#!/usr/local/bin/perl5 -w package ILT::SceneObject; use strict; use ILT::LayoutUtils; use ILT::ProgUtils; my( $rcsid ) = '$Header: /private-cvsroot/libraries/ILT/ILT/SceneObject.pm,v 1.6 2011-02-04 16:48:13 alex Exp $'; my( $this_class ) = "ILT::SceneObject"; sub new( $ ) { my( $proto ) = arg_any( shift ); end_args( @_ ); my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my $self = {}; bless ($self, $class); return $self; } sub create_temp_geometry_file( $ ) { my( $self ) = arg_object( shift, $this_class ); end_args( @_ ); #--- nothing to do for base class } sub make_ray_trace_args() { my( $self ) = arg_object( shift, $this_class ); end_args( @_ ); fatal_error( "called make_ray_trace_args() for base class\n" ); } sub get_plane_intersection( $$$$ ) { my( $self ) = arg_object( shift, $this_class ); my( $plane_origin_ref ) = arg_array_ref( shift, 3 ); my( $plane_normal_ref ) = arg_array_ref( shift, 3 ); my( $output_file ) = arg_string( shift ); end_args( @_ ); fatal_error( "called get_plane_intersection() for base class\n" ); } sub compute_bounding_view( $$$$ ) { my( $self ) = arg_object( shift, $this_class ); my( $view_direction_ref ) = arg_array_ref( shift, 3 ); my( $up_direction_ref ) = arg_array_ref( shift, 3 ); my( $transform ) = arg_string( shift ); end_args( @_ ); fatal_error( "called compute_bounding_view() for base class\n" ); } sub get_default_view( $ ) { my( $self ) = arg_object( shift, $this_class ); end_args( @_ ); fatal_error( "called get_default_view() for base class\n" ); } #----------------------------- MNI Header ----------------------------------- #@NAME : get_text_image_magick_args #@INPUT : self #@OUTPUT : #@RETURNS : a string #@DESCRIPTION: Returns a string which are arguments to pass to the # ImageMagick program to do text rendering. For generic # objects, does nothing. #@METHOD : #@GLOBALS : #@CALLS : #@CREATED : July 21, 1998 David MacDonald #@MODIFIED : #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_text_image_magick_args( $$$ ) { my( $self ) = arg_object( shift, $this_class ); my( $viewport_x_size ) = arg_real( shift, 0, 1e30 ); my( $viewport_y_size ) = arg_real( shift, 0, 1e30 ); end_args( @_ ); return( "" ); } 1;