#! /bin/csh -f # # isxconcat-sess # # Original Author: Doug Greve # CVS Revision Info: # $Author: greve $ # $Date: 2012/11/27 21:03:24 $ # $Revision: $ # # Copyright (C) 2002-2007, # The General Hospital Corporation (Boston, MA). # All rights reserved. # # Distribution, usage and copying of this software is covered under the # terms found in the License Agreement file named 'COPYING' found in the # FreeSurfer source code root directory, and duplicated here: # https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FreeSurferOpenSourceLicense # # General inquiries: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu # Bug reports: analysis-bugs@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu # set VERSION = '$Id: isxconcat-sess,v 2012/11/27 21:03:24 greve Exp $' set inputargs = ($argv); set outtop = (); set analysis = (); set flac = (); set fsd = (); set contrastlist = (); set conmaplist = (); set anamaplist = (meanfunc raw.fsnr fsnr rho1mn) set RegDOF = 6; set regfile = () set interp = trilin set fwhm = (); set paireddiff = 0; set pairedavg = 0; set mean = 0; set ToVol = 0; set ToSurf = 0; set DoPercent = 0; set DoAllContrasts = 0; set DoOSGM = 0; set DoWRFX = 0; set DoRFX = 0; set DoFFX = 0; set SplitMVC = 1; # Split multivariate contrasts set DoResample = 1; set GetHRF = (); set DoAnats = 0; # for volume-based only set talres = 2; set talxfm = (); set DoMorph = 0; # for surface-based only set hemilist = (); set projfrac = (); # The default will be 0.5, set below set DoProjFracAvg = 0; set trgsubject = fsaverage; set fsgd = (); set sessargs = (); set tmpdir = (); set cleanup = 1; set PrintHelp = 0; if($#argv == 0) goto usage_exit; set n = `echo $argv | grep -e version | wc -l` if($n != 0) then echo $VERSION exit 0; endif set n = `echo $argv | grep -e -help | wc -l` if($n != 0) then set PrintHelp = 1; goto usage_exit; endif set SessList = `getsesspath $inputargs`; if($status || $#SessList == 0) then echo "ERROR: finding sessions" echo " $SessList" exit 1; endif goto parse_args; parse_args_return: goto check_params; check_params_return: # If the output exists, check consistency with group set grouplistfile = $outtop/grouplist.txt if( -e $grouplistfile) then set grouplist = (`cat $grouplistfile`) if($#grouplist != $#SessList) then echo "ERROR: there is an inconsistency between the sessions already" echo "processed in $outtop and the current list of sesssions." echo "The previous group had $#grouplist sessions." echo "The current group has $#SessList sessions." echo "There are three things that you can do:" echo " 1. Specify a different output directory for the new group" echo " 2. Re-run with consistent group definition" echo " 3. Delete the output directory and re-run" exit 1; endif @ nth = 0 foreach sess ($SessList) @ nth = $nth + 1 set newsessid = `basename $sess`; set oldsessid = $grouplist[$nth]; if($newsessid != $oldsessid) then echo "ERROR: there is an inconsistency between the sessions already" echo "processed in $outtop and the current list of sessions." echo "Session number $nth is $oldsessid in the previous analysis and " echo " $newsessid in the current analysis" echo "There are three things that you can do:" echo " 1. Specify a different output directory for the new group" echo " 2. Re-run with consistent group definition" echo " 3. Delete the output directory and re-run" exit 1; endif end endif set outdir = $outtop/$analysis mkdir -p $outdir/log ##### Create a log file ###### set LF = $outdir/log/isxconcat.log if(-e $LF) mv $LF $LF.old echo $LF echo "isxconcat-sess log file" >> $LF echo $VERSION >> $LF date >> $LF uname -a >> $LF pwd >> $LF echo $0 >> $LF echo $inputargs >> $LF id >> $LF echo GetHRF = $GetHRF >> $LF set StartTime = `date`; if($#flac == 0) cp $analysis/analysis.