""" Classes to wrap DICOM objects and files The wrappers encapsulate the capabilities of the different DICOM formats. They also allow dictionary-like access to named fields. For calculated attributes, we return None where needed data is missing. It seemed strange to raise an error during attribute processing, other than an AttributeError - breaking the 'properties manifesto'. So, any processing that needs to raise an error, should be in a method, rather than in a property, or property-like thing. """ import operator import numpy as np from . import csareader as csar from .dwiparams import B2q, nearest_pos_semi_def, q2bg from ..volumeutils import BinOpener from ..onetime import setattr_on_read as one_time class WrapperError(Exception): pass class WrapperPrecisionError(WrapperError): pass def wrapper_from_file(file_like, *args, **kwargs): """ Create DICOM wrapper from `file_like` object Parameters ---------- file_like : object filename string or file-like object, pointing to a valid DICOM file readable by ``pydicom`` \*args : positional args to ``dicom.read_file`` command. \*\*kwargs : keyword args to ``dicom.read_file`` command. ``force=True`` might be a likely keyword argument. Returns ------- dcm_w : ``dicomwrappers.Wrapper`` or subclass DICOM wrapper corresponding to DICOM data type """ try: from dicom import read_file except ImportError: from pydicom.dicomio import read_file with BinOpener(file_like) as fobj: dcm_data = read_file(fobj, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper_from_data(dcm_data) def wrapper_from_data(dcm_data): """ Create DICOM wrapper from DICOM data object Parameters ---------- dcm_data : ``dicom.dataset.Dataset`` instance or similar Object allowing attribute access, with DICOM attributes. Probably a dataset as read by ``pydicom``. Returns ------- dcm_w : ``dicomwrappers.Wrapper`` or subclass DICOM wrapper corresponding to DICOM data type """ sop_class = dcm_data.get('SOPClassUID') # try to detect what type of dicom object to wrap if sop_class == '1.2.840.10008.': # Enhanced MR Image Storage # currently only Philips is using Enhanced Multiframe DICOM return MultiframeWrapper(dcm_data) # Check for Siemens DICOM format types # Only Siemens will have data for the CSA header csa = csar.get_csa_header(dcm_data) if csa is None: return Wrapper(dcm_data) if csar.is_mosaic(csa): # Mosaic is a "tiled" image return MosaicWrapper(dcm_data, csa) # Assume data is in a single slice format per file return SiemensWrapper(dcm_data, csa) class Wrapper(object): """ Class to wrap general DICOM files Methods: * get_affine() * get_data() * get_pixel_array() * is_same_series(other) * __getitem__ : return attributes from `dcm_data` * get(key[, default]) - as usual given __getitem__ above Attributes and things that look like attributes: * dcm_data : object * image_shape : tuple * image_orient_patient : (3,2) array * slice_normal : (3,) array * rotation_matrix : (3,3) array * voxel_sizes : tuple length 3 * image_position : sequence length 3 * slice_indicator : float * series_signature : tuple """ is_csa = False is_mosaic = False is_multiframe = False b_matrix = None q_vector = None b_value = None b_vector = None def __init__(self, dcm_data): """ Initialize wrapper Parameters ---------- dcm_data : object object should allow 'get' and '__getitem__' access. Usually this will be a ``dicom.dataset.Dataset`` object resulting from reading a DICOM file, but a dictionary should also work. """ self.dcm_data = dcm_data @one_time def image_shape(self): """ The array shape as it will be returned by ``get_data()`` """ shape = (self.get('Rows'), self.get('Columns')) if None in shape: return None return shape @one_time def image_orient_patient(self): """ Note that this is _not_ LR flipped """ iop = self.get('ImageOrientationPatient') if iop is None: return None # Values are python Decimals in pydicom 0.9.7 iop = np.array(list(map(float, iop))) return np.array(iop).reshape(2, 3).T @one_time def slice_normal(self): iop = self.image_orient_patient if iop is None: return None # iop[:, 0] is column index cosine, iop[:, 1] is row index cosine return np.cross(iop[:, 1], iop[:, 0]) @one_time def rotation_matrix(self): """ Return rotation matrix between array indices