# emacs: -*- mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # vi: set ft=python sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et: import os from info import (LONG_DESCRIPTION as __doc__, URL as __url__, STATUS as __status__, __version__) from utils.config import NipypeConfig config = NipypeConfig() from utils.logger import Logging logging = Logging(config) from distutils.version import LooseVersion from .fixes.numpy.testing import nosetester class _NoseTester(nosetester.NoseTester): """ Subclass numpy's NoseTester to add doctests by default """ def _get_custom_doctester(self): return None def test(self, label='fast', verbose=1, extra_argv=['--exe'], doctests=True, coverage=False): """Run the full test suite Examples -------- This will run the test suite and stop at the first failing example >>> from nipype import test >>> test(extra_argv=['--exe', '-sx']) #doctest: +SKIP """ return super(_NoseTester, self).test(label=label, verbose=verbose, extra_argv=extra_argv, doctests=doctests, coverage=coverage) try: test = _NoseTester(raise_warnings="release").test except TypeError: # Older versions of numpy do not have a raise_warnings argument test = _NoseTester().test del nosetester def _test_local_install(): """ Warn the user that running with nipy being imported locally is a bad idea. """ if os.getcwd() == os.sep.join( os.path.abspath(__file__).split(os.sep)[:-2]): import warnings warnings.warn('Running the tests from the install directory may ' 'trigger some failures') _test_local_install() # Set up package information function from pkg_info import get_pkg_info as _get_pkg_info get_info = lambda: _get_pkg_info(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # Cleanup namespace del _test_local_install # If this file is exec after being imported, the following lines will # fail try: del Tester except: pass from pipeline import Node, MapNode, JoinNode, Workflow from interfaces import (fsl, spm, freesurfer, afni, ants, slicer, dipy, nipy, mrtrix, camino, DataGrabber, DataSink, SelectFiles, IdentityInterface, Rename, Function, Select, Merge)