* $outdir # Go thru each session, get DOF, etc set sessinfofile = $outtop/sess.info.txt set subjlistfile = $outtop/subjectlist.txt set grouplistfiletmp = $outtop/grouplist.tmp.txt rm -f $sessinfofile $subjlistfile $grouplistfiletmp @ DOF = 0; foreach sess ($SessList) set sessid = `basename $sess`; echo $sessid >> $grouplistfiletmp set doffile = $sess/$fsd/$analysis/dof if(! -e $doffile) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $doffile" exit 1; endif @ dofsess = `cat $doffile`; @ DOF = $DOF + $dofsess; set bstampfile = $sess/$fsd/$analysis/fs.build-stamp.txt if(-e $bstampfile) then set bstamp = `cat $bstampfile` set mdate = `stat -c %y $bstampfile | awk '{print $1}'` else set bstamp = (); set mdate = (); endif set srcsubject = `cat $sess/subjectname` echo "$sessid $srcsubject $dofsess $mdate $bstamp" >> $sessinfofile echo "$srcsubject" >> $subjlistfile end set ffxdofdat = $outdir/ffxdof.dat echo $DOF > $ffxdofdat set sess0 = $sess[1]; if(! -e $grouplistfile) cp $grouplistfiletmp $grouplistfile rm -f $grouplistfiletmp #------------------------------------------------- foreach hemi ($hemilist) if($IsNative) then set SpStr = $hemi. set SpStr2 = .$hemi else set SpStr = () set SpStr2 = () endif # Concat the masks set masksvol = $outdir/"$SpStr"masks.$FSF_OUTPUT_FORMAT set cmd = (isxconcat0-sess $sessargs -m mask -o $masksvol) if($#flac == 0) set cmd = ($cmd -a $analysis) if($#flac) set cmd = ($cmd -flac $flac -fsd $fsd) if($#tmpdir) set cmd = ($cmd -tmp $tmpdir); if($#fsgd) set cmd = ($cmd -fsgd $fsgd) # only need to do this once if($DoResample) then set cmd = ($cmd -interp nearest -reg $regfile) if($hemi == mni305) then if(! $DoMorph) set cmd = ($cmd -talres $talres) if($DoMorph) set cmd = ($cmd -morph) if($#talxfm) set cmd = ($cmd -talxfm $talxfm) else set cmd = ($cmd -subject $trgsubject) set cmd = ($cmd -hemi $hemi) if($#projfrac) set cmd = ($cmd -projfrac $projfrac) if($DoProjFracAvg) set cmd = ($cmd -projfrac-avg) endif endif echo "cd `pwd`" |& tee -a $LF echo $cmd |& tee -a $LF $cmd |& tee -a $LF if($status) exit 1; # Make a single mask = 0 unless all input masks are != 0 set maskvol = $outdir/"$SpStr"mask.$FSF_OUTPUT_FORMAT set cmd = (mri_binarize --i $masksvol --frame-and --o $maskvol) echo $cmd |& tee -a $LF $cmd |& tee -a $LF if($status) exit 1; if($hemi == mni305) then # Take intersection of single mask and subcort mask set maskvol2 = $outdir/"$SpStr"subcort.mask.$FSF_OUTPUT_FORMAT set cmd = (mri_mask $maskvol $subcortmask $maskvol2) echo $cmd |& tee -a $LF $cmd |& tee -a $LF if($status) exit 1; endif # Go thru the maps in the contrasts foreach contrast ($contrastlist) set outcondir = $outdir/$contrast mkdir -p $outcondir # copy the contrast.mat file for reference if($#flac == 0) then # Might not exist for some reason set cmat = $analysis/$contrast.mat if(-e $cmat) cp $cmat $outcondir/$contrast.lowerlevel.mat endif # Get number of variates set ces = `stem2fname $sess0/$fsd/$analysis/$contrast/ces` set tmpfile = /tmp/tmp.isxconcat-sess.$$.nframes mri_info --o $tmpfile --nframes $ces set J = (`cat $tmpfile`); rm $tmpfile echo $contrast J = $J |& tee -a $LF foreach mapname ($conmaplist) set outvol = $outcondir/"$SpStr"$mapname.