and mm Note that we swap the two columns of the 'ImageOrientPatient' when we create the rotation matrix. This is takes into account the slightly odd ij transpose construction of the DICOM orientation fields - see doc/theory/dicom_orientaiton.rst. """ iop = self.image_orient_patient s_norm = self.slice_normal if iop is None or s_norm is None: return None R = np.eye(3) # np.fliplr(iop) gives matrix F in # doc/theory/dicom_orientation.rst The fliplr accounts for the # fact that the first column in ``iop`` refers to changes in # column index, and the second to changes in row index. R[:, :2] = np.fliplr(iop) R[:, 2] = s_norm # check this is in fact a rotation matrix. Error comes from compromise # motivated in ``doc/source/notebooks/ata_error.ipynb``, and from # discussion at https://github.com/nipy/nibabel/pull/156 if not np.allclose(np.eye(3), np.dot(R, R.T), atol=5e-5): raise WrapperPrecisionError('Rotation matrix not nearly orthogonal') return R @one_time def voxel_sizes(self): """ voxel sizes for array as returned by ``get_data()`` """ # pix space gives (row_spacing, column_spacing). That is, the # mm you move when moving from one row to the next, and the mm # you move when moving from one column to the next pix_space = self.get('PixelSpacing') if pix_space is None: return None zs = self.get('SpacingBetweenSlices') if zs is None: zs = self.get('SliceThickness') if zs is None: zs = 1 # Protect from python decimals in pydicom 0.9.7 zs = float(zs) pix_space = list(map(float, pix_space)) return tuple(pix_space + [zs]) @one_time def image_position(self): """ Return position of first voxel in data block Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- img_pos : (3,) array position in mm of voxel (0,0) in image array """ ipp = self.get('ImagePositionPatient') if ipp is None: return None # Values are python Decimals in pydicom 0.9.7 return np.array(list(map(float, ipp))) @one_time def slice_indicator(self): """ A number that is higher for higher slices in Z Comparing this number between two adjacent slices should give a difference equal to the voxel size in Z. See doc/theory/dicom_orientation for description """ ipp = self.image_position s_norm = self.slice_normal if ipp is None or s_norm is None: return None return np.inner(ipp, s_norm) @one_time def instance_number(self): """ Just because we use this a lot for sorting """ return self.get('InstanceNumber') @one_time def series_signature(self): """ Signature for matching slices into series We use `signature` in ``self.is_same_series(other)``. Returns ------- signature : dict with values of 2-element sequences, where first element is value, and second element is function to compare this value with another. This allows us to pass things like arrays, that might need to be ``allclose`` instead of equal """ # dictionary with value, comparison func tuple signature = {} eq = operator.eq for key in ('SeriesInstanceUID', 'SeriesNumber', 'ImageType', 'SequenceName', 'EchoNumbers'): signature[key] = (self.get(key), eq) signature['image_shape'] = (self.image_shape, eq) signature['iop'] = (self.image_orient_patient, none_or_close) signature['vox'] = (self.voxel_sizes, none_or_close) return signature def __getitem__(self, key): """ Return values from DICOM object""" if not key in self.dcm_data: raise KeyError('"%s" not in self.dcm_data' % key) return self.dcm_data.get(key) def get(self, key, default=None): """ Get values from underlying dicom data """ return self.dcm_data.get(key, default) def get_affine(self): """ Return mapping between voxel and DICOM coordinate system Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- aff : (4,4) affine Affine giving transformation between voxels in data array and mm in the DICOM patient coordinate system. """ # rotation matrix already accounts for the ij transpose in the # DICOM image orientation patient transform. So. column 0 is # direction cosine for changes in row index, column 1 is # direction cosine for changes in column index orient = self.rotation_matrix # therefore, these voxel sizes are in the right order (row, # column, slice) vox = self.voxel_sizes ipp = self.image_position if any(p is None for p in (orient, vox, ipp)): raise WrapperError('Not enough information for