#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Copyright (c) 2005-2013, Enthought, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD # license included in enthought/LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only # under the conditions described in the aforementioned license. The license # is also available online at http://www.enthought.com/licenses/BSD.txt # # Thanks for using Enthought open source! # # Author: David C. Morrill # Original Date: 06/21/2002 # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ """ Classes that implement and support the Traits change notification mechanism """ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import absolute_import from threading import local as thread_local from threading import Thread from thread import get_ident import traceback from types import MethodType import weakref import sys from .trait_base import Uninitialized from .trait_errors import TraitNotificationError #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Global Data: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The thread ID for the user interface thread ui_thread = -1 # The handler for notifications that must be run on the UI thread ui_handler = None #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Sets up the user interface thread handler: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_ui_handler ( handler ): """ Sets up the user interface thread handler. """ global ui_handler, ui_thread ui_handler = handler ui_thread = get_ident() def ui_dispatch( handler, *args, **kw ): if get_ident() == ui_thread: handler( *args, **kw ) else: ui_handler( handler, *args, **kw ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'NotificationExceptionHandlerState' class: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class NotificationExceptionHandlerState ( object ): def __init__ ( self, handler, reraise_exceptions, locked ): self.handler = handler self.reraise_exceptions = reraise_exceptions self.locked = locked #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'NotificationExceptionHandler' class: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class NotificationExceptionHandler ( object ): def __init__ ( self ): self.traits_logger = None self.main_thread = None self.thread_local = thread_local() #-- Private Methods ------------------------------------------------------------ def _push_handler ( self, handler = None, reraise_exceptions = False, main = False, locked = False ): """ Pushes a new traits notification exception handler onto the stack, making it the new exception handler. Returns a NotificationExceptionHandlerState object describing the previous exception handler. Parameters ---------- handler : handler The new exception handler, which should be a callable or None. If None (the default), then the default traits notification exception handler is used. If *handler* is not None, then it must be a callable which can accept four arguments: object, trait_name, old_value, new_value. reraise_exceptions : bool Indicates whether exceptions should be reraised after the exception handler has executed. If True, exceptions will be re-raised after the specified handler has been executed. The default value is False. main : bool Indicates whether the caller represents the main application thread. If True, then the caller's exception handler is made the default handler for any other threads that are created. Note that a thread can explicitly set its own exception handler if desired. The *main* flag is provided to make it easier to set a global application policy without having to explicitly set it for each thread. The default value is False. locked : bool Indicates whether further changes to the Traits notification exception handler state should be allowed. If True, then any subsequent calls to _push_handler() or _pop_handler() for that thread will raise a TraitNotificationError. The default value is False. """ handlers = self._get_handlers() self._check_lock( handlers ) if handler is None: handler = self._log_exception handlers.append( NotificationExceptionHandlerState( handler, reraise_exceptions, locked ) ) if main: self.main_thread = handlers return handlers[-2] def _pop_handler ( self ): """ Pops the traits notification exception handler stack, restoring the exception handler in effect prior to the most recent _push_handler() call. If the stack is empty or locked, a TraitNotificationError exception is raised. Note that each thread has its own independent stack. See the description of the _push_handler() method for more information on this. """ handlers = self._get_handlers() self._check_lock( handlers ) if len( handlers ) > 1: handlers.pop() else: raise TraitNotificationError( 'Attempted to pop an empty traits notification exception ' 'handler stack.' ) def _handle_exception ( self, object, trait_name, old, new ): """ Handles a traits notification exception using the handler defined by the topmost stack entry for the corresponding thread. """ excp_class, excp = sys.exc_info()[:2] handler_info = self._get_handlers()[-1] handler_info.handler( object, trait_name, old, new ) if (handler_info.reraise_exceptions or isinstance( excp, TraitNotificationError )): raise def _get_handlers ( self ): """ Returns the handler stack associated with the currently executing thread. """ thread_local = self.thread_local if isinstance( thread_local, dict ): id = get_ident() handlers = thread_local.get( id ) else: handlers = getattr( thread_local, 'handlers', None ) if handlers is None: if self.main_thread is not None: handler = self.main_thread[-1] else: handler = NotificationExceptionHandlerState( self._log_exception, False, False ) handlers = [ handler ] if isinstance( thread_local, dict ): thread_local[ id ] = handlers else: thread_local.handlers = handlers return handlers def _check_lock ( self, handlers ): """ Raises an exception if the specified handler stack is locked. """ if handlers[-1].locked: raise TraitNotificationError( 'The traits notification exception handler is locked. ' 'No changes are allowed.' ) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This method defines the default notification exception handling # behavior of traits. However, it can be completely overridden by pushing # a new handler using the '_push_handler' method. # # It logs any exceptions generated in a trait notification handler. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _log_exception ( self, object, trait_name, old, new ): """ Logs any exceptions generated in a trait notification handler. """ # When the stack depth is too great, the logger can't always log the # message. Make sure that it goes to the console at a minimum: excp_class, excp = sys.exc_info()[:2] if ((excp_class is RuntimeError) and (len(excp.args) > 0) and (excp.args[0] == 'maximum recursion depth exceeded')): sys.__stderr__.write( 'Exception occurred in traits notification ' 'handler for object: %s, trait: %s, old value: %s, ' 'new value: %s.\n%s\n' % ( object, trait_name, old, new, ''.join( traceback.format_exception( *sys.exc_info() ) ) ) ) logger = self.traits_logger if logger is None: import logging self.traits_logger = logger = logging.getLogger( 'traits' ) handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter( '%(message)s' ) ) logger.addHandler( handler ) print ('Exception occurred in traits notification handler.\n' 'Please check the log file for details.') try: logger.exception( 'Exception occurred in traits notification handler for ' 'object: %s, trait: %s, old value: %s, new value: %s' % ( object, trait_name, old, new ) ) except Exception: # Ignore anything we can't log the above way: pass #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Traits global notification exception handler: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- notification_exception_handler = NotificationExceptionHandler() push_exception_handler = notification_exception_handler._push_handler pop_exception_handler = notification_exception_handler._pop_handler handle_exception = notification_exception_handler._handle_exception #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Traits global notification event tracer: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _pre_change_event_tracer = None _post_change_event_tracer = None def set_change_event_tracers( pre_tracer=None, post_tracer=None ): """ Set the global trait change event tracers. The global tracers are called whenever a trait change event is dispatched. There are two tracers: `pre_tracer` is called before the notification is sent; `post_tracer` is called after the notification is sent, even if the notification failed with an exception (in which case the `post_tracer` is called with a reference to the exception, then the exception is sent to the `notification_exception_handler`). The tracers should be a callable taking 5 arguments: :: tracer(obj, trait_name, old, new, handler) `obj` is the source object, on which trait `trait_name` was changed from value `old` to value `new`. `handler` is the function or method that will be notified of the change. The post-notification tracer also has a keyword argument, `exception`, that is `None` if no exception has been raised, and the a reference to the raise exception otherwise. :: post_tracer(obj, trait_name, old, new, handler, exception=None) Note that for static trait change listeners, `handler` is not a method, but rather the function before class creation, since this is the way Traits works at the moment. """ global _pre_change_event_tracer global _post_change_event_tracer _pre_change_event_tracer = pre_tracer _post_change_event_tracer = post_tracer def clear_change_event_tracers(): """ Clear the global trait change event tracer. """ global _pre_change_event_tracer global _post_change_event_tracer _pre_change_event_tracer = None _post_change_event_tracer = None #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'AbstractStaticChangeNotifyWrapper' class: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class AbstractStaticChangeNotifyWrapper(object): """ Concrete implementation must define the 'argument_transforms' class argument, a dictionary mapping the number of arguments in the event handler to a function that takes the arguments (obj, trait_name, old, new) and returns the arguments tuple for the actual handler. """ arguments_transforms = {} def __init__ ( self, handler ): arg_count = handler.func_code.co_argcount if arg_count > 4: raise TraitNotificationError( ('Invalid number of arguments for the static anytrait change ' 'notification handler: %s. A maximum of 4 arguments is ' 'allowed, but %s were specified.') % ( handler.