$FSF_OUTPUT_FORMAT set cmd = (isxconcat0-sess -m $mapname -o $outvol $sessargs -c $contrast) if($#flac == 0) set cmd = ($cmd -a $analysis) if($#flac) set cmd = ($cmd -flac $flac -fsd $fsd) if($SplitMVC) set cmd = ($cmd -split $tmpdir); if($#tmpdir) set cmd = ($cmd -tmp $tmpdir); if($paireddiff) then if($mapname == cesvar || $mapname == cesvarpct) then set cmd = ($cmd -paired-sum) # Prob not right for var else set cmd = ($cmd -paired-diff) endif endif if($pairedavg) set cmd = ($cmd -paired-avg) if($DoResample) then set cmd = ($cmd -interp $interp -reg $regfile) if($#fwhm) set cmd = ($cmd -fwhm $fwhm); if($hemi == mni305) then if(! $DoMorph) set cmd = ($cmd -talres $talres) if($DoMorph) set cmd = ($cmd --morph) if($#talxfm) set cmd = ($cmd -talxfm $talxfm) else set cmd = ($cmd -hemi $hemi) set cmd = ($cmd -subject $trgsubject) if($#projfrac) set cmd = ($cmd -projfrac $projfrac) if($DoProjFracAvg) set cmd = ($cmd -projfrac-avg) endif endif echo "cd `pwd`" |& tee -a $LF echo $cmd |& tee -a $LF $cmd |& tee -a $LF if($status) exit 1; end # Loop over maps if($DoOSGM) then set zp = () if($J > 1) set zp = .000 if(! $DoPercent ) then set y = $outcondir/"$SpStr"ces$zp.$FSF_OUTPUT_FORMAT set yffxvar = $outcondir/"$SpStr"cesvar$zp.$FSF_OUTPUT_FORMAT else set y = $outcondir/"$SpStr"cespct.$FSF_OUTPUT_FORMAT set yffxvar = $outcondir/"$SpStr"cesvarpct.$FSF_OUTPUT_FORMAT endif if($DoWRFX) then if(! $DoPercent) set glmdir = $outcondir/osgm.wrfx"$SpStr2" if($DoPercent) set glmdir = $outcondir/osgm.wrfx.pct"$SpStr2" set cmd = (mri_glmfit --osgm --y $y --glmdir $glmdir --nii) set cmd = ($cmd --mask $maskvol --wls $yffxvar --kurtosis) if($ToSurf) set cmd = ($cmd --surf $trgsubject $hemi --cortex) echo $cmd |& tee -a $LF $cmd |& tee -a $LF if($status) exit 1; endif if($DoRFX) then if(! $DoPercent) set glmdir = $outcondir/osgm.rfx"$SpStr2" if($DoPercent) set glmdir = $outcondir/osgm.rfx.pct"$SpStr2" set cmd = (mri_glmfit --osgm --y $y --glmdir $glmdir --kurtosis) set cmd = ($cmd --mask $maskvol --nii --kurtosis) if($ToSurf) set cmd = ($cmd --surf $trgsubject $hemi --cortex) echo $cmd |& tee -a $LF $cmd |& tee -a $LF if($status) exit 1; endif if($DoFFX) then if(! $DoPercent) set glmdir = $outcondir/osgm.ffx"$SpStr2" if($DoPercent) set glmdir = $outcondir/osgm.ffx.pct"$SpStr2" set cmd = (mri_glmfit --osgm --y $y --glmdir $glmdir --kurtosis) set cmd = ($cmd --mask $maskvol --yffxvar $yffxvar) set cmd = ($cmd --ffxdofdat $ffxdofdat --nii) if($ToSurf) set cmd = ($cmd --surf $trgsubject $hemi --cortex) echo $cmd |& tee -a $LF $cmd |& tee -a $LF if($status) exit 1; endif endif # OSGM end # Loop over contrasts # Analysis-level maps foreach mapname ($anamaplist) set outvol = $outdir/"$SpStr"$mapname.$FSF_OUTPUT_FORMAT set cmd = (isxconcat0-sess -m $mapname -o $outvol $sessargs); if($#flac == 0) set cmd = ($cmd -a $analysis) if($#flac) set cmd = ($cmd -flac $flac -fsd $fsd) if($#tmpdir) set cmd = ($cmd -tmp $tmpdir); # What about paired diff for these? if($paireddiff && $mapname != h) then if($mapname == rvar) then set cmd = ($cmd -paired-sum) else set cmd = ($cmd -paired-diff) endif endif if($DoResample) then set cmd = ($cmd -interp $interp -reg $regfile ) if($#fwhm) set cmd = ($cmd -fwhm $fwhm); if($hemi == mni305) then if(! $DoMorph) set cmd = ($cmd -talres $talres) if($DoMorph) set cmd = ($cmd --morph) if($#talxfm) set cmd = ($cmd -talxfm $talxfm) else set cmd = ($cmd -hemi $hemi) set cmd = ($cmd -subject $trgsubject) if($#projfrac) set cmd = ($cmd -projfrac $projfrac) if($DoProjFracAvg) set cmd = ($cmd -projfrac-avg) endif endif if($mapname == h) then set cmd = ($cmd -gmean $#SessList) echo "" echo "Constructing the group HRF. This may take a while. If " echo "you do not want the HRF, re-run with -no-hrf" echo "" # It would be better to set the XtX to something like the identity if($ToVol) cp $SessList[1]/$fsd/$analysis/h.dat $outdir/"$SpStr"h.dat if($ToSurf) cp $SessList[1]/$fsd/$analysis/h.dat $outdir/"$SpStr"h.dat endif echo "cd `pwd`" |& tee -a $LF echo $cmd |& tee -a $LF $cmd |& tee -a $LF if($status) exit 1; end # mapname end # Loop over hemi if($DoAnats) then foreach hemi ($hemilist) if($hemi != mni305) then foreach mapname (thickness curv sulc) set outvol = $outdir/$hemi.