affine') aff = np.eye(4) aff[:3, :3] = orient * np.array(vox) aff[:3, 3] = ipp return aff def get_pixel_array(self): """ Return unscaled pixel array from DICOM """ data = self.dcm_data.get('pixel_array') if data is None: raise WrapperError('Cannot find data in DICOM') return data def get_data(self): """ Get scaled image data from DICOMs We return the data as DICOM understands it, first dimension is rows, second dimension is columns Returns ------- data : array array with data as scaled from any scaling in the DICOM fields. """ return self._scale_data(self.get_pixel_array()) def is_same_series(self, other): """ Return True if `other` appears to be in same series Parameters ---------- other : object object with ``series_signature`` attribute that is a mapping. Usually it's a ``Wrapper`` or sub-class instance. Returns ------- tf : bool True if `other` might be in the same series as `self`, False otherwise. """ # compare signature dictionaries. The dictionaries each contain # comparison rules, we prefer our own when we have them. If a # key is not present in either dictionary, assume the value is # None. my_sig = self.series_signature your_sig = other.series_signature my_keys = set(my_sig) your_keys = set(your_sig) # we have values in both signatures for key in my_keys.intersection(your_keys): v1, func = my_sig[key] v2, _ = your_sig[key] if not func(v1, v2): return False # values present in one or the other but not both for keys, sig in ((my_keys - your_keys, my_sig), (your_keys - my_keys, your_sig)): for key in keys: v1, func = sig[key] if not func(v1, None): return False return True def _scale_data(self, data): # depending on pydicom and dicom files, values might need casting from Decimal to float scale = float(self.get('RescaleSlope', 1)) offset = float(self.get('RescaleIntercept', 0)) return self._apply_scale_offset(data, scale, offset) def _apply_scale_offset(self, data, scale, offset): # a little optimization. If we are applying either the scale or # the offset, we need to allow upcasting to float. if scale != 1: if offset == 0: return data * scale return data * scale + offset if offset != 0: return data + offset return data @one_time def b_value(self): """ Return b value for diffusion or None if not available """ q_vec = self.q_vector if q_vec is None: return None return q2bg(q_vec)[0] @one_time def b_vector(self): """ Return b vector for diffusion or None if not available """ q_vec = self.q_vector if q_vec is None: return None return q2bg(q_vec)[1] class MultiframeWrapper(Wrapper): """Wrapper for Enhanced MR Storage SOP Class tested with Philips' Enhanced DICOM implementation Attributes ---------- is_multiframe : boolean Identifies `dcmdata` as multi-frame frames : sequence A sequence of ``dicom.dataset.Dataset`` objects populated by the ``dicom.dataset.Dataset.PerFrameFunctionalGroupsSequence`` attribute shared : object The first (and only) ``dicom.dataset.Dataset`` object from a ``dicom.dataset.Dataset.SharedFunctionalgroupSequence``. Methods ------- image_shape(self) image_orient_patient(self) voxel_sizes(self) image_position(self) series_signature(self) get_data(self) """ is_multiframe = True def __init__(self, dcm_data): """Initializes MultiframeWrapper Parameters ---------- dcm_data : object object should allow 'get' and '__getitem__' access. Usually this will be a ``dicom.dataset.Dataset`` object resulting from reading a DICOM file, but a dictionary should also work. """ Wrapper.__init__(self, dcm_data) self.dcm_data = dcm_data self.frames = dcm_data.get('PerFrameFunctionalGroupsSequence') try: self.frames[0] except TypeError: raise WrapperError("PerFrameFunctionalGroupsSequence is empty.") try: self.shared = dcm_data.get('SharedFunctionalGroupsSequence')[0] except TypeError: raise WrapperError("SharedFunctionalGroupsSequence is empty.") self._shape = None @one_time def image_shape(self): """The array shape as it will be returned by ``get_data()``""" rows, cols = self.get('Rows'), self.get('Columns') if None in (rows, cols): raise WrapperError("Rows and/or Columns are empty.") # Check number of frames n_frames = self.get('NumberOfFrames') assert len(self.frames) == n_frames frame_indices = np.array( [frame.FrameContentSequence[0].DimensionIndexValues