# emacs: -*- mode: python-mode; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et: ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ## # # See COPYING file distributed along with the NiBabel package for the # copyright and license terms. # ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ## ''' Module implementing Euler angle rotations and their conversions See: * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler_angles * http://mathworld.wolfram.com/EulerAngles.html See also: *Representing Attitude with Euler Angles and Quaternions: A Reference* (2006) by James Diebel. A cached PDF link last found here: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= Euler's rotation theorem tells us that any rotation in 3D can be described by 3 angles. Let's call the 3 angles the *Euler angle vector* and call the angles in the vector :math:`alpha`, :math:`beta` and :math:`gamma`. The vector is [ :math:`alpha`, :math:`beta`. :math:`gamma` ] and, in this description, the order of the parameters specifies the order in which the rotations occur (so the rotation corresponding to :math:`alpha` is applied first). In order to specify the meaning of an *Euler angle vector* we need to specify the axes around which each of the rotations corresponding to :math:`alpha`, :math:`beta` and :math:`gamma` will occur. There are therefore three axes for the rotations :math:`alpha`, :math:`beta` and :math:`gamma`; let's call them :math:`i` :math:`j`, :math:`k`. Let us express the rotation :math:`alpha` around axis `i` as a 3 by 3 rotation matrix `A`. Similarly :math:`beta` around `j` becomes 3 x 3 matrix `B` and :math:`gamma` around `k` becomes matrix `G`. Then the whole rotation expressed by the Euler angle vector [ :math:`alpha`, :math:`beta`. :math:`gamma` ], `R` is given by:: R = np.dot(G, np.dot(B, A)) See http://mathworld.wolfram.com/EulerAngles.html The order :math:`G B A` expresses the fact that the rotations are performed in the order of the vector (:math:`alpha` around axis `i` = `A` first). To convert a given Euler angle vector to a meaningful rotation, and a rotation matrix, we need to define: * the axes `i`, `j`, `k` * whether a rotation matrix should be applied on the left of a vector to be transformed (vectors are column vectors) or on the right (vectors are row vectors). * whether the rotations move the axes as they are applied (intrinsic rotations) - compared the situation where the axes stay fixed and the vectors move within the axis frame (extrinsic) * the handedness of the coordinate system See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix#Ambiguities We are using the following conventions: * axes `i`, `j`, `k` are the `z`, `y`, and `x` axes respectively. Thus an Euler angle vector [ :math:`alpha`, :math:`beta`. :math:`gamma` ] in our convention implies a :math:`alpha` radian rotation around the `z` axis, followed by a :math:`beta` rotation around the `y` axis, followed by a :math:`gamma` rotation around the `x` axis. * the rotation matrix applies on the left, to column vectors on the right, so if `R` is the rotation matrix, and `v` is a 3 x N matrix with N column vectors, the transformed vector set `vdash` is given by ``vdash = np.dot(R, v)``. * extrinsic rotations - the axes are fixed, and do not move with the rotations. * a right-handed coordinate system The convention of rotation around ``z``, followed by rotation around ``y``, followed by rotation around ``x``, is known (confusingly) as "xyz", pitch-roll-yaw, Cardan angles, or Tait-Bryan angles. ''' import math from .externals.six.moves import reduce import numpy as np _FLOAT_EPS_4 = np.finfo(float).eps * 4.0 def euler2mat(z=0, y=0, x=0): ''' Return matrix for rotations around z, y and x axes Uses the z, then y, then x convention above Parameters ---------- z : scalar Rotation angle in radians around z-axis (performed first) y : scalar Rotation angle in radians around y-axis x : scalar