# # $Id: ASegStatsLUT.txt,v 1.3 2007/12/14 23:11:12 nicks Exp $ # # This is a subset of the labels found in FreeSurferColorLUT.txt. # This is the set that will be reported in the stats/aseg.stats file. # 0 Unknown 0 0 0 0 2 Left-Cerebral-White-Matter 245 245 245 0 3 Left-Cerebral-Cortex 205 62 78 0 4 Left-Lateral-Ventricle 120 18 134 0 5 Left-Inf-Lat-Vent 196 58 250 0 7 Left-Cerebellum-White-Matter 220 248 164 0 8 Left-Cerebellum-Cortex 230 148 34 0 10 Left-Thalamus-Proper 0 118 14 0 11 Left-Caudate 122 186 220 0 12 Left-Putamen 236 13 176 0 13 Left-Pallidum 12 48 255 0 14 3rd-Ventricle 204 182 142 0 15 4th-Ventricle 42 204 164 0 16 Brain-Stem 119 159 176 0 17 Left-Hippocampus 220 216 20 0 18 Left-Amygdala 103 255 255 0 24 CSF 60 60 60 0 26 Left-Accumbens-area 255 165 0 0 28 Left-VentralDC 165 42 42 0 30 Left-vessel 160 32 240 0 31 Left-choroid-plexus 0 200 200 0 41 Right-Cerebral-White-Matter 0 225 0 0 42 Right-Cerebral-Cortex 205 62 78 0 43 Right-Lateral-Ventricle 120 18 134 0 44 Right-Inf-Lat-Vent 196 58 250 0 46 Right-Cerebellum-White-Matter 220 248 164 0 47 Right-Cerebellum-Cortex 230 148 34 0 49 Right-Thalamus-Proper 0 118 14 0 50 Right-Caudate 122 186 220 0 51 Right-Putamen 236 13 176 0 52 Right-Pallidum 13 48 255 0 53 Right-Hippocampus 220 216 20 0 54 Right-Amygdala 103 255 255 0 58 Right-Accumbens-area 255 165 0 0 60 Right-VentralDC 165 42 42 0 62 Right-vessel 160 32 240 0 63 Right-choroid-plexus 0 200 221 0 72 5th-Ventricle 120 190 150 0 77 WM-hypointensities 200 70 255 0 78 Left-WM-hypointensities 255 148 10 0 79 Right-WM-hypointensities 255 148 10 0 80 non-WM-hypointensities 164 108 226 0 81 Left-non-WM-hypointensities 164 108 226 0 82 Right-non-WM-hypointensities 164 108 226 0 85 Optic-Chiasm 234 169 30 0 251 CC_Posterior 0 0 64 0 252 CC_Mid_Posterior 0 0 112 0 253 CC_Central 0 0 160 0 254 CC_Mid_Anterior 0 0 208 0 255 CC_Anterior 0 0 255 0