$mapname.sm00.$FSF_OUTPUT_FORMAT set cmd = (isxconcat0-sess -o $outvol $sessargs \ -surf-anat $mapname -hemi $hemi) if($#flac == 0) set cmd = ($cmd -a $analysis) if($#flac) set cmd = ($cmd -flac $flac -fsd $fsd) if($#tmpdir) set cmd = ($cmd -tmp $tmpdir); if($paireddiff) set cmd = ($cmd -paired-diff) if($pairedavg) set cmd = ($cmd -paired-avg) echo "cd `pwd`" |& tee -a $LF echo $cmd |& tee -a $LF $cmd |& tee -a $LF if($status) exit 1; end # Loop over maps else set outvol = $outdir/anat.norm.sm00.$FSF_OUTPUT_FORMAT set cmd = (isxconcat0-sess -o $outvol $sessargs \ -vol-anat norm) if($#flac == 0) set cmd = ($cmd -a $analysis) if($#flac) set cmd = ($cmd -flac $flac -fsd $fsd) if($#tmpdir) set cmd = ($cmd -tmp $tmpdir); if($paireddiff) set cmd = ($cmd -paired-diff) if($pairedavg) set cmd = ($cmd -paired-avg) echo "cd `pwd`" |& tee -a $LF echo $cmd |& tee -a $LF $cmd |& tee -a $LF if($status) exit 1; endif end # Loop over hemis endif echo "" | tee -a $LF echo "" | tee -a $LF echo "Started at $StartTime" | tee -a $LF echo "Ended at `date`" | tee -a $LF echo "isxconcat-sess completed" | tee -a $LF echo " " echo " " exit 0; ############################################### ############--------------################## parse_args: set cmdline = ($argv); while( $#argv != 0 ) set flag = $argv[1]; shift; switch($flag) case "-o": if($#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set outtop = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "-a": case "-analysis": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set analysis = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "-f": case "-flac": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set flac = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "-fsd": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set fsd = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "-c": case "-contrast": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set contrastlist = ($contrastlist $argv[1]); shift; breaksw case "-all-contrasts": case "-call": set DoAllContrasts = 1; breaksw case "-pct" case "-percent" set DoPercent = 1; breaksw case "-m": case "-map": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set conmaplist = ($conmaplist $argv[1]); shift; breaksw case "-interp": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set interp = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "-reg": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set regfile = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "-fwhm": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set fwhm = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "-talres": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set talres = $argv[1]; shift; set ToVol = 1; breaksw case "-talxfm": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set talxfm = $argv[1]; shift; set ToVol = 1; breaksw case "-morph": set DoMorph = 1; set ToVol = 1; breaksw case "-hemis": set hemilist = (lh rh); set ToSurf = 1; breaksw case "-hemi": case "-h": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set