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#   See COPYING file distributed along with the NiBabel package for the
#   copyright and license terms.
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''' Read / write access to NIfTI2 image format

Format described here:


Stuff about the CIFTI file format here:


import numpy as np

from .analyze import AnalyzeHeader
from .batteryrunners import Report
from .spatialimages import HeaderDataError, ImageFileError
from .nifti1 import Nifti1Header, Nifti1Pair, Nifti1Image

Header struct from : https://www.nitrc.org/forum/message.php?msg_id=3738

/*! \struct nifti_2_header
    \brief Data structure defining the fields in the nifti2 header.
           This binary header should be found at the beginning of a valid
           NIFTI-2 header file.
                        /*************************/ /************/
struct nifti_2_header { /* NIFTI-2 usage         */ /*  offset
                        /*************************/ /************/
int   sizeof_hdr;     /*!< MUST be 540           */   /*   0 */
char  magic[8] ;      /*!< MUST be valid signature.   /*   4 */
short datatype;       /*!< Defines data type!    */   /*  12 */
short bitpix;         /*!< Number bits/voxel.    */   /*  14 */
int64_t dim[8];       /*!< Data array dimensions.*/   /*  16 */
double intent_p1 ;    /*!< 1st intent parameter. */   /*  80 */
double intent_p2 ;    /*!< 2nd intent parameter. */   /*  88 */
double intent_p3 ;    /*!< 3rd intent parameter. */   /*  96 */
double pixdim[8];     /*!< Grid spacings.        */   /* 104 */
int64_t vox_offset;   /*!< Offset into .nii file */   /* 168 */
double scl_slope ;    /*!< Data scaling: slope.  */   /* 176 */
double scl_inter ;    /*!< Data scaling: offset. */   /* 184 */
double cal_max;       /*!< Max display intensity */   /* 192 */
double cal_min;       /*!< Min display intensity */   /* 200 */
double slice_duration;/*!< Time for 1 slice.     */   /* 208 */
double toffset;       /*!< Time axis shift.      */   /* 216 */
int64_t slice_start;  /*!< First slice index.    */   /* 224 */
int64_t slice_end;    /*!< Last slice index.     */   /* 232 */
char  descrip[80];    /*!< any text you like.    */   /* 240 */
char  aux_file[24];   /*!< auxiliary filename.   */   /* 320 */
int qform_code ;      /*!< NIFTI_XFORM_* code.   */   /* 344 */
int sform_code ;      /*!< NIFTI_XFORM_* code.   */   /* 348 */
double quatern_b ;    /*!< Quaternion b param.   */   /* 352 */
double quatern_c ;    /*!< Quaternion c param.   */   /* 360 */
double quatern_d ;    /*!< Quaternion d param.   */   /* 368 */
double qoffset_x ;    /*!< Quaternion x shift.   */   /* 376 */
double qoffset_y ;    /*!< Quaternion y shift.   */   /* 384 */
double qoffset_z ;    /*!< Quaternion z shift.   */   /* 392 */
double srow_x[4] ;    /*!< 1st row affine transform. */  /* 400 */
double srow_y[4] ;    /*!< 2nd row affine transform. */  /* 432 */
double srow_z[4] ;    /*!< 3rd row affine transform. */  /* 464 */
int slice_code ;      /*!< Slice timing order.   */ /* 496 */
int xyzt_units ;      /*!< Units of pixdim[1..4] */ /* 500 */
int intent_code ;     /*!< NIFTI_INTENT_* code.  */ /* 504 */
char intent_name[16]; /*!< 'name' or meaning of data. */ /* 508 */
char dim_info;        /*!< MRI slice ordering.   */      /* 524 */
char unused_str[15];  /*!< unused, filled with \0 */     /* 525 */
} ;                   /**** 540 bytes total ****/
typedef struct nifti_2_header nifti_2_header ;

# nifti2 flat header definition for first 540 bytes
# First number in comments indicates offset in file header in bytes
header_dtd = [
    ('sizeof_hdr', 'i4'), # 0; must be 540
    ('magic', 'S4'),      # 4; must be 'ni2\0' or 'n+2\0'
    ('eol_check', 'i1', (4,)), # 8; must be 0D 0A 1A 0A
    ('datatype', 'i2'),   # 12; it's the datatype
    ('bitpix', 'i2'),     # 14; number of bits per voxel
    ('dim', 'i8', (8,)),  # 16; data array dimensions
    ('intent_p1', 'f8'),  # 80; first intent parameter
    ('intent_p2', 'f8'),  # 88; second intent parameter
    ('intent_p3', 'f8'),  # 96; third intent parameter
    ('pixdim', 'f8', (8,)), # 104; grid spacings (units below)
    ('vox_offset', 'i8'), # 168; offset to data in image file
    ('scl_slope', 'f8'),  # 176; data scaling slope
    ('scl_inter', 'f8'),  # 184; data scaling intercept
    ('cal_max', 'f8'),    # 192; max display intensity
    ('cal_min', 'f8'),    # 200; min display intensity
    ('slice_duration', 'f8'), # 208; time for 1 slice
    ('toffset', 'f8'),   # 216; time axis shift
    ('slice_start', 'i8'), # 224; first slice index
    ('slice_end', 'i8'), # 232; last slice index
    ('descrip', 'S80'),  # 240; any text
    ('aux_file', 'S24'), # 320; auxiliary filename
    ('qform_code', 'i4'), # 344; xform code
    ('sform_code', 'i4'), # 348; xform code
    ('quatern_b', 'f8'), # 352; quaternion b param
    ('quatern_c', 'f8'), # 360; quaternion c param
    ('quatern_d', 'f8'), # 368; quaternion d param
    ('qoffset_x', 'f8'), # 376; quaternion x shift
    ('qoffset_y', 'f8'), # 384; quaternion y shift
    ('qoffset_z', 'f8'), # 392; quaternion z shift
    ('srow_x', 'f8', (4,)), # 400; 1st row affine transform
    ('srow_y', 'f8', (4,)), # 432; 2nd row affine transform
    ('srow_z', 'f8', (4,)), # 464; 3rd row affine transform
    ('slice_code', 'i4'), # 496; slice timing order
    ('xyzt_units', 'i4'), # 500; inits of pixdim[1..4]
    ('intent_code', 'i4'),# 504; NIFTI intent code
    ('intent_name', 'S16'), # 508; name or meaning of data
    ('dim_info', 'u1'),   # 524; MRI slice ordering code
    ('unused_str', 'S15'), # 525; unused, filled with \0
    ] # total 540