for frame in self.frames]) n_dim = frame_indices.shape[1] + 1 # Check there is only one multiframe stack index if np.any(np.diff(frame_indices[:, 0])): raise WrapperError("File contains more than one StackID. Cannot handle multi-stack files") # Store frame indices self._frame_indices = frame_indices[:, 1:] if n_dim < 4: # 3D volume return rows, cols, n_frames # More than 3 dimensions ns_unique = [len(np.unique(row)) for row in self._frame_indices.T] shape = (rows, cols) + tuple(ns_unique) n_vols = np.prod(shape[3:]) if n_frames != n_vols * shape[2]: raise WrapperError("Calculated shape does not match number of frames.") return tuple(shape) @one_time def image_orient_patient(self): """ Note that this is _not_ LR flipped """ try: iop = self.shared.PlaneOrientationSequence[0].ImageOrientationPatient except AttributeError: try: iop = self.frames[0].PlaneOrientationSequence[0].ImageOrientationPatient except AttributeError: raise WrapperError("Not enough information for image_orient_patient") if iop is None: return None iop = np.array(list(map(float, iop))) return np.array(iop).reshape(2, 3).T @one_time def voxel_sizes(self): ''' Get i, j, k voxel sizes ''' try: pix_measures = self.shared.PixelMeasuresSequence[0] except AttributeError: try: pix_measures = self.frames[0].PixelMeasuresSequence[0] except AttributeError: raise WrapperError("Not enough data for pixel spacing") pix_space = pix_measures.PixelSpacing try: zs = pix_measures.SliceThickness except AttributeError: zs = self.get('SpacingBetweenSlices') if zs is None: raise WrapperError('Not enough data for slice thickness') # Ensure values are float rather than Decimal return tuple(map(float, list(pix_space) + [zs])) @one_time def image_position(self): try: ipp = self.shared.PlanePositionSequence[0].ImagePositionPatient except AttributeError: try: ipp = self.frames[0].PlanePositionSequence[0].ImagePositionPatient except AttributeError: raise WrapperError('Cannot get image position from dicom') if ipp is None: return None return np.array(list(map(float, ipp))) @one_time def series_signature(self): signature = {} eq = operator.eq for key in ('SeriesInstanceUID', 'SeriesNumber', 'ImageType'): signature[key] = (self.get(key), eq) signature['image_shape'] = (self.image_shape, eq) signature['iop'] = (self.image_orient_patient, none_or_close) signature['vox'] = (self.voxel_sizes, none_or_close) return signature def get_data(self): shape = self.image_shape if shape is None: raise WrapperError('No valid information for image shape') data = self.get_pixel_array() # Roll frames axis to last data = data.transpose((1, 2, 0)) # Sort frames with first index changing fastest, last slowest sorted_indices = np.lexsort(self._frame_indices.T) data = data[..., sorted_indices] data = data.reshape(shape, order='F') return self._scale_data(data) def _scale_data(self, data): pix_trans = getattr( self.frames[0], 'PixelValueTransformationSequence', None) if pix_trans is None: return super(MultiframeWrapper, self)._scale_data(data) scale = float(pix_trans[0].RescaleSlope) offset = float(pix_trans[0].RescaleIntercept) return self._apply_scale_offset(data, scale, offset) class SiemensWrapper(Wrapper): """ Wrapper for Siemens format DICOMs Adds attributes: * csa_header : mapping * b_matrix : (3,3) array * q_vector : (3,) array """ is_csa = True def __init__(self, dcm_data, csa_header=None): """ Initialize Siemens wrapper The Siemens-specific information is in the `csa_header`, either passed in here, or read from the input `dcm_data`. Parameters ---------- dcm_data : object object should allow 'get' and '__getitem__' access. If `csa_header` is None, it should also be possible to extract a CSA header from `dcm_data`. Usually this will be a ``dicom.dataset.Dataset`` object resulting from reading a DICOM file. A dict should also work. csa_header : None or mapping, optional mapping giving values for Siemens CSA image sub-header. If None, we try and read the CSA information from `dcm_data`. If this fails, we fall back to an empty dict. """ super(SiemensWrapper, self).