# # Copyright (C) 2009-2010, OFFIS e.V. # All rights reserved. See COPYRIGHT file for details. # # This software and supporting documentation were developed by # # OFFIS e.V. # R&D Division Health # Escherweg 2 # D-26121 Oldenburg, Germany # # # Module: oflog # # Author: Joerg Riesmeier # # Purpose: Extended sample configuration file for the logger # # Last Update: $Author: joergr $ # Update Date: $Date: 2010-10-14 13:44:27 $ # CVS/RCS Revision: $Revision: 1.3 $ # Status: $State: Exp $ # # CVS/RCS Log at end of file # # log to both the console and a file log4cplus.rootLogger = DEBUG, console, logfile # log only error and fatal messages to the console log4cplus.appender.console = log4cplus::ConsoleAppender log4cplus.appender.console.Threshold = ERROR log4cplus.appender.console.logToStderr = true log4cplus.appender.console.ImmediateFlush = true # log debug messages to a log file (with automatic rotation) log4cplus.appender.logfile = log4cplus::RollingFileAppender log4cplus.appender.logfile.File = ${appname}.log log4cplus.appender.logfile.Append = true log4cplus.appender.logfile.ImmediateFlush = true log4cplus.appender.logfile.MaxFileSize = 5MB log4cplus.appender.logfile.MaxBackupIndex = 10 # use different patterns for the console and the file log4cplus.appender.console.layout = log4cplus::PatternLayout log4cplus.appender.console.layout.ConversionPattern = %D{%H:%M:%S} %5p: %m%n log4cplus.appender.logfile.layout = log4cplus::PatternLayout log4cplus.appender.logfile.layout.ConversionPattern = %D{%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%q} %5p - %-8c{1} - %m%n # # $Log: filelog.cfg,v $ # Revision 1.3 2010-10-14 13:44:27 joergr # Added missing CVS log to end of file. # # Revision 1.2 2010-10-14 12:51:11 joergr # Updated copyright header. Added reference to COPYRIGHT file. # # Revision 1.1 2010-06-15 09:03:40 joergr # Added extended sample configuration file for the logger. #