#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Example configuration file for the dcmqrdb and dcmqrti applications. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Global Configuration Parameters # NetworkTCPPort = 104 MaxPDUSize = 16384 MaxAssociations = 16 # # UserName = # GroupName = HostTable BEGIN # # The HostTable defines symbolic names for collections of network # DICOM Application Entities. A symbolic name can represent a single # application entity or it can represent a group of application entities. # Each DICOM application entity is defined by a triple consisting of # Application Entitiy Title, host name and TCP/IP port number. # # Entry Format: SymbolicName = ( AETitle, HostName, Portnumber ), ... | # SymbolicName = SymbolicName, ... # # NOTE: in the current implementation you cannot substitute an IP address # for a hostname. # acme1 = (ACME1, acmehost1, 5678) acme2 = (ACME2, acmehost2, 5678) acmeCTcompany = acme1, acme2 united1 = (UNITED1, unitedhost1, 104) united2 = (UNITED2, unitedhost2, 104) unitedMRcompany = united1, united2 # HostTable END VendorTable BEGIN # # The VendorTable is used by the dcmqrdb and dcmqrti applications. # You can give a vendor name (r.h.s. entry below) to the dcmqrti # program and it will talk to all hosts and AEs of the vendor. # The dcmqrdb program can use the vendor table to restrict move destination # to hosts belonging to a vendor. # Also, the dcmqrti and dcmqrdb programs use the name defined on the left hand side # as the vendor name to display above images. # # The format: # VendorName = SymbolicName # The symbolic name should be defined in the HostTable. # "Acme CT Company" = acmeCTcompany "United MR Company" = unitedMRcompany # VendorTable END AETable BEGIN # # Each row of the AETable defines an Application Entities (AE) Title known # to the dcmqrdb application. Each AE Title represents a separate # image database located in the specified file system directory (storage area). # Each AE Title has read/write, quota and peer access restrictions. # # Entry Format: AETitle StorageArea Access Quota Peers # AccessFormat: R | RW | W # Quota Format: ( maxStudies, maxBytesPerStudy ) # Peers Format: ( Hostname, AETitle, Portnumber ), ... | # Entry in HostTable | # ANY # COMMON /home/dicom/db/COMMON R (200, 1024mb) ANY ACME_STORE /home/dicom/db/ACME_STORE RW (9, 1024mb) acmeCTcompany UNITED_STORE /home/dicom/db/UNITED_STORE RW (9, 1024mb) unitedMRcompany # AETable END