__init__(dcm_data) if dcm_data is None: dcm_data = {} self.dcm_data = dcm_data if csa_header is None: csa_header = csar.get_csa_header(dcm_data) if csa_header is None: csa_header = {} self.csa_header = csa_header @one_time def slice_normal(self): #The std_slice_normal comes from the cross product of the directions #in the ImageOrientationPatient std_slice_normal = super(SiemensWrapper, self).slice_normal csa_slice_normal = csar.get_slice_normal(self.csa_header) if std_slice_normal is None and csa_slice_normal is None: return None elif std_slice_normal is None: return np.array(csa_slice_normal) elif csa_slice_normal is None: return std_slice_normal else: #Make sure the two normals are very close to parallel unit vectors dot_prod = np.dot(csa_slice_normal, std_slice_normal) assert np.allclose(np.fabs(dot_prod), 1.0, atol=1e-5) #Use the slice normal computed with the cross product as it will #always be the most orthogonal, but take the sign from the CSA #slice normal if dot_prod < 0: return -std_slice_normal else: return std_slice_normal @one_time def series_signature(self): """ Add ICE dims from CSA header to signature """ signature = super(SiemensWrapper, self).series_signature ice = csar.get_ice_dims(self.csa_header) if not ice is None: ice = ice[:6] + ice[8:9] signature['ICE_Dims'] = (ice, lambda x, y: x == y) return signature @one_time def b_matrix(self): """ Get DWI B matrix referring to voxel space Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- B : (3,3) array or None B matrix in *voxel* orientation space. Returns None if this is not a Siemens header with the required information. We return None if this is a b0 acquisition """ hdr = self.csa_header # read B matrix as recorded in CSA header. This matrix refers to # the space of the DICOM patient coordinate space. B = csar.get_b_matrix(hdr) if B is None: # may be not diffusion or B0 image bval_requested = csar.get_b_value(hdr) if bval_requested is None: return None if bval_requested != 0: raise csar.CSAError('No B matrix and b value != 0') return np.zeros((3, 3)) # rotation from voxels to DICOM PCS, inverted to give the rotation # from DPCS to voxels. Because this is an orthonormal matrix, its # transpose is its inverse R = self.rotation_matrix.T # because B results from V dot V.T, the rotation B is given by R dot # V dot V.T dot R.T == R dot B dot R.T B_vox = np.dot(R, np.dot(B, R.T)) # fix presumed rounding errors in the B matrix by making it positive # semi-definite. return nearest_pos_semi_def(B_vox) @one_time def q_vector(self): """ Get DWI q vector referring to voxel space Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- q: (3,) array Estimated DWI q vector in *voxel* orientation space. Returns None if this is not (detectably) a DWI """ B = self.b_matrix if B is None: return None # We've enforced more or less positive semi definite with the # b_matrix routine return B2q(B, tol=1e-8) class MosaicWrapper(SiemensWrapper): """ Class for Siemens mosaic format data Mosaic format is a way of storing a 3D image in a 2D slice - and it's as simple as you'd imagine it would be - just storing the slices in a mosaic similar to a light-box print. We need to allow for this when getting the data and (because of an idiosyncrasy in the way Siemens stores the images) calculating the position of the first voxel. Adds attributes: * n_mosaic : int * mosaic_size : float """ is_mosaic = True def __init__(self, dcm_data, csa_header=None, n_mosaic=None): """ Initialize Siemens Mosaic wrapper The Siemens-specific information is in the `csa_header`, either passed in here, or read from the input `dcm_data`. Parameters ---------- dcm_data : object object should allow 'get' and '__getitem__' access. If `csa_header` is None, it should also be possible for to extract a CSA header from `dcm_data`. Usually this will be a ``dicom.dataset.Dataset`` object resulting from reading a DICOM file. A dict should also work. csa_header : None or mapping, optional mapping giving values for Siemens CSA image sub-header. n_mosaic : None or int, optional number of images in mosaic. If None, try to get this number from `csa_header`. If this fails, raise an error """ SiemensWrapper.