/*============================================================================= Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Joel de Guzman Copyright (c) 2005 Eric Niebler Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) ==============================================================================*/ #if !defined(FUSION_CONS_07172005_0843) #define FUSION_CONS_07172005_0843 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { namespace fusion { struct void_; struct cons_tag; struct forward_traversal_tag; struct fusion_sequence_tag; struct nil : sequence_base { typedef mpl::int_<0> size; typedef cons_tag fusion_tag; typedef fusion_sequence_tag tag; // this gets picked up by MPL typedef mpl::false_ is_view; typedef forward_traversal_tag category; typedef void_ car_type; typedef void_ cdr_type; nil() {} template nil(Iterator const& /*iter*/, mpl::true_ /*this_is_an_iterator*/) {} template void assign_from_iter(Iterator const& /*iter*/) { } }; template struct cons : sequence_base > { typedef mpl::int_ size; typedef cons_tag fusion_tag; typedef fusion_sequence_tag tag; // this gets picked up by MPL typedef mpl::false_ is_view; typedef forward_traversal_tag category; typedef Car car_type; typedef Cdr cdr_type; cons() : car(), cdr() {} explicit cons(typename detail::call_param::type in_car) : car(in_car), cdr() {} cons( typename detail::call_param::type in_car , typename detail::call_param::type in_cdr) : car(in_car), cdr(in_cdr) {} template cons(cons const& rhs) : car(rhs.car), cdr(rhs.cdr) {} cons(cons const& rhs) : car(rhs.car), cdr(rhs.cdr) {} template cons( Sequence const& seq , typename disable_if< mpl::or_< is_convertible // use copy ctor instead , is_convertible // use copy to car instead > >::type* /*dummy*/ = 0 ) : car(*fusion::begin(seq)) , cdr(fusion::next(fusion::begin(seq)), mpl::true_()) {} template cons(Iterator const& iter, mpl::true_ /*this_is_an_iterator*/) : car(*iter) , cdr(fusion::next(iter), mpl::true_()) {} template cons& operator=(cons const& rhs) { car = rhs.car; cdr = rhs.cdr; return *this; } cons& operator=(cons const& rhs) { car = rhs.car; cdr = rhs.cdr; return *this; } template typename disable_if, cons&>::type operator=(Sequence const& seq) { typedef typename result_of::begin::type Iterator; Iterator iter = fusion::begin(seq); this->assign_from_iter(iter); return *this; } template void assign_from_iter(Iterator const& iter) { car = *iter; cdr.assign_from_iter(fusion::next(iter)); } car_type car; cdr_type cdr; }; }} #endif