# -*- coding: utf8 -*- """Autogenerated file - DO NOT EDIT If you spot a bug, please report it on the mailing list and/or change the generator.""" from nipype.interfaces.base import CommandLine, CommandLineInputSpec, SEMLikeCommandLine, TraitedSpec, File, Directory, traits, isdefined, InputMultiPath, OutputMultiPath import os class EMSegmentTransformToNewFormatInputSpec(CommandLineInputSpec): inputMRMLFileName = File(desc="Active MRML scene that contains EMSegment algorithm parameters in the format before 3.6.3 - please include absolute file name in path.", exists=True, argstr="--inputMRMLFileName %s") outputMRMLFileName = traits.Either(traits.Bool, File(), hash_files=False, desc="Write out the MRML scene after transformation to format 3.6.3 has been made. - has to be in the same directory as the input MRML file due to Slicer Core bug - please include absolute file name in path ", argstr="--outputMRMLFileName %s") templateFlag = traits.Bool(desc="Set to true if the transformed mrml file should be used as template file ", argstr="--templateFlag ") class EMSegmentTransformToNewFormatOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): outputMRMLFileName = File(desc="Write out the MRML scene after transformation to format 3.6.3 has been made. - has to be in the same directory as the input MRML file due to Slicer Core bug - please include absolute file name in path ", exists=True) class EMSegmentTransformToNewFormat(SEMLikeCommandLine): """title: Transform MRML Files to New EMSegmenter Standard category: Utilities description: Transform MRML Files to New EMSegmenter Standard """ input_spec = EMSegmentTransformToNewFormatInputSpec output_spec = EMSegmentTransformToNewFormatOutputSpec _cmd = "EMSegmentTransformToNewFormat " _outputs_filenames = {'outputMRMLFileName':'outputMRMLFileName.mrml'}