__init__(self, dcm_data, csa_header) if n_mosaic is None: try: n_mosaic = csar.get_n_mosaic(self.csa_header) except KeyError: pass if n_mosaic is None or n_mosaic == 0: raise WrapperError('No valid mosaic number in CSA ' 'header; is this really ' 'Siemens mosiac data?') self.n_mosaic = n_mosaic self.mosaic_size = np.ceil(np.sqrt(n_mosaic)) @one_time def image_shape(self): """ Return image shape as returned by ``get_data()`` """ # reshape pixel slice array back from mosaic rows = self.get('Rows') cols = self.get('Columns') if None in (rows, cols): return None mosaic_size = self.mosaic_size return (int(rows / mosaic_size), int(cols / mosaic_size), self.n_mosaic) @one_time def image_position(self): """ Return position of first voxel in data block Adjusts Siemens mosaic position vector for bug in mosaic format position. See ``dicom_mosaic`` in doc/theory for details. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- img_pos : (3,) array position in mm of voxel (0,0,0) in Mosaic array """ ipp = super(MosaicWrapper, self).image_position # mosaic image size md_rows, md_cols = (self.get('Rows'), self.get('Columns')) iop = self.image_orient_patient pix_spacing = self.get('PixelSpacing') if any(x is None for x in (ipp, md_rows, md_cols, iop, pix_spacing)): return None # PixelSpacing values are python Decimal in pydicom 0.9.7 pix_spacing = np.array(list(map(float, pix_spacing))) # size of mosaic array before rearranging to 3D. md_rc = np.array([md_rows, md_cols]) # size of slice array after reshaping to 3D rd_rc = md_rc / self.mosaic_size # apply algorithm for undoing mosaic translation error - see # ``dicom_mosaic`` doc vox_trans_fixes = (md_rc - rd_rc) / 2 # flip IOP field to refer to rows then columns index change - # see dicom_orientation doc Q = np.fliplr(iop) * pix_spacing return ipp + np.dot(Q, vox_trans_fixes[:, None]).ravel() def get_data(self): """ Get scaled image data from DICOMs Resorts data block from mosaic to 3D Returns ------- data : array array with data as scaled from any scaling in the DICOM fields. Notes ----- The apparent image in the DICOM file is a 2D array that consists of blocks, that are the output 2D slices. Let's call the original array the *slab*, and the contained slices *slices*. The slices are of pixel dimension ``n_slice_rows`` x ``n_slice_cols``. The slab is of pixel dimension ``n_slab_rows`` x ``n_slab_cols``. Because the arrangement of blocks in the slab is defined as being square, the number of blocks per slab row and slab column is the same. Let ``n_blocks`` be the number of blocks contained in the slab. There is also ``n_slices`` - the number of slices actually collected, some number <= ``n_blocks``. We have the value ``n_slices`` from the 'NumberOfImagesInMosaic' field of the Siemens private (CSA) header. ``n_row_blocks`` and ``n_col_blocks`` are therefore given by ``ceil(sqrt(n_slices))``, and ``n_blocks`` is ``n_row_blocks ** 2``. Also ``n_slice_rows == n_slab_rows / n_row_blocks``, etc. Using these numbers we can therefore reconstruct the slices from the 2D DICOM pixel array. """ shape = self.image_shape if shape is None: raise WrapperError('No valid information for image shape') n_slice_rows, n_slice_cols, n_mosaic = shape n_slab_rows = self.mosaic_size n_blocks = n_slab_rows ** 2 data = self.get_pixel_array() v4 = data.reshape(n_slab_rows, n_slice_rows, n_slab_rows, n_slice_cols) # move the mosaic dims to the end v4 = v4.transpose((1, 3, 0, 2)) # pool mosaic-generated dims v3 = v4.reshape((n_slice_rows, n_slice_cols, n_blocks)) # delete any padding slices v3 = v3[..., :n_mosaic] return self._scale_data(v3) def none_or_close(val1, val2, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-6): """ Match if `val1` and `val2` are both None, or are close Parameters ---------- val1 : None or array-like val2 : None or array-like rtol : float, optional Relative tolerance; see ``np.allclose`` atol : float, optional Absolute tolerance; see ``np.allclose`` Returns ------- tf : bool True iff (both `val1` and `val2` are None) or (`val1` and `val2` are close arrays, as detected by ``np.allclose`` with parameters `rtol` and `atal`). Examples -------- >>> none_or_close(None, None) True >>> none_or_close(1, None) False >>> none_or_close(None, 1) False >>> none_or_close([1,2], [1,2]) True >>> none_or_close([0,1], [0,2]) False """ if val1 is None and val2 is None: return True if val1 is None or val2 is None: return False return np.allclose(val1, val2, rtol, atol)