"""Matrix equation solver routines""" # Author: Jeffrey Armstrong # February 24, 2012 # Modified: Chad Fulton # June 19, 2014 from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import import numpy as np from numpy.linalg import inv, LinAlgError from .basic import solve from .lapack import get_lapack_funcs from .decomp_schur import schur from .special_matrices import kron __all__ = ['solve_sylvester', 'solve_lyapunov', 'solve_discrete_lyapunov', 'solve_continuous_are', 'solve_discrete_are'] def solve_sylvester(a, b, q): """ Computes a solution (X) to the Sylvester equation :math:`AX + XB = Q`. Parameters ---------- a : (M, M) array_like Leading matrix of the Sylvester equation b : (N, N) array_like Trailing matrix of the Sylvester equation q : (M, N) array_like Right-hand side Returns ------- x : (M, N) ndarray The solution to the Sylvester equation. Raises ------ LinAlgError If solution was not found Notes ----- Computes a solution to the Sylvester matrix equation via the Bartels- Stewart algorithm. The A and B matrices first undergo Schur decompositions. The resulting matrices are used to construct an alternative Sylvester equation (``RY + YS^T = F``) where the R and S matrices are in quasi-triangular form (or, when R, S or F are complex, triangular form). The simplified equation is then solved using ``*TRSYL`` from LAPACK directly. .. versionadded:: 0.11.0 """ # Compute the Schur decomp form of a r, u = schur(a, output='real') # Compute the Schur decomp of b s, v = schur(b.conj().transpose(), output='real') # Construct f = u'*q*v f = np.dot(np.dot(u.conj().transpose(), q), v) # Call the Sylvester equation solver trsyl, = get_lapack_funcs(('trsyl',), (r, s, f)) if trsyl is None: raise RuntimeError('LAPACK implementation does not contain a proper ' 'Sylvester equation solver (TRSYL)') y, scale, info = trsyl(r, s, f, tranb='C') y = scale*y if info < 0: raise LinAlgError("Illegal value encountered in " "the %d term" % (-info,)) return np.dot(np.dot(u, y), v.conj().transpose()) def solve_lyapunov(a, q): """ Solves the continuous Lyapunov equation :math:`AX + XA^H = Q`. Uses the Bartels-Stewart algorithm to find :math:`X`. Parameters ---------- a : array_like A square matrix q : array_like Right-hand side square matrix Returns ------- x : array_like Solution to the continuous Lyapunov equation See Also -------- solve_sylvester : computes the solution to the Sylvester equation Notes ----- Because the continuous Lyapunov equation is just a special form of the Sylvester equation, this solver relies entirely on solve_sylvester for a solution. .. versionadded:: 0.11.0 """ return solve_sylvester(a, a.conj().transpose(), q) def _solve_discrete_lyapunov_direct(a, q): """ Solves the discrete Lyapunov equation directly. This function is called by the `solve_discrete_lyapunov` function with `method=direct`. It is not supposed to be called directly. """ lhs = kron(a, a.conj()) lhs = np.eye(lhs.shape[0]) - lhs x = solve(lhs, q.flatten()) return np.reshape(x, q.shape) def _solve_discrete_lyapunov_bilinear(a, q): """ Solves the discrete Lyapunov equation using a bilinear transformation. This function is called by the `solve_discrete_lyapunov` function with `method=bilinear`. It is not supposed to be called directly. """ eye = np.eye(a.shape[0]) aH = a.conj().transpose() aHI_inv = inv(aH + eye) b = np.dot(aH - eye, aHI_inv) c = 2*np.dot(np.dot(inv(a + eye), q), aHI_inv) return solve_lyapunov(b.conj().transpose(), -c) def solve_discrete_lyapunov(a, q, method=None): """ Solves the discrete Lyapunov equation :math:`A'XA-X=-Q`. Parameters ---------- a : (M, M) array_like A square matrix q : (M, M) array_like Right-hand side square matrix method : {'direct', 'bilinear'}, optional Type of solver. If not given, chosen to be ``direct`` if ``M`` is less than 10 and ``bilinear`` otherwise. Returns ------- x : ndarray Solution to the discrete Lyapunov equation See Also -------- solve_lyapunov : computes the solution to the continuous Lyapunov equation Notes ----- This section describes the available solvers that can be selected by the 'method' parameter. The default method is *direct* if ``M`` is less than 10 and ``bilinear`` otherwise. Method *direct* uses a direct analytical solution to the discrete Lyapunov equation. The algorithm is given in, for example, [1]_. However it requires the