# -*- Mode: Python -*- # GObject-Introspection - a framework for introspecting GObject libraries # Copyright (C) 2008 Johan Dahlin # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # import os import sys import tempfile import shutil import subprocess from xml.etree.cElementTree import parse from . import ast from . import message from . import utils from .transformer import TransformerException from .utils import to_underscores # GParamFlags G_PARAM_READABLE = 1 << 0 G_PARAM_WRITABLE = 1 << 1 G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT = 1 << 2 G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY = 1 << 3 G_PARAM_LAX_VALIDATION = 1 << 4 G_PARAM_STATIC_NAME = 1 << 5 G_PARAM_STATIC_NICK = 1 << 6 G_PARAM_STATIC_BLURB = 1 << 7 class IntrospectionBinary(object): def __init__(self, args, tmpdir=None): self.args = args if tmpdir is None: self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp('', 'tmp-introspect') else: self.tmpdir = tmpdir class Unresolved(object): def __init__(self, target): self.target = target class UnknownTypeError(Exception): pass class GDumpParser(object): def __init__(self, transformer): self._transformer = transformer self._namespace = transformer.namespace self._binary = None self._get_type_functions = [] self._error_quark_functions = [] self._error_domains = {} self._boxed_types = {} self._private_internal_types = {} # Public API def init_parse(self): """Do parsing steps that don't involve the introspection binary This does enough work that get_type_functions() can be called. """ # First pass: parsing for node in self._namespace.itervalues(): if isinstance(node, ast.Function): self._initparse_function(node) if self._namespace.name == 'GObject' or self._namespace.name == 'GLib': for node in self._namespace.itervalues(): if isinstance(node, ast.Record): self._initparse_gobject_record(node) def get_get_type_functions(self): return self._get_type_functions def get_error_quark_functions(self): return self._error_quark_functions def set_introspection_binary(self, binary): self._binary = binary def parse(self): """Do remaining parsing steps requiring introspection binary""" # Get all the GObject data by passing our list of get_type # functions to the compiled binary, returning an XML blob. tree = self._execute_binary_get_tree() root = tree.getroot() for child in root: if child.tag == 'error-quark': self._introspect_error_quark(child) else: self._introspect_type(child) # Pair up boxed types and class records for name, boxed in self._boxed_types.iteritems(): self._pair_boxed_type(boxed) for node in self._namespace.itervalues(): if isinstance(node, (ast.Class, ast.Interface)): self._find_class_record(node) # Clear the _get_type functions out of the namespace; # Anyone who wants them can get them from the ast.Class/Interface/Boxed to_remove = [] for name, node in self._namespace.iteritems(): if isinstance(node, ast.Registered) and node.get_type is not None: get_type_name = node.get_type if get_type_name == 'intern': continue assert get_type_name, node (ns, name) = self._transformer.split_csymbol(get_type_name) assert ns is self._namespace get_type_func = self._namespace.get(name) assert get_type_func, name to_remove.append(get_type_func) for node in to_remove: self._namespace.remove(node) # Helper functions def _execute_binary_get_tree(self): """Load the library (or executable), returning an XML blob containing data gleaned from GObject's primitive introspection.""" in_path = os.path.join(self._binary.tmpdir, 'functions.txt') with open(in_path, 'w') as f: for func in self._get_type_functions: f.write('get-type:') f.write(func) f.write('\n') for func in self._error_quark_functions: f.write('error-quark:') f.write(func) f.write('\n') out_path = os.path.join(self._binary.tmpdir, 'dump.xml') args = [] args.extend(self._binary.args) args.append('--introspect-dump=%s,%s' % (in_path, out_path)) # Invoke the binary, having written our get_type functions to