__name__, arg_count ) ) self.argument_transform = self.argument_transforms[arg_count] self.handler = handler def __call__ ( self, object, trait_name, old, new ): """ Dispatch to the appropriate handler method. """ if old is not Uninitialized: # Extract the arguments needed from the handler. args = self.argument_transform( object, trait_name, old, new ) # Send a description of the change event to the event tracer. if _pre_change_event_tracer is not None: _pre_change_event_tracer( object, trait_name, old, new, self.handler ) try: # Call the handler. self.handler( *args ) except Exception as e: exception = e else: exception = None finally: if _post_change_event_tracer is not None: _post_change_event_tracer( object, trait_name, old, new, self.handler, exception=exception ) if exception is not None: handle_exception( object, trait_name, old, new ) def equals ( self, handler ): return False #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'StaticAnyTraitChangeNotifyWrapper' class: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class StaticAnyTraitChangeNotifyWrapper(AbstractStaticChangeNotifyWrapper): # The wrapper is called with the full set of argument, and we need to # create a tuple with the arguments that need to be sent to the event # handler, depending on the number of those. argument_transforms = { 0: lambda obj, name, old, new: (), 1: lambda obj, name, old, new: (obj,), 2: lambda obj, name, old, new: (obj, name), 3: lambda obj, name, old, new: (obj, name, new), 4: lambda obj, name, old, new: (obj, name, old, new), } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'StaticTraitChangeNotifyWrapper' class: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class StaticTraitChangeNotifyWrapper(AbstractStaticChangeNotifyWrapper): # The wrapper is called with the full set of argument, and we need to # create a tuple with the arguments that need to be sent to the event # handler, depending on the number of those. argument_transforms = { 0: lambda obj, name, old, new: (), 1: lambda obj, name, old, new: (obj,), 2: lambda obj, name, old, new: (obj, new), 3: lambda obj, name, old, new: (obj, old, new), 4: lambda obj, name, old, new: (obj, name, old, new), } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'TraitChangeNotifyWrapper' class: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TraitChangeNotifyWrapper(object): """ Dynamic change notify wrapper. This class is in charge to dispatch trait change events to dynamic listener, typically created using the `on_trait_change` method, or the decorator with the same name. """ # The wrapper is called with the full set of argument, and we need to # create a tuple with the arguments that need to be sent to the event # handler, depending on the number of those. argument_transforms = { 0: lambda obj, name, old, new: (), 1: lambda obj, name, old, new: (new,), 2: lambda obj, name, old, new: (name, new), 3: lambda obj, name, old, new: (obj, name, new), 4: lambda obj, name, old, new: (obj, name, old, new), } def __init__ ( self, handler, owner, target=None ): self.init( handler, owner, target ) def init ( self, handler, owner, target=None ): # If target is not None and handler is a function then the handler # will be removed when target is deleted. if type( handler ) is MethodType: func = handler.im_func object = handler.im_self if object is not None: self.object = weakref.ref( object, self.listener_deleted ) self.name = handler.__name__ self.owner = owner arg_count = func.func_code.co_argcount - 1 if arg_count > 4: raise TraitNotificationError( ('Invalid number of arguments for the dynamic trait ' 'change notification handler: %s. A maximum of 4 ' 'arguments is allowed, but %s were specified.') % ( func.__name__, arg_count ) ) # We use the unbound method here to prevent cyclic garbage # (issue #100). self.notify_listener = type(self)._notify_method_listener self.argument_transform = self.argument_transforms[arg_count] return arg_count elif target is not None: # Set up so the handler will be removed when the target is deleted. self.object = weakref.ref( target, self.listener_deleted ) self.owner = owner arg_count = handler.func_code.co_argcount if arg_count > 4: raise TraitNotificationError( ('Invalid number of arguments for the dynamic trait change ' 'notification handler: %s. A maximum of 4 arguments is ' 'allowed, but %s were specified.') % ( handler.__name__, arg_count ) ) self.name = None self.handler = handler # We use the unbound method here to prevent cyclic garbage # (issue #100). self.notify_listener = type(self)._notify_function_listener self.argument_transform = self.argument_transforms[arg_count] return arg_count def __call__(self, object, trait_name, old, new): """ Dispatch to the appropriate method. We do explicit dispatch instead of assigning to the .