hemilist = ($hemilist $argv[1]); shift; set ToSurf = 1; breaksw case "-projfrac": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set projfrac = $argv[1]; shift; set ToSurf = 1; breaksw case "-projfrac-avg": set DoProjFracAvg = 1; set ToSurf = 1; breaksw case "-trgsubject": case "-subject": if( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set trgsubject = $argv[1]; shift; set ToSurf = 1; breaksw case "-fsgd": if($#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set fsgd = $argv[1]; shift; if(! -e $fsgd) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $fsgd" exit 0; endif breaksw case "-tmpdir": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set tmpdir = $argv[1]; shift; set cleanup = 0; breaksw case "-paired-diff" set paireddiff = 1; breaksw case "-paired-avg" set pairedavg = 1; breaksw case "-mean" set mean = 1; breaksw case "-no-anamaps" set GetHRF = 0; set anamaplist = (); breaksw case "-no-hdr" case "-no-hrf" case "-no-fir" set GetHRF = 0; breaksw case "-fir" case "-hdr" case "-hrf" set GetHRF = 1; breaksw case "-anat" case "-anats" set DoAnats = 1; breaksw case "-no-anats" set DoAnats = 0; breaksw case "-osgm" set DoOSGM = 1; set DoWRFX = 1; set DoRFX = 1; set DoFFX = 1; breaksw case "-wrfx" set DoWRFX = 1; set DoOSGM = 1; breaksw case "-rfx" set DoRFX = 1; set DoOSGM = 1; breaksw case "-ffx" set DoFFX = 1; set DoOSGM = 1; breaksw case "-split-mvc" set SplitMVC = 1; breaksw case "-no-split-mvc" set SplitMVC = 0; breaksw case "-debug": set verbose = 1; set echo = 1; breaksw case "-cwd": breaksw case "-s": case "-sf": case "-df": case "-d": set sessargs = ($sessargs $flag $argv[1]); shift; breaksw default: echo ERROR: Flag $flag unrecognized. echo $cmdline exit 1 breaksw endsw end goto parse_args_return; ############--------------################## ############--------------################## check_params: if($#analysis == 0 && $#flac == 0) then echo "ERROR: no analysis specified" exit 1; endif if($#analysis != 0 && $#flac != 0) then echo "ERROR: cannot specify flac and analysis" exit 1; endif if($#analysis) then if(! -e $analysis) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $analysis" exit 1; endif set IsNative = `getana -a $analysis -t IsNative` set fsd = `getana -a $analysis -t fsd`; set IsSurface = `getana -a $analysis -t IsSurface` if($IsSurface) then set ToSurf = 1; set ToVol = 0; set trgsubject = `getana -a $analysis -t subject` if($trgsubject == self) then echo "ERROR: analysis space is self surface, not supported" exit 1; endif set hemilist = `getana -a $analysis -t hemi` set DoResample = 0; endif set UseTalairach = `getana -a $analysis -t IsMNI305`; if($UseTalairach) then set ToSurf = 0; set ToVol = 1; set hemilist = (mni305) set DoResample = 0; endif # Get the h-file, usually for FIRs if($#GetHRF == 0) set GetHRF = `getana -a $analysis -t IsFIR`; if($GetHRF) set anamaplist = ($anamaplist h); endif #echo "DoResample $DoResample" if($#flac) then set analysis = `basename $flac .flac` if($#fsd == 0) then echo "ERROR: need fsd with flac" exit 1; endif endif if($DoAllContrasts) then # Wont include merged (ie, conjunction) contrasts set contrastlist = `getana -a $analysis -t contrasts` endif if($#contrastlist == 0) then echo "ERROR: no contrast specified" exit 1; endif if($#conmaplist == 0) then if(! $DoPercent ) then set conmaplist = (ces cesvar) else set conmaplist = (cespct cesvarpct) endif endif if($#outtop == 0) then echo "ERROR: no output directory specified" exit 1; endif mkdir -p $outtop if($status) then echo "ERROR: making $outtop"; exit 