#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Copyright (c) 2005, Enthought, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD # license included in enthought/LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only # under the conditions described in the aforementioned license. The license # is also available online at http://www.enthought.com/licenses/BSD.txt # # Thanks for using Enthought open source! # # Author: David C. Morrill # Date: 06/21/2002 # # Refactored into a separate module: 07/04/2003 # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ """ Defines common, low-level capabilities needed by the Traits package. """ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import absolute_import import os import sys from os import getcwd from os.path import dirname, exists, join from . import _py2to3 # backwards compatibility: trait_base used to provide a patched enumerate enumerate = enumerate # Set the Python version being used: vi = sys.version_info python_version = vi[0] + (float( vi[1] ) / 10.0) try: from traits.etsconfig.api import ETSConfig except: # If the ETSConfig package is not available, fake it: class ETSConfig ( object ): #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'object' interface: #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__ ( self ): """ Constructor. Note that this constructor can only ever be called from within this module, since we don't expose the class. """ # Shadow attributes for properties: self._application_data = None self._toolkit = None return #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'ETSConfig' interface: #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #-- Property Implementations ------------------------------------------- def _get_application_data ( self ): """ Property getter. This is a directory that applications and packages can safely write non-user accessible data to i.e. configuration information, preferences etc. Do not put anything in here that the user might want to navigate to (e.g. projects, user data files, etc). The actual location differs between operating systems. """ if self._application_data is None: self._application_data = self._initialize_application_data() return self._application_data def _set_application_data ( self, application_data ): """ Property setter. """ self._application_data = application_data application_data = property( _get_application_data, _set_application_data ) def _get_toolkit ( self ): """ Property getter for the GUI toolkit. The value returned is, in order of preference: the value set by the application; the value passed on the command line using the '-toolkit' option; the value specified by the 'ETS_TOOLKIT' environment variable; otherwise the empty string. """ if self._toolkit is None: self._toolkit = self._initialize_toolkit() return self._toolkit def _set_toolkit ( self, toolkit ): """ Property setter for the GUI toolkit. The toolkit can be set more than once, but only if it is the same one each time. An application that is written for a particular toolkit can explicitly set it before any other module that gets the value is imported. """ if self._toolkit and (self._toolkit != toolkit): raise ValueError( 'Cannot set toolkit to %s because it has ' 'already been set to %s' % ( toolkit, self._toolkit ) ) self._toolkit = toolkit return toolkit = property( _get_toolkit, _set_toolkit ) #-- Private Methods ---------------------------------------------------- def _initialize_application_data ( self ): """ Initializes the (default) application data directory. """ if sys.platform == 'win32': environment_variable = 'APPDATA' directory_name = 'Enthought' else: environment_variable = 'HOME' directory_name = '.enthought' # Lookup the environment variable: parent_directory = os.environ.get( environment_variable, None ) if parent_directory is None: raise ValueError( 'Environment variable "%s" not set' % environment_variable ) application_data = os.path.join( parent_directory, directory_name ) # If a file already exists with this name then make sure that it is # a directory! if os.path.exists( application_data ): if not os.path.isdir( application_data ): raise ValueError( 'File "%s" already exists' % application_data ) # Otherwise, create the directory: else: os.makedirs( application_data ) return application_data def _initialize_toolkit ( self ): """ Initializes the toolkit. """ # We handle the command line option even though it doesn't have the # highest precedence because we always want to remove it from the # command line: if '-toolkit' in sys.argv: opt_idx = sys.argv.index( '-toolkit' ) try: opt_toolkit = sys.argv[ opt_idx + 1 ] except IndexError: raise ValueError( 'The -toolkit command line argument must ' 'be followed by a toolkit name' ) # Remove the option: del sys.argv[ opt_idx: opt_idx + 1 ] else: opt_toolkit = None if self._toolkit is not None: toolkit = self._toolkit elif opt_toolkit is not None: toolkit = opt_toolkit else: toolkit = os.environ.get( 'ETS_TOOLKIT', '' ) return toolkit ETSConfig = ETSConfig() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constants: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ClassTypes = _py2to3.ClassTypes SequenceTypes = ( list, tuple ) ComplexTypes = ( float, int ) TypeTypes = ( str, unicode, int, long, float, complex, list, tuple, dict, bool ) TraitNotifier = '__trait_notifier__' # The standard Traits property cache prefix: TraitsCache = '_traits_cache_' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Singleton 'Uninitialized' object: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uninitialized = None class _Uninitialized(object): """ The singleton value of this class represents the uninitialized state of a trait and is specified as the 'old' value in the trait change notification that occurs when the value of a trait is read before being set. """ def __new__(cls): if Uninitialized is not None: return Uninitialized else: self = object.__new__(cls) return self def __repr__(self): return '' def __reduce_ex__(self, protocol): return (_Uninitialized, ()) #: When the first reference to a trait is a 'get' reference, the default value of #: the trait is implicitly assigned and returned as the value of the trait. #: Because of this implicit assignment, a trait change notification is #: generated with the Uninitialized object as the 'old' value of the trait, and #: the default trait value as the 'new' value. This allows other parts of the #: traits package to recognize the assignment as the implicit default value #: assignment, and treat it specially. Uninitialized = _Uninitialized() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Singleton 'Undefined' object (used as undefined trait name and/or value): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Undefined = None class _Undefined(object): """ Singleton 'Undefined' object (used as undefined trait name and/or value) """ def __new__(cls): if Undefined is not None: return Undefined else: self = object.