types.txt try: try: subprocess.check_call(args, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: # Clean up temporaries raise SystemExit(e) return parse(out_path) finally: if not utils.have_debug_flag('save-temps'): shutil.rmtree(self._binary.tmpdir) # Parser def _initparse_function(self, func): symbol = func.symbol if symbol.startswith('_'): return elif (symbol.endswith('_get_type') or symbol.endswith('_get_gtype')): self._initparse_get_type_function(func) elif symbol.endswith('_error_quark'): self._initparse_error_quark_function(func) def _initparse_get_type_function(self, func): if func.symbol == 'g_variant_get_gtype': # We handle variants internally, see _initparse_gobject_record return True if func.is_type_meta_function(): self._get_type_functions.append(func.symbol) return True return False def _initparse_error_quark_function(self, func): if (func.retval.type.ctype != 'GQuark'): return False self._error_quark_functions.append(func.symbol) return True def _initparse_gobject_record(self, record): if (record.name.startswith('ParamSpec') and record.name not in ('ParamSpecPool', 'ParamSpecClass', 'ParamSpecTypeInfo')): parent = None if record.name != 'ParamSpec': parent = ast.Type(target_giname='GObject.ParamSpec') prefix = to_underscores(record.name).lower() node = ast.Class(record.name, parent, ctype=record.ctype, # GParamSpecXxx has g_type_name 'GParamXxx' gtype_name=record.ctype.replace('Spec', ''), get_type='intern', c_symbol_prefix=prefix) node.fundamental = True if record.name == 'ParamSpec': node.is_abstract = True self._add_record_fields(node) self._namespace.append(node, replace=True) elif record.name == 'Variant': self._boxed_types['GVariant'] = ast.Boxed('Variant', gtype_name='GVariant', get_type='intern', c_symbol_prefix='variant') elif record.name == 'InitiallyUnownedClass': record.fields = self._namespace.get('ObjectClass').fields record.disguised = False # Introspection over the data we get from the dynamic # GObject/GType system out of the binary def _introspect_type(self, xmlnode): if xmlnode.tag in ('enum', 'flags'): self._introspect_enum(xmlnode) elif xmlnode.tag == 'class': self._introspect_object(xmlnode) elif xmlnode.tag == 'interface': self._introspect_interface(xmlnode) elif xmlnode.tag == 'boxed': self._introspect_boxed(xmlnode) elif xmlnode.tag == 'fundamental': self._introspect_fundamental(xmlnode) else: raise ValueError("Unhandled introspection XML tag %s", xmlnode.tag) def _introspect_enum(self, xmlnode): type_name = xmlnode.attrib['name'] (get_type, c_symbol_prefix) = self._split_type_and_symbol_prefix(xmlnode) try: enum_name = self._transformer.strip_identifier(type_name) except TransformerException as e: message.fatal(e) # The scanned member values are more accurate than the values that the # we dumped from GEnumValue.value because GEnumValue.value has the # values as a 32-bit signed integer, even if they were unsigned # in the source code. previous_values = {} previous = self._namespace.get(enum_name) if isinstance(previous, (ast.Enum, ast.Bitfield)): for member in previous.members: previous_values[member.name] = member.value members = [] for member in xmlnode.findall('member'): # Keep the name closer to what we'd take from C by default; # see http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=575613 name = member.attrib['nick'].replace('-', '_') if name in previous_values: value = previous_values[name] else: value = member.attrib['value'] members.append(ast.Member(name, value, member.attrib['name'], member.attrib['nick'])) if xmlnode.tag == 'flags': klass = ast.Bitfield else: klass = ast.Enum node = klass(enum_name, type_name, gtype_name=type_name, c_symbol_prefix=c_symbol_prefix, members=members, get_type=xmlnode.attrib['get-type']) self._namespace.append(node, replace=True) def _split_type_and_symbol_prefix(self, xmlnode): """Infer the C symbol prefix from the _get_type function.""" get_type = xmlnode.attrib['get-type'] (ns, name) = self._transformer.split_csymbol(get_type) assert ns is self._namespace if name in ('get_type', '_get_gtype'): message.fatal("""The GObject name %r isn't compatible with the configured identifier prefixes: %r The class would have no name. Most likely you want to specify a different --identifier-prefix.""" % (xmlnode.attrib['name'], self._namespace.identifier_prefixes)) if name.endswith('_get_type'): type_suffix = '_get_type' else: type_suffix = '_get_gtype' return (get_type, name[:-len(type_suffix)]) def _introspect_object(self, xmlnode): type_name = xmlnode.attrib['name'] is_abstract = bool(xmlnode.attrib.get('abstract', False)) (get_type, c_symbol_prefix) = self._split_type_and_symbol_prefix(xmlnode) try: object_name = self._transformer.strip_identifier(type_name) except TransformerException as e: message.fatal(e) node = ast.Class(object_name, None, gtype_name=type_name, get_type=get_type, c_symbol_prefix=c_symbol_prefix, is_abstract=is_abstract) self._parse_parents(xmlnode, node) self._introspect_properties(node, xmlnode) self._introspect_signals(node, xmlnode) self._introspect_implemented_interfaces(node, xmlnode) self._add_record_fields(node) self._namespace.append(node, replace=True) def _introspect_interface(self, xmlnode): type_name = xmlnode.attrib['name'] (get_type, c_symbol_prefix) = self._split_type_and_symbol_prefix(xmlnode) try: interface_name = self._transformer.strip_identifier(type_name) except TransformerException as e: message.fatal(e) node = ast.Interface(interface_name, None, gtype_name=type_name, get_type=get_type, c_symbol_prefix=c_symbol_prefix) self._introspect_properties(node, xmlnode) self._introspect_signals(node, xmlnode) for child in xmlnode.findall('prerequisite'): name = child.attrib['name'] prereq = ast.Type.create_from_gtype_name(name) node.prerequisites.append(prereq) record = self._namespace.get(node.name) if isinstance(record, ast.Record): node.ctype = record.ctype else: message.warn_node(node, "Couldn't find associated structure for '%r'" % (node.name, )) # GtkFileChooserEmbed is an example of a private interface, we # just filter them out if xmlnode.attrib['get-type'].startswith('_'): self._private_internal_types[type_name] = node else: self._namespace.append(node, replace=True) # WORKAROUND # https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=550616 def _introspect_boxed_gstreamer_workaround(self, xmlnode): node = ast.Boxed('ParamSpecMiniObject', gtype_name='GParamSpecMiniObject', get_type='gst_param_spec_mini_object_get_type', c_symbol_prefix='param_spec_mini_object') self._boxed_types[node.gtype_name] = node def _introspect_boxed(self, xmlnode): type_name = xmlnode.attrib['name'] # Work around GStreamer legacy naming issue # https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=550616 if type_name == 'GParamSpecMiniObject': self._introspect_boxed_gstreamer_workaround(xmlnode) return try: name = self._transformer.strip_identifier(type_name) except TransformerException as e: message.fatal(e) # This one doesn't go in the main namespace; we associate it with # the struct or union (get_type, c_symbol_prefix) = self._split_type_and_symbol_prefix(xmlnode) node = ast.Boxed(name, gtype_name=type_name, get_type=get_type, c_symbol_prefix=c_symbol_prefix) self._boxed_types[node.gtype_name] = node def _introspect_implemented_interfaces(self, node, xmlnode): gt_interfaces = [] for interface in xmlnode.findall('implements'): gitype = ast.Type.create_from_gtype_name(interface.attrib['name']) gt_interfaces.append(gitype) node.interfaces = gt_interfaces def _introspect_properties(self, node, xmlnode): for pspec in xmlnode.findall('property'): ctype = pspec.attrib['type'] flags = int(pspec.attrib['flags']) readable = (flags & G_PARAM_READABLE) != 0 writable = (flags & G_PARAM_WRITABLE) != 0 construct = (flags & G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT) != 0 construct_only = (flags & G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY) != 