Ref Coeff not the expected value (CP1, Ref'd Dose Ref") got = cp0.BeamLimitingDevicePositionSequence[0].LeafJawPositions self.assertTrue(got[0] == DS('-100') and got[1] == DS('100.0'), "X jaws not as expected (control point 0)") def testRTDose(self): """Returns correct values for sample data elements in test RT Dose file""" dose = read_file(rtdose_name) self.assertEqual(dose.FrameIncrementPointer, Tag((0x3004, 0x000c)), "Frame Increment Pointer not the expected value") self.assertEqual(dose.FrameIncrementPointer, dose[0x28, 9].value, "FrameIncrementPointer does not match the value accessed by tag number") # try a value that is nested the deepest (so deep I break it into two steps!) fract = dose.ReferencedRTPlanSequence[0].ReferencedFractionGroupSequence[0] beamnum = fract.ReferencedBeamSequence[0].ReferencedBeamNumber self.assertEqual(beamnum, 1, "Beam number not the expected value") def testCT(self): """Returns correct values for sample data elements in test CT file....""" ct = read_file(ct_name) self.assertEqual(ct.file_meta.ImplementationClassUID, '', "ImplementationClassUID not the expected value") self.assertEqual(ct.file_meta.ImplementationClassUID, ct.file_meta[0x2, 0x12].value, "ImplementationClassUID does not match the value accessed by tag number") # (0020, 0032) Image Position (Patient) [-158.13580300000001, -179.035797, -75.699996999999996] got = ct.ImagePositionPatient DS = dicom.valuerep.DS expected = [DS('-158.135803'), DS('-179.035797'), DS('-75.699997')] self.assertTrue(got == expected, "ImagePosition(Patient) values not as expected." "got {0}, expected {1}".format(got, expected)) self.assertEqual(ct.Rows, 128, "Rows not 128") self.assertEqual(ct.Columns, 128, "Columns not 128") self.assertEqual(ct.BitsStored, 16, "Bits Stored not 16") self.assertEqual(len(ct.PixelData), 128 * 128 * 2, "Pixel data not expected length") # Also test private elements name can be resolved: expected = "[Duration of X-ray on]" got = ct[(0x0043, 0x104e)].name msg = "Mismatch in private tag name, expected '%s', got '%s'" self.assertEqual(expected, got, msg % (expected, got)) # Check that can read pixels - get last one in array if have_numpy: expected = 909 got = ct.pixel_array[-1][-1] msg = "Did not get correct value for last pixel: expected %d, got %r" % (expected, got) self.assertEqual(expected, got, msg) else: print "**Numpy not available -- pixel array test skipped**" def testNoForce(self): """Raises exception if missing DICOM header and force==False...........""" self.assertRaises(InvalidDicomError, read_file, rtstruct_name) def testRTstruct(self): """Returns correct values for sample elements in test RTSTRUCT file....""" # RTSTRUCT test file has complex nested sequences -- see rtstruct.dump file # Also has no DICOM header ... so tests 'force' argument of read_file rtss = read_file(rtstruct_name, force=True) expected = '1.2.840.10008.1.2' # implVR little endian got = rtss.file_meta.TransferSyntaxUID msg = "Expected transfer syntax %r, got %r" % (expected, got) self.assertEqual(expected, got, msg) frame_of_ref = rtss.ReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequence[0] study = frame_of_ref.RTReferencedStudySequence[0] uid = study.RTReferencedSeriesSequence[0].SeriesInstanceUID expected = "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.498.2010020400001.2.1.1" msg = "Expected Reference Series UID '%s', got '%s'" % (expected, uid) self.assertEqual(expected, uid, msg) got = rtss.ROIContourSequence[0].ContourSequence[2].ContourNumber expected = 3 msg = "Expected Contour Number %d, got %r" % (expected, got) self.assertEqual(expected, got, msg) obs_seq0 = rtss.RTROIObservationsSequence[0] got = obs_seq0.ROIPhysicalPropertiesSequence[0].ROIPhysicalProperty expected = 'REL_ELEC_DENSITY' msg = "Expected Physical Property '%s', got %r" % (expected, got) self.assertEqual(expected, got, msg) def testDir(self): """Returns correct dir attributes for both Dataset and DICOM names (python >= 2.6)..""" # Only python >= 2.6 calls __dir__ for dir() call rtss = read_file(rtstruct_name, force=True) # sample some expected 'dir' values got_dir = dir(rtss) expect_in_dir = ['pixel_array', 'add_new', 'ROIContourSequence', 'StructureSetDate', '__sizeof__'] expect_not_in_dir = ['RemovePrivateTags', 'AddNew', 'GroupDataset'] # remove in v1.0 for name in expect_in_dir: self.assertTrue(name in got_dir, "Expected name '%s' in dir()" % name) for name in expect_not_in_dir: self.assertTrue(name not in got_dir, "Unexpected name '%s' in dir()" % name) # Now check for some items in dir() of a nested item roi0 = rtss.ROIContourSequence[0] got_dir = dir(roi0) expect_in_dir = ['pixel_array', 'add_new', 'ReferencedROINumber', 'ROIDisplayColor', '__sizeof__'] for name in expect_in_dir: self.assertTrue(name in got_dir, "Expected name '%s' in dir()" % name) def testMR(self): """Returns correct values for sample data elements in test MR file.....""" mr = read_file(mr_name) # (0010, 0010) Patient's Name 