# Full header numpy dtype
header_dtype = np.dtype(header_dtd)

class Nifti2Header(Nifti1Header):
    """ Class for NIfTI2 header

    NIfTI2 is a slightly simplified variant of NIfTI1 which replaces 32-bit
    floats with 64-bit floats, and increases some integer widths to 32 or 64
    template_dtype = header_dtype
    pair_vox_offset = 0
    single_vox_offset = 544

    # Magics for single and pair
    pair_magic = b'ni2'
    single_magic = b'n+2'

    # Size of header in sizeof_hdr field
    sizeof_hdr = 540

    # Quaternion threshold near 0, based on float64 preicision
    quaternion_threshold = -np.finfo(np.float64).eps * 3

    def get_data_shape(self):
        ''' Get shape of data

        >>> hdr = Nifti2Header()
        >>> hdr.get_data_shape()
        >>> hdr.set_data_shape((1,2,3))
        >>> hdr.get_data_shape()
        (1, 2, 3)

        Expanding number of dimensions gets default zooms

        >>> hdr.get_zooms()
        (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

        Does not use Nifti1 freesurfer hack for large vectors described in
        return AnalyzeHeader.get_data_shape(self)

    def set_data_shape(self, shape):
        ''' Set shape of data

        If ``ndims == len(shape)`` then we set zooms for dimensions higher than
        ``ndims`` to 1.0

        shape : sequence
           sequence of integers specifying data array shape

        Does not apply nifti1 Freesurfer hack for long vectors (see
        AnalyzeHeader.set_data_shape(self, shape)

    def default_structarr(klass, endianness=None):
        ''' Create empty header binary block with given endianness '''
        hdr_data = super(Nifti2Header, klass).default_structarr(endianness)
        hdr_data['eol_check'] = (13, 10, 26, 10)
        return hdr_data

    ''' Checks only below here '''

    def _get_checks(klass):
        # Add our own checks
        return (super(Nifti2Header, klass)._get_checks() +

    def _chk_eol_check(hdr, fix=False):
        rep = Report(HeaderDataError)
        if np.all(hdr['eol_check'] == (13, 10, 26, 10)):
            return hdr, rep
        if np.all(hdr['eol_check'] == 0):
            rep.problem_level = 20
            rep.problem_msg = 'EOL check all 0'
            if fix:
                hdr['eol_check'] = (13, 10, 26, 10)
                rep.fix_msg = 'setting EOL check to 13, 10, 26, 10'
            return hdr, rep
        rep.problem_level = 40
        rep.problem_msg = ('EOL check not 0 or 13, 10, 26, 10; data may be '
                           'corrupted by EOL conversion')
        if fix:
            hdr['eol_check'] = (13, 10, 26, 10)
            rep.fix_msg = 'setting EOL check to 13, 10, 26, 10'
        return hdr, rep

class Nifti2PairHeader(Nifti2Header):
    ''' Class for NIfTI2 pair header '''
    # Signal whether this is single (header + data) file
    is_single = False

class Nifti2Pair(Nifti1Pair):
    """ Class for NIfTI2 format image, header pair
    header_class = Nifti2PairHeader

class Nifti2Image(Nifti1Image):
    """ Class for single file NIfTI2 format image
    header_class = Nifti2Header

def load(filename):
    """ Load NIfTI2 single or pair image from `filename`

    filename : str
        filename of image to be loaded

    img : Nifti2Image or Nifti2Pair
        nifti2 single or pair image instance

        if `filename` doesn't look like nifti2;
        if `filename` does not exist.
        img = Nifti2Image.load(filename)
    except ImageFileError:
        return Nifti2Pair.load(filename)
    return img

def save(img, filename):
    """ Save NIfTI2 single or pair to `filename`

    filename : str
        filename to which to save image
        Nifti2Image.instance_to_filename(img, filename)
    except ImageFileError:
        Nifti2Pair.instance_to_filename(img, filename)