__call__ instance attribute to avoid reference cycles. """ # `notify_listener` is either the *unbound* # `_notify_method_listener` or `_notify_function_listener` to # prevent cyclic garbage (issue #100). self.notify_listener( self, object, trait_name, old, new ) def dispatch ( self, handler, *args ): """ Dispatch the event to the listener. This method is normally the only one that needs to be overridden in a subclass to implement the subclass's dispatch mechanism. """ handler( *args ) def equals ( self, handler ): if handler is self: return True if (type( handler ) is MethodType) and (handler.im_self is not None): return ((handler.__name__ == self.name) and (handler.im_self is self.object())) return ((self.name is None) and (handler == self.handler)) def listener_deleted ( self, ref ): # In multithreaded situations, it's possible for this method to # be called after, or concurrently with, the dispose method. # Don't raise in that case. try: self.owner.remove( self ) except ValueError: pass self.object = self.owner = None def dispose ( self ): self.object = None def _dispatch_change_event(self, object, trait_name, old, new, handler): """ Prepare and dispatch a trait change event to a listener. """ # Extract the arguments needed from the handler. args = self.argument_transform( object, trait_name, old, new ) # Send a description of the event to the change event tracer. if _pre_change_event_tracer is not None: _pre_change_event_tracer( object, trait_name, old, new, handler ) # Dispatch the event to the listener. try: self.dispatch( handler, *args ) except Exception as e: if _post_change_event_tracer is not None: _post_change_event_tracer( object, trait_name, old, new, handler, exception=e ) # This call needs to be made inside the `except` block in case # the handler wants to re-raise the exception. handle_exception( object, trait_name, old, new ) else: if _post_change_event_tracer is not None: _post_change_event_tracer( object, trait_name, old, new, handler, exception=None ) def _notify_method_listener(self, object, trait_name, old, new): """ Dispatch a trait change event to a method listener. """ obj_weak_ref = self.object if (obj_weak_ref is not None) and (old is not Uninitialized): # We make sure to hold a reference to the object before invoking # `getattr` so that the listener does not disappear in a # multi-threaded case. obj = obj_weak_ref() if obj is not None: # Dynamically resolve the listener by name. listener = getattr( obj, self.name ) self._dispatch_change_event( object, trait_name, old, new, listener ) def _notify_function_listener(self, object, trait_name, old, new): """ Dispatch a trait change event to a function listener. """ if old is not Uninitialized: self._dispatch_change_event( object, trait_name, old, new, self.handler ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'ExtendedTraitChangeNotifyWrapper' class: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ExtendedTraitChangeNotifyWrapper ( TraitChangeNotifyWrapper ): """ Change notify wrapper for "extended" trait change events.. The "extended notifiers" are set up internally when using extended traits, to add/remove traits listeners when one of the intermediate traits changes. For example, in a listener for the extended trait `a.b`, we need to add/remove listeners to `a:b` when `a` changes. """ def _dispatch_change_event(self, object, trait_name, old, new, handler): """ Prepare and dispatch a trait change event to a listener. """ # Extract the arguments needed from the handler. args = self.argument_transform( object, trait_name, old, new ) # Dispatch the event to the listener. try: self.dispatch( handler, *args ) except Exception: handle_exception( object, trait_name, old, new ) def _notify_method_listener(self, object, trait_name, old, new): """ Dispatch a trait change event to a method listener. """ obj_weak_ref = self.object if obj_weak_ref is not None: # We make sure to hold a reference to the object before invoking # `getattr` so that the listener does not disappear in a # multi-threaded case. obj = obj_weak_ref() if obj is not None: # Dynamically resolve the listener by name. listener = getattr( obj, self.name ) self._dispatch_change_event( object, trait_name, old, new, listener ) def _notify_function_listener(self, object, trait_name, old, new): """ Dispatch a trait change event to a function listener. """ self._dispatch_change_event(object, trait_name, old, new, self.handler) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'FastUITraitChangeNotifyWrapper' class: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class FastUITraitChangeNotifyWrapper ( TraitChangeNotifyWrapper ): """ Dynamic change notify wrapper, dispatching on the UI thread. This class is in charge to dispatch trait change events to dynamic listener, typically created using the `on_trait_change` method and the `dispatch` parameter set to 'ui' or 'fast_ui'. """ def dispatch ( self, handler, *args ): if get_ident() == ui_thread: handler( *args ) else: ui_handler( handler, *args ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 'NewTraitChangeNotifyWrapper' class: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class NewTraitChangeNotifyWrapper ( TraitChangeNotifyWrapper ): """ Dynamic change notify wrapper, dispatching on a new thread. This class is in charge to dispatch trait change events to dynamic listener, typically created using the `on_trait_change` method and the `dispatch` parameter set to 'new'. """ def dispatch ( self, handler, *args ): Thread( target = handler, args = args ).start()