'CompressedSamples^MR1' mr.decode() self.assertEqual(mr.PatientName, 'CompressedSamples^MR1', "Wrong patient name") self.assertEqual(mr.PatientName, mr[0x10, 0x10].value, "Name does not match value found when accessed by tag number") got = mr.PixelSpacing DS = dicom.valuerep.DS expected = [DS('0.3125'), DS('0.3125')] self.assertTrue(got == expected, "Wrong pixel spacing") def testDeflate(self): """Returns correct values for sample data elements in test compressed (zlib deflate) file""" # Everything after group 2 is compressed. If we can read anything else, the decompression must have been ok. ds = read_file(deflate_name) got = ds.ConversionType expected = "WSD" self.assertEqual(got, expected, "Attempted to read deflated file data element Conversion Type, expected '%s', got '%s'" % (expected, got)) def testNoPixelsRead(self): """Returns all data elements before pixels using stop_before_pixels=False""" # Just check the tags, and a couple of values ctpartial = read_file(ct_name, stop_before_pixels=True) ctpartial_tags = sorted(ctpartial.keys()) ctfull = read_file(ct_name) ctfull_tags = sorted(ctfull.keys()) msg = "Tag list of partial CT read (except pixel tag and padding) did not match full read" msg += "\nExpected: %r\nGot %r" % (ctfull_tags[:-2], ctpartial_tags) missing = [Tag(0x7fe0, 0x10), Tag(0xfffc, 0xfffc)] self.assertEqual(ctfull_tags, ctpartial_tags + missing, msg) def testPrivateSQ(self): """Can read private undefined length SQ without error....................""" # From issues 91, 97, 98. Bug introduced by fast reading, due to VR=None # in raw data elements, then an undefined length private item VR is looked up, # and there is no such tag, generating an exception # Simply read the file, in 0.9.5 this generated an exception read_file(priv_SQ_name) def testNestedPrivateSQ(self): """Can successfully read a private SQ which contains additional SQ's.....""" # From issue 113. When a private SQ of undefined length is used, the # sequence is read in and the length of the SQ is determined upon # identification of the SQ termination sequence. When using nested # Sequences, the first termination sequence encountered actually # belongs to the nested Sequence not the parent, therefore the # remainder of the file is not read in properly ds = read_file(nested_priv_SQ_name) # Make sure that the entire dataset was read in pixel_data_tag = TupleTag((0x7fe0, 0x10)) self.assertTrue(pixel_data_tag in ds, "Entire dataset was not parsed properly. PixelData is not present") # Check that the DataElement is indeed a Sequence tag = TupleTag((0x01, 0x01)) seq0 = ds[tag] self.assertEqual(seq0.VR, 'SQ', "First level sequence not parsed properly") # Now verify the presence of the nested private SQ seq1 = seq0[0][tag] self.assertEqual(seq1.VR, 'SQ', "Second level sequence not parsed properly") # Now make sure the values that are parsed are correct got = seq1[0][tag].value expected = b'Double Nested SQ' self.assertEqual(got, expected, "Expected a value of %s, got %s'" % (expected, got)) got = seq0[0][0x01, 0x02].value expected = b'Nested SQ' self.assertEqual(got, expected, "Expected a value of %s, got %s'" % (expected, got)) def testNoMetaGroupLength(self): """Read file with no group length in file meta...........................""" # Issue 108 -- iView example file with no group length (0002,0002) # Originally crashed, now check no exception, but also check one item # in file_meta, and second one in followinsg dataset ds = read_file(no_meta_group_length) got = ds.InstanceCreationDate expected = "20111130" self.assertEqual(got, expected, "Sample data element after file meta with no group length failed, expected '%s', got '%s'" % (expected, got)) class JPEG2000Tests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.jpeg = read_file(jpeg2000_name) def testJPEG2000(self): """JPEG2000: Returns correct values for sample data elements............""" expected = [Tag(0x0054, 0x0010), Tag(0x0054, 0x0020)] # XX also tests multiple-valued AT data element got = self.jpeg.FrameIncrementPointer self.assertEqual(got, expected, "JPEG2000 file, Frame Increment Pointer: expected %s, got %s" % (expected, got)) got = self.jpeg.DerivationCodeSequence[0].CodeMeaning expected = 'Lossy Compression' self.assertEqual(got, expected, "JPEG200 file, Code Meaning got %s, expected %s" % (got, expected)) def testJPEG2000PixelArray(self): """JPEG2000: Fails gracefully when uncompressed data is asked for.......""" self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, self.jpeg._get_pixel_array) class JPEGlossyTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.jpeg = read_file(jpeg_lossy_name) def testJPEGlossy(self): """JPEG-lossy: Returns correct values for sample data elements..........""" got = self.jpeg.DerivationCodeSequence[0].CodeMeaning expected = 'Lossy Compression' self.assertEqual(got, expected, "JPEG-lossy file, Code Meaning got %s, expected %s" % (got, expected)) def testJPEGlossyPixelArray(self): """JPEG-lossy: Fails