__new__(cls) return self def __repr__(self): return '' def __reduce_ex__(self, protocol): return (_Undefined, ()) def __eq__(self, other): return type(self) is type(other) def __hash__(self): return hash(type(self)) def __ne__(self, other): return type(self) is not type(other) #: Singleton object that indicates that a trait attribute has not yet had a #: value set (i.e., its value is undefined). This object is used instead of #: None, because None often has other meanings, such as that a value is not #: used. When a trait attribute is first assigned a value, and its associated #: trait notification handlers are called, Undefined is passed as the *old* #: parameter, to indicate that the attribute previously had no value. Undefined = _Undefined() # Tell the C-base code about singleton 'Undefined' and 'Uninitialized' objects: from . import ctraits ctraits._undefined( Undefined, Uninitialized ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Singleton 'Missing' object (used as missing method argument marker): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Missing ( object ): """ Singleton 'Missing' object (used as missing method argument marker). """ def __repr__ ( self ): return '' #: Singleton object that indicates that a method argument is missing from a #: type-checked method signature. Missing = Missing() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Singleton 'Self' object (used as object reference to current 'object'): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Self ( object ): """ Singleton 'Self' object (used as object reference to current 'object'). """ def __repr__ ( self ): return '' #: Singleton object that references the current 'object'. Self = Self() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Define a special 'string' coercion function: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def strx ( arg ): """ Wraps the built-in str() function to raise a TypeError if the argument is not of a type in StringTypes. """ if type( arg ) in StringTypes: return str( arg ) raise TypeError #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Constants: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- StringTypes = ( str, unicode, int, long, float, complex ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Define a mapping of coercable types: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mapping of coercable types. CoercableTypes = { long: ( 11, long, int ), float: ( 11, float, int ), complex: ( 11, complex, float, int ), unicode: ( 11, unicode, str ) } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return a string containing the class name of an object with the correct # article (a or an) preceding it (e.g. 'an Image', 'a PlotValue'): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def class_of ( object ): """ Returns a string containing the class name of an object with the correct indefinite article ('a' or 'an') preceding it (e.g., 'an Image', 'a PlotValue'). """ if isinstance( object, basestring ): return add_article( object ) return add_article( object.__class__.__name__ ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return a string containing the right article (i.e. 'a' or 'an') prefixed to # a specified string: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def add_article ( name ): """ Returns a string containing the correct indefinite article ('a' or 'an') prefixed to the specified string. """ if name[:1].lower() in 'aeiou': return 'an ' + name return 'a ' + name #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Return a 'user-friendly' name for a specified trait: #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def user_name_for ( name ): """ Returns a "user-friendly" version of a string, with the first letter capitalized and with underscore characters replaced by spaces. For example, ``user_name_for('user_name_for')`` returns ``'User name for'``. """ name = name.replace( '_', ' ' ) result = '' last_lower = False for c in name: if c.isupper() and last_lower: result += ' ' last_lower = c.islower() result += c return result.capitalize() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Gets the path to the traits home directory: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _traits_home = None def traits_home ( ): """ Gets the path to the Traits home directory. """ global _traits_home if _traits_home is None: _traits_home = verify_path( join( ETSConfig.application_data, 'traits' ) ) return _traits_home #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Verify that a specified path exists, and try to create it if it doesn't: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def verify_path ( path ): """ Verify that a specified path exists, and try to create it if it does not exist. """ if not exists( path ): try: os.mkdir( path ) except: pass return path #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Returns the name of the module the caller's caller is located in: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_module_name ( level = 2 ): """ Returns the name of the module that the caller's caller is located in. """ return sys._getframe( level ).f_globals.get( '__name__', '__main__' ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Returns a resource path calculated from the caller's stack: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_resource_path ( level = 2 ): """Returns a resource path calculated from the caller's stack. """ module = sys._getframe( level ).f_globals.get( '__name__', '__main__' ) if module != '__main__': # Return the path to the module: try: return dirname( getattr( sys.modules.get( module ), '__file__' ) ) except: # Apparently 'module' is not a registered module...treat it like # '__main__': pass # '__main__' is not a real module, so we need a work around: for path in [ dirname( sys.argv[0] ), getcwd() ]: if exists( path ): break return path #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Returns the value of an extended object attribute name of the form: # name[.name2[.name3...]]: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def xgetattr( object, xname, default = Undefined ): """ Returns the value of an extended object attribute name of the form: name[.name2[.name3...]]. """ names = xname.split( '.' ) for name in names[:-1]: if default is Undefined: object = getattr( object, name ) else: object = getattr( object, name, None ) if object is None: return default if default is Undefined: return getattr( object, names[-1] ) return getattr( object, names[-1], default ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Sets the value of an extended object attribute name of the form: # name[.name2[.name3...]]: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def xsetattr( object, xname, value ): """ Sets the value of an extended object attribute name of the form: name[.name2[.name3...]]. """ names = xname.split( '.' ) for name in names[:-1]: object = getattr( object, name ) setattr( object, names[-1], value ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Traits metadata selection functions: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def is_none ( value ): return (value is None) def not_none ( value ): return (value is not None) def not_false ( value ): return (value is not False) def not_event ( value ): return (value != 'event') def is_str ( value ): return isinstance( value, basestring )