1; endif if($paireddiff && $pairedavg) then echo "ERROR: cannot --paired-diff and --paired-avg"; exit 1; endif if($?FSF_OUTPUT_FORMAT == 0) setenv FSF_OUTPUT_FORMAT mgh if($DoResample) then if($ToSurf == 0 && $ToVol == 0) set ToVol = 1; if($ToSurf && $ToVol) then echo "ERROR: cannot convert to surface and volume" exit 1; endif if("$interp" != "trilin" && "$interp" != "nearest") then echo "ERROR: interp is $interp, must be trilinear or nearest" exit 1; endif if($talres != 1 && $talres != 2) then echo "ERROR: talres = $talres, must be 1 or 2" exit 1; endif if($#hemilist) then foreach hemi ($hemilist) if($hemi != lh && $hemi != rh) then echo "ERROR: hemi = $hemi, must be rh or lh" exit 1; endif end else set hemilist = mni305; endif if($#projfrac && $DoProjFracAvg) then echo "ERROR: cannot --projfrac and --projfrac-avg" exit 1 endif # default proj frac if($#projfrac == 0 && $DoProjFracAvg == 0) then set projfrac = 0.5; endif endif if($#regfile == 0) set regfile = register.dof$RegDOF.dat if($talres == 2) then set subcortmask = $SUBJECTS_DIR/fsaverage/mri.2mm/subcort.mask.mgz else set subcortmask = $SUBJECTS_DIR/fsaverage/mri/subcort.mask.1mm.mgz endif if(! -e $subcortmask) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $subcortmask" exit 1; endif goto check_params_return; ############--------------################## ############--------------################## arg1err: echo "ERROR: flag $flag requires one argument" exit 1 ############--------------################## ############--------------################## usage_exit: echo " " echo "USAGE: isxconcat-sess" echo "" echo " -o outdir : top group output directory" echo "" echo " -a analysisname : session-level functional analysis name" echo " -c contrast : contrast " echo " -all-contrasts : contrast " echo "" echo " -paired-diff : compute 1-2, 3-4, etc" echo " -no-hrf : create hrf maps (saved as space.h.nii)" echo " -no-anamaps : do not compute analysis level maps" echo " -no-split-mvc : do not split multi-variate contrasts" echo "" echo " -percent : use voxel-wise percent signal change" echo " -m mapname : contrast-level maps stem (def is ces and cesvar)" echo "" echo " -paired-avg : compute avg 1+2, 3+4, etc" echo " -mean : mean over all frames" echo "" echo " Session arguments" echo " -sf sessidfile ..." echo " -df srchdirfile ..." echo " -s sessid ..." echo " -d srchdir ..." echo "" echo " -fsgd fsgdfile : for comparing subject order" echo "" echo " -help" echo " -debug" echo " -tmpdir dir : use dir for temporary storage (implies -nocleanup)" echo " -nocleanup : do not delete tmpdir" echo " -version : print version and exit" echo " " echo "Options below are for analyses done in native space" echo " -reg regfile : instead of register.dat" echo " -interp method : trilinear (def) or nearest" echo " -fwhm fwhm : smooth by fwhm" echo "" echo " Volume-based options:" echo " -talres res : 1 or 2 mm (def is 2)" echo " -talxfm xfmfile : use xfmfile instead of talairach.xfm" echo "" echo " Surface-based options:" echo " -hemis : surface-based, both lh and rh"; echo " -hemi hemisphere : for surface-based analysis (lh or rh)"; echo " -projfrac frac : sample frac into surface bet white and gray (0.5 def)" echo " -projfrac-avg : average across cortical depth" echo " -trgsubject subject : sample to subject's surface (def fsaverage)" echo "" if(! $PrintHelp ) exit 1; echo " " echo "$VERSION " echo " " cat $0 | awk 'BEGIN{prt=0}{if(prt) print $0; if($1 == "BEGINHELP") prt = 1 }' exit 1; #---- Everything below here is printed out as part of help -----# BEGINHELP