linear solution of a system with dimension :math:`M^2` so that performance degrades rapidly for even moderately sized matrices. Method *bilinear* uses a bilinear transformation to convert the discrete Lyapunov equation to a continuous Lyapunov equation :math:`(B'X+XB=-C)` where :math:`B=(A-I)(A+I)^{-1}` and :math:`C=2(A' + I)^{-1} Q (A + I)^{-1}`. The continuous equation can be efficiently solved since it is a special case of a Sylvester equation. The transformation algorithm is from Popov (1964) as described in [2]_. .. versionadded:: 0.11.0 References ---------- .. [1] Hamilton, James D. Time Series Analysis, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994. 265. Print. http://www.scribd.com/doc/20577138/Hamilton-1994-Time-Series-Analysis .. [2] Gajic, Z., and M.T.J. Qureshi. 2008. Lyapunov Matrix Equation in System Stability and Control. Dover Books on Engineering Series. Dover Publications. """ a = np.asarray(a) q = np.asarray(q) if method is None: # Select automatically based on size of matrices if a.shape[0] >= 10: method = 'bilinear' else: method = 'direct' meth = method.lower() if meth == 'direct': x = _solve_discrete_lyapunov_direct(a, q) elif meth == 'bilinear': x = _solve_discrete_lyapunov_bilinear(a, q) else: raise ValueError('Unknown solver %s' % method) return x def solve_continuous_are(a, b, q, r): """ Solves the continuous algebraic Riccati equation (CARE). The CARE is defined as .. math:: (A'X + XA - XBR^-1B'X+Q=0) It is solved directly using a Schur decomposition method. Parameters ---------- a : (M, M) array_like Input b : (M, N) array_like Input q : (M, M) array_like Input r : (N, N) array_like Non-singular, square matrix Returns ------- x : (M, M) ndarray Solution to the continuous algebraic Riccati equation See Also -------- solve_discrete_are : Solves the discrete algebraic Riccati equation Notes ----- Method taken from: Laub, "A Schur Method for Solving Algebraic Riccati Equations." U.S. Energy Research and Development Agency under contract ERDA-E(49-18)-2087. http://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/1301/R-0859-05666488.pdf .. versionadded:: 0.11.0 """ try: g = inv(r) except LinAlgError: raise ValueError('Matrix R in the algebraic Riccati equation solver ' 'is ill-conditioned') g = np.dot(np.dot(b, g), b.conj().transpose()) z11 = a z12 = -1.0*g z21 = -1.0*q z22 = -1.0*a.conj().transpose() z = np.vstack((np.hstack((z11, z12)), np.hstack((z21, z22)))) # Note: we need to sort the upper left of s to have negative real parts, # while the lower right is positive real components (Laub, p. 7) s, u, _ = schur(z, sort='lhp') (m, n) = u.shape u11 = u[0:m//2, 0:n//2] u21 = u[m//2:m, 0:n//2] u11i = inv(u11) return np.dot(u21, u11i) def solve_discrete_are(a, b, q, r): """ Solves the discrete algebraic Riccati equation (DARE). The DARE is defined as .. math:: X = A'XA-(A'XB)(R+B'XB)^-1(B'XA)+Q It is solved directly using a Schur decomposition method. Parameters ---------- a : (M, M) array_like Non-singular, square matrix b : (M, N) array_like Input q : (M, M) array_like Input r : (N, N) array_like Non-singular, square matrix Returns ------- x : ndarray Solution to the continuous Lyapunov equation See Also -------- solve_continuous_are : Solves the continuous algebraic Riccati equation Notes ----- Method taken from: Laub, "A Schur Method for Solving Algebraic Riccati Equations." U.S. Energy Research and Development Agency under contract ERDA-E(49-18)-2087. http://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/1301/R-0859-05666488.pdf .. versionadded:: 0.11.0 """ try: g = inv(r) except LinAlgError: raise ValueError('Matrix R in the algebraic Riccati equation solver ' 'is ill-conditioned') g = np.dot(np.dot(b, g), b.conj().transpose()) try: ait = inv(a).conj().transpose() # ait is "A inverse transpose" except LinAlgError: raise ValueError('Matrix A in the algebraic Riccati equation solver ' 'is ill-conditioned') z11 = a+np.dot(np.dot(g, ait), q) z12 = -1.0*np.dot(g, ait) z21 = -1.0*np.dot(ait, q) z22 = ait z = np.vstack((np.hstack((z11, z12)), np.hstack((z21, z22)))) # Note: we need to sort the upper left of s to lie within the unit circle, # while the lower right is outside (Laub, p. 7) s, u, _ = schur(z, sort='iuc') (m, n) = u.shape u11 = u[0:m//2, 0:n//2] u21 = u[m//2:m, 0:n//2] u11i = inv(u11) return np.dot(u21, u11i)