gracefully when uncompressed data is asked for.....""" self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, self.jpeg._get_pixel_array) class JPEGlosslessTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.jpeg = read_file(jpeg_lossless_name) def testJPEGlossless(self): """JPEGlossless: Returns correct values for sample data elements........""" got = self.jpeg.SourceImageSequence[0].PurposeOfReferenceCodeSequence[0].CodeMeaning expected = 'Uncompressed predecessor' self.assertEqual(got, expected, "JPEG-lossless file, Code Meaning got %s, expected %s" % (got, expected)) def testJPEGlosslessPixelArray(self): """JPEGlossless: Fails gracefully when uncompressed data is asked for...""" self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, self.jpeg._get_pixel_array) # create an in-memory fragment class DeferredReadTests(unittest.TestCase): """Test that deferred data element reading (for large size) works as expected """ # Copy one of test files and use temporarily, then later remove. def setUp(self): self.testfile_name = ct_name + ".tmp" shutil.copyfile(ct_name, self.testfile_name) def testTimeCheck(self): """Deferred read warns if file has been modified...........""" if stat_available: ds = read_file(self.testfile_name, defer_size=2000) from time import sleep sleep(1) with open(self.testfile_name, "r+") as f: f.write('\0') # "touch" the file warning_start = "Deferred read warning -- file modification time " def read_value(): ds.PixelData assertWarns(self, warning_start, read_value) def testFileExists(self): """Deferred read raises error if file no longer exists.....""" ds = read_file(self.testfile_name, defer_size=2000) os.remove(self.testfile_name) def read_value(): ds.PixelData self.assertRaises(IOError, read_value) def testValuesIdentical(self): """Deferred values exactly matches normal read...............""" ds_norm = read_file(self.testfile_name) ds_defer = read_file(self.testfile_name, defer_size=2000) for data_elem in ds_norm: tag = data_elem.tag self.assertEqual(data_elem.value, ds_defer[tag].value, "Mismatched value for tag %r" % tag) def testZippedDeferred(self): """Deferred values from a gzipped file works..............""" # Arose from issue 103 "Error for defer_size read of gzip file object" fobj = gzip.open(gzip_name) ds = read_file(fobj, defer_size=1) fobj.close() # before the fix, this threw an error as file reading was not in right place, # it was re-opened as a normal file, not zip file ds.InstanceNumber def tearDown(self): if os.path.exists(self.testfile_name): os.remove(self.testfile_name) class FileLikeTests(unittest.TestCase): """Test that can read DICOM files with file-like object rather than filename""" def testReadFileGivenFileObject(self): """filereader: can read using already opened file............""" f = open(ct_name, 'rb') ct = read_file(f) # Tests here simply repeat testCT -- perhaps should collapse the code together? got = ct.ImagePositionPatient DS = dicom.valuerep.DS expected = [DS('-158.135803'), DS('-179.035797'), DS('-75.699997')] self.assertTrue(got == expected, "ImagePosition(Patient) values not as expected") self.assertEqual(ct.file_meta.ImplementationClassUID, '', "ImplementationClassUID not the expected value") self.assertEqual(ct.file_meta.ImplementationClassUID, ct.file_meta[0x2, 0x12].value, "ImplementationClassUID does not match the value accessed by tag number") # (0020, 0032) Image Position (Patient) [-158.13580300000001, -179.035797, -75.699996999999996] got = ct.ImagePositionPatient expected = [DS('-158.135803'), DS('-179.035797'), DS('-75.699997')] self.assertTrue(got == expected, "ImagePosition(Patient) values not as expected") self.assertEqual(ct.Rows, 128, "Rows not 128") self.assertEqual(ct.Columns, 128, "Columns not 128") self.assertEqual(ct.BitsStored, 16, "Bits Stored not 16") self.assertEqual(len(ct.PixelData), 128 * 128 * 2, "Pixel data not expected length") # Should also be able to close the file ourselves without exception raised: f.close() def testReadFileGivenFileLikeObject(self): """filereader: can read using a file-like (BytesIO) file....""" with open(ct_name, 'rb') as f: file_like = BytesIO(f.read()) ct = read_file(file_like) # Tests here simply repeat some of testCT test got = ct.ImagePositionPatient DS = dicom.valuerep.DS expected = [DS('-158.135803'), DS('-179.035797'), DS('-75.699997')] self.assertTrue(got == expected, "ImagePosition(Patient) values not as expected") self.assertEqual(len(ct.PixelData), 128 * 128 * 2, "Pixel data not expected length") # Should also be able to close the file ourselves without exception raised: file_like.close() if __name__ == "__main__": # This is called if run alone, but not if loaded through run_tests.py # If not run from the directory where the sample images are, then need to switch there dir_name = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) save_dir = os.getcwd() if dir_name: os.chdir(dir_name) os.chdir("../testfiles") unittest.main() os.chdir(save_dir)