Rotation angle in radians around x-axis (performed last) Returns ------- M : array shape (3,3) Rotation matrix giving same rotation as for given angles Examples -------- >>> zrot = 1.3 # radians >>> yrot = -0.1 >>> xrot = 0.2 >>> M = euler2mat(zrot, yrot, xrot) >>> M.shape == (3, 3) True The output rotation matrix is equal to the composition of the individual rotations >>> M1 = euler2mat(zrot) >>> M2 = euler2mat(0, yrot) >>> M3 = euler2mat(0, 0, xrot) >>> composed_M = np.dot(M3, np.dot(M2, M1)) >>> np.allclose(M, composed_M) True You can specify rotations by named arguments >>> np.all(M3 == euler2mat(x=xrot)) True When applying M to a vector, the vector should column vector to the right of M. If the right hand side is a 2D array rather than a vector, then each column of the 2D array represents a vector. >>> vec = np.array([1, 0, 0]).reshape((3,1)) >>> v2 = np.dot(M, vec) >>> vecs = np.array([[1, 0, 0],[0, 1, 0]]).T # giving 3x2 array >>> vecs2 = np.dot(M, vecs) Rotations are counter-clockwise. >>> zred = np.dot(euler2mat(z=np.pi/2), np.eye(3)) >>> np.allclose(zred, [[0, -1, 0],[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) True >>> yred = np.dot(euler2mat(y=np.pi/2), np.eye(3)) >>> np.allclose(yred, [[0, 0, 1],[0, 1, 0], [-1, 0, 0]]) True >>> xred = np.dot(euler2mat(x=np.pi/2), np.eye(3)) >>> np.allclose(xred, [[1, 0, 0],[0, 0, -1], [0, 1, 0]]) True Notes ----- The direction of rotation is given by the right-hand rule (orient the thumb of the right hand along the axis around which the rotation occurs, with the end of the thumb at the positive end of the axis; curl your fingers; the direction your fingers curl is the direction of rotation). Therefore, the rotations are counterclockwise if looking along the axis of rotation from positive to negative. ''' Ms = [] if z: cosz = math.cos(z) sinz = math.sin(z) Ms.append(np.array( [[cosz, -sinz, 0], [sinz, cosz, 0], [0, 0, 1]])) if y: cosy = math.cos(y) siny = math.sin(y) Ms.append(np.array( [[cosy, 0, siny], [0, 1, 0], [-siny, 0, cosy]])) if x: cosx = math.cos(x) sinx = math.sin(x) Ms.append(np.array( [[1, 0, 0], [0, cosx, -sinx], [0, sinx, cosx]])) if Ms: return reduce(np.dot, Ms[::-1]) return np.eye(3) def mat2euler(M, cy_thresh=None): ''' Discover Euler angle vector from 3x3 matrix Uses the conventions above. Parameters ---------- M : array-like, shape (3,3) cy_thresh : None or scalar, optional threshold below which to give up on straightforward arctan for estimating x rotation. If None (default), estimate from precision of input. Returns ------- z : scalar y : scalar x : scalar Rotations in radians around z, y, x axes, respectively Notes ----- If there was no numerical error, the routine could be derived using Sympy expression for z then y then x rotation matrix, which is:: [ cos(y)*cos(z), -cos(y)*sin(z), sin(y)], [cos(x)*sin(z) + cos(z)*sin(x)*sin(y), cos(x)*cos(z) - sin(x)*sin(y)*sin(z), -cos(y)*sin(x)], [sin(x)*sin(z) - cos(x)*cos(z)*sin(y), cos(z)*sin(x) + cos(x)*sin(y)*sin(z), cos(x)*cos(y)] with the obvious derivations for z, y, and x z = atan2(-r12, r11) y = asin(r13) x = atan2(-r23, r33) Problems arise when cos(y) is close to zero, because both of:: z = atan2(cos(y)*sin(z), cos(y)*cos(z)) x = atan2(cos(y)*sin(x), cos(x)*cos(y)) will be close to atan2(0, 0), and highly unstable. The ``cy`` fix for numerical instability below is from: *Graphics Gems IV*, Paul Heckbert (editor), Academic Press, 1994, ISBN: 0123361559. Specifically it comes from EulerAngles.c by Ken Shoemake, and deals with the case where cos(y) is close to zero: See: http://www.graphicsgems.org/ The code appears to be licensed (from the website) as "can be used without restrictions". ''' M = np.asarray(M) if cy_thresh is None: try: cy_thresh = np.finfo(M.dtype).eps * 4 except ValueError: cy_thresh = _FLOAT_EPS_4 r11, r12, r13, r21, r22, r23, r31, r32, r33 = M.flat # cy: sqrt((cos(y)*cos(z))**2 + (cos(x)*cos(y))**2) cy = math.sqrt(r33*r33 + r23*r23) if cy > cy_thresh: # cos(y) not close to zero, standard form z = math.atan2(-r12, r11) # atan2(cos(y)*sin(z), cos(y)*cos(z)) y = math.atan2(r13, cy) # atan2(sin(y), cy) x = math.atan2(-r23, r33) # atan2(cos(y)*sin(x), cos(x)*cos(y)) else: # cos(y) (close to) zero, so x -> 0.0 (see above) # so r21 -> sin(z), r22 -> cos(z) and z = math.atan2(r21, r22) y = math.atan2(r13, cy) # atan2(sin(y), cy) x = 0.0 return z, y, x def euler2quat(z=0, y=0, x=0): ''' Return quaternion corresponding to these Euler angles Uses the z, then y, then x convention above Parameters ---------- z : scalar Rotation angle in radians around z-axis (performed first) y : scalar Rotation angle in radians around y-axis x : scalar Rotation angle in radians around x-axis (performed last) Returns ------- quat : array shape (4,) Quaternion in w, x, y z (real, then vector) format Notes ----- We can derive this formula in Sympy using: 1. Formula giving quaternion corresponding to rotation of theta radians about arbitrary axis: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/EulerParameters.html 2. Generated formulae from 1.) for quaternions corresponding to theta radians rotations about ``x, y, z`` axes 3. Apply quaternion multiplication formula - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quaternions#Hamilton_product - to formulae from 2.) to give formula for combined rotations. ''' z = z/2.0 y = y/2.0 x = x/2.0 cz = math.cos(z) sz = math.sin(z) cy = math.cos(y) sy = math.sin(y) cx = math.cos(x) sx = math.sin(x) return np.array([ cx*cy*cz - sx*sy*sz, cx*sy*sz + cy*cz*sx, cx*cz*sy - sx*cy*sz, cx*cy*sz + sx*cz*sy]) def quat2euler(q): ''' Return Euler angles corresponding to quaternion `q` Parameters ---------- q : 4 element sequence w, x, y, z of quaternion Returns ------- z : scalar Rotation angle in radians around z-axis (performed first) y : scalar Rotation angle in radians around y-axis x : scalar Rotation angle in radians around x-axis (performed last) Notes ----- It's possible to reduce the amount of calculation a little, by combining parts of the ``quat2mat`` and ``mat2euler`` functions, but the reduction in computation is small, and the code repetition is large. ''' # delayed import to avoid cyclic dependencies from . import quaternions as nq return mat2euler(nq.quat2mat(q)) def euler2angle_axis(z=0, y=0, x=0): ''' Return angle, axis corresponding to these Euler angles Uses the z, then y, then x convention above Parameters ---------- z : scalar Rotation angle in radians around z-axis (performed first) y : scalar Rotation angle in radians around y-axis x : scalar Rotation angle in radians around x-axis (performed last) Returns ------- theta : scalar angle of rotation vector : array shape (3,) axis around which rotation occurs Examples -------- >>> theta, vec = euler2angle_axis(0, 1.5, 0) >>> print(theta) 1.5 >>> np.allclose(vec, [0, 1, 0]) True ''' # delayed import to avoid cyclic dependencies from . import quaternions as nq return nq.quat2angle_axis(euler2quat(z, y, x)) def angle_axis2euler(theta, vector, is_normalized=False): ''' Convert angle, axis pair to Euler angles Parameters ---------- theta : scalar angle of rotation vector : 3 element sequence vector specifying axis for rotation. is_normalized : bool, optional True if vector is already normalized (has norm of 1). Default False Returns ------- z : scalar y : scalar x : scalar Rotations in radians around z, y, x axes, respectively Examples -------- >>> z, y, x = angle_axis2euler(0, [1, 0, 0]) >>> np.allclose((z, y, x), 0) True Notes ----- It's possible to reduce the amount of calculation a little, by combining parts of the ``angle_axis2mat`` and ``mat2euler`` functions, but the reduction in computation is small, and the code repetition is large. ''' # delayed import to avoid cyclic dependencies from . import quaternions as nq M = nq.angle_axis2mat(theta, vector, is_normalized) return mat2euler(M)