Creates the output necessary to run group fMRI analysis by concatenating the results from a first-level analysis of all the sessions together into one multi-frame file suitable for use with mri_glmfit. It also creates several other files that can be useful for analysis and quality control. The output is stored in a directory structure that closely follows the FS-FAST directory structure. -o outdir Output directory. The data will be placed in outdir/analysis. All analyses that are placed in the directory should have the same set of sessions in the same order. -a analysis First-level analysis made with mkanalysis-sess (and analyzed with selxavg3-sess). -c contrast First-level contrast made with mkcontrast-sess. You can specify multiple contrasts with multiple -c arguments. Or use -all-contrasts. -paired-diff Compute the difference between adjacent sessions as a preprocessing step to performing a paired-t analysis. This computes the differences between the first session and the second, the third and the forth, etc. The sign first-second, eg: 1-2 3-4 5-6. This reduces the number of output frames by a factor of 2. See also -paried-avg. -no-hrf For FIR designs, do not create an average hemodynamic response file. This file can be quite large and take a long time to produce. -no-anamaps Only computes maps based on the contrast. By default, there are several maps that are computed that are based on just the analysis (eg, meanfunc is the mean functional). -no-split-mvc Do not split multi-variate contrasts (MVCs). By default, each variate is split into a separate file (eg, ces.000.nii, ces.001.nii, etc). This causes them to simply be concatenated together. -percent Use cespct instead of ces. This is the percent contrast computed on a voxel-wise basis. -m mapname Use mapname as the map in the contrast. Default is ces. This is mostly for experimental purposes. -paired-avg Compute the average adjacent sessions as a preprocessing step. This computes the average of the first session and the second, the third and the forth, etc. eg: (1+2)/2 (3+4)/2 (5+6)/2. This reduces the number of output frames by a factor of 2. See also -paried-diff. OUTPUT All the data will be under a folder called outdir/analysis. This directory will have a subfolder for each contrast. These are some of the output files and what they mean: sessid.txt - list of the sessions specified subjectlist.txt - list of subjects specified. This can be used with mris_preproc, asegstats2table, aparcstats2table, or make_average_subject. analysis.info - copy of the file created by mkanalysis-sess ffxdof.dat - total number of degrees of freedom to use for a fixed effects analysis masks.nii - maps of the binary mask for each subject mask.nii - intersection of the binary masks for each subject meanfunc.nii - mean functional intensity maps for each subject rho1.nii - temporal AR1 for each subject raw.fsnr.nii - maps of the raw functional SNR for each subject fsnr.nii - maps of the functional SNR for each subject computed after processing CONTRAST OUTPUT There will be a subfolder for each contrast. There will be several files in this folder: contrast.lowerlevel.mat -- this is a copy of the contrast mat file created by mkcontrast-sess. ces.nii - "contrast effect size". This is maps of contrast values, one map for eacah subject. This is the file that will be used for group analysis. cesvar.nii - This is maps of the variance of contrast values, one map for eacah subject. This is the file that will be used for weighted random and fixed effects group analysis.