from __future__ import absolute_import """ M2Crypto wrapper for OpenSSL BN (BIGNUM) API. Copyright (c) 2005 Open Source Applications Foundation. All rights reserved. """ from M2Crypto import m2, util if util.py27plus: from typing import Optional # noqa def rand(bits, top=-1, bottom=0): # type: (int, int, int) -> Optional[int] """ Generate cryptographically strong random number. :param bits: Length of random number in bits. :param top: If -1, the most significant bit can be 0. If 0, the most significant bit is 1, and if 1, the two most significant bits will be 1. :param bottom: If bottom is true, the number will be odd. """ return m2.bn_rand(bits, top, bottom) def rand_range(range): # type: (int) -> int """ Generate a random number in a range. :param range: Upper limit for range. :return: A random number in the range [0, range) """ return m2.bn_rand_range(range) def randfname(length): # type: (int) -> str """ Return a random filename, which is simply a string where all the characters are from the set [a-zA-Z0-9]. :param length: Length of filename to return. :return: random filename string """ import warnings warnings.warn( "Don't use BN.randfname(), use tempfile methods instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567890' lettersLen = len(letters) fname = [] # type: list for x in range(length): fname += [letters[m2.bn_rand_range(lettersLen)]] return ''.join(fname)