0 node.properties.append(ast.Property( pspec.attrib['name'], ast.Type.create_from_gtype_name(ctype), readable, writable, construct, construct_only)) node.properties = node.properties def _introspect_signals(self, node, xmlnode): for signal_info in xmlnode.findall('signal'): rctype = signal_info.attrib['return'] rtype = ast.Type.create_from_gtype_name(rctype) return_ = ast.Return(rtype) parameters = [] when = signal_info.attrib.get('when') no_recurse = signal_info.attrib.get('no-recurse', '0') == '1' detailed = signal_info.attrib.get('detailed', '0') == '1' action = signal_info.attrib.get('action', '0') == '1' no_hooks = signal_info.attrib.get('no-hooks', '0') == '1' for i, parameter in enumerate(signal_info.findall('param')): if i == 0: argname = 'object' else: argname = 'p%s' % (i - 1, ) pctype = parameter.attrib['type'] ptype = ast.Type.create_from_gtype_name(pctype) param = ast.Parameter(argname, ptype) param.transfer = ast.PARAM_TRANSFER_NONE parameters.append(param) signal = ast.Signal(signal_info.attrib['name'], return_, parameters, when=when, no_recurse=no_recurse, detailed=detailed, action=action, no_hooks=no_hooks) node.signals.append(signal) node.signals = node.signals def _parse_parents(self, xmlnode, node): parents_str = xmlnode.attrib.get('parents', '') if parents_str != '': parent_types = map(lambda s: ast.Type.create_from_gtype_name(s), parents_str.split(',')) else: parent_types = [] node.parent_chain = parent_types def _introspect_fundamental(self, xmlnode): type_name = xmlnode.attrib['name'] is_abstract = bool(xmlnode.attrib.get('abstract', False)) (get_type, c_symbol_prefix) = self._split_type_and_symbol_prefix(xmlnode) try: fundamental_name = self._transformer.strip_identifier(type_name) except TransformerException as e: message.warn(e) return node = ast.Class(fundamental_name, None, gtype_name=type_name, get_type=get_type, c_symbol_prefix=c_symbol_prefix, is_abstract=is_abstract) self._parse_parents(xmlnode, node) node.fundamental = True self._introspect_implemented_interfaces(node, xmlnode) self._add_record_fields(node) self._namespace.append(node, replace=True) def _add_record_fields(self, node): # add record fields record = self._namespace.get(node.name) if not isinstance(record, ast.Record): return node.ctype = record.ctype node.fields = record.fields for field in node.fields: if isinstance(field, ast.Field): # Object instance fields are assumed to be read-only # (see also _find_class_record and transformer.py) field.writable = False def _introspect_error_quark(self, xmlnode): symbol = xmlnode.attrib['function'] error_domain = xmlnode.attrib['domain'] function = self._namespace.get_by_symbol(symbol) if function is None: return node = ast.ErrorQuarkFunction(function.name, function.retval, function.parameters, function.throws, function.symbol, error_domain) self._namespace.append(node, replace=True) def _pair_boxed_type(self, boxed): try: name = self._transformer.strip_identifier(boxed.gtype_name) except TransformerException as e: message.fatal(e) pair_node = self._namespace.get(name) if not pair_node: # Keep the "bare" boxed instance self._namespace.append(boxed) elif isinstance(pair_node, (ast.Record, ast.Union)): pair_node.add_gtype(boxed.gtype_name, boxed.get_type) assert boxed.c_symbol_prefix is not None pair_node.c_symbol_prefix = boxed.c_symbol_prefix # Quick hack - reset the disguised flag; we're setting it # incorrectly in the scanner pair_node.disguised = False else: return False def _find_class_record(self, cls): pair_record = None if isinstance(cls, ast.Class): pair_record = self._namespace.get(cls.name + 'Class') else: for suffix in ('Iface', 'Interface'): pair_record = self._namespace.get(cls.name + suffix) if pair_record: break if not (pair_record and isinstance(pair_record, ast.Record)): return cls.glib_type_struct = pair_record.create_type() cls.inherit_file_positions(pair_record) pair_record.is_gtype_struct_for = cls.create_type()