#! /bin/csh -f # # selxavg3-sess # # Original Author: Doug Greve # CVS Revision Info: # $Author: greve $ # $Date: 2011/12/09 20:06:47 $ # $Revision: $ # # Copyright (C) 2002-2007, # The General Hospital Corporation (Boston, MA). # All rights reserved. # # Distribution, usage and copying of this software is covered under the # terms found in the License Agreement file named 'COPYING' found in the # FreeSurfer source code root directory, and duplicated here: # https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FreeSurferOpenSourceLicense # # General inquiries: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu # Bug reports: analysis-bugs@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu # set VERSION = '$Id: selxavg3-sess,v 2011/12/09 20:06:47 greve Exp $' set inputargs = ($argv); set DateStr = "`date '+%y%m%d%H%M%S'`" set analysis = (); set flacfile = (); set geometry = volume set subject = (); set perrun = 0; set jkrun = 0; set DoPreProc = 1; set OutParent = (); set nolog = 0; set monly = 0; set MLF = (); set LF = (); set DoGLMFit = 1; set DoContrasts = 1; set ConList = (); set DoFWHM = 0; set SaveRes = 0; set MatlabSaveRes = 0; set SaveResUnwhitened = 0; set RequireContrasts = 1; set Overwrite = 0; set DoSynth = 0; set SynthNoiseAmp = 1; set SynthNoiseAR1 = .3; set SynthSignalAmp = 0; set SynthSeed = -1; set UseOctave = 0; if($?FS_USE_OCTAVE) then set UseOctave = $FS_USE_OCTAVE endif set PrintHelp = 0; if($#argv == 0) goto usage_exit; set n = `echo $argv | grep -e -help | wc -l` if($n != 0) then set PrintHelp = 1; goto usage_exit; endif set n = `echo $argv | grep -e -version | wc -l` if($n != 0) then echo $VERSION exit 0; endif set SessList = `getsesspath $argv`; if($status || $#SessList == 0) then echo $SessList exit 1; endif goto parse_args; parse_args_return: goto check_params; check_params_return: set StudyDir = `pwd`; if($#analysis) then # analysis, not flac file set analysisname = $analysis set fsd = `getana -a $analysis -t fsd`; set PerSession = `getana -a $analysis -t IsPerSession` set IsNative = `getana -a $analysis -t IsNative` set IsSurface = `getana -a $analysis -t IsSurface` if($IsSurface) then set subject = `getana -a $analysis -t subject` set hemi = `getana -a $analysis -t hemi` echo "Surface data $subject $hemi" endif set dt = `getana -a $analysis -t designtype` if($dt == "abblocked") set RequireContrasts = 0; if($dt == "retinotopy") set RequireContrasts = 0; set contrasts = `getana -a $analysis -t contrasts` if($#contrasts == 0 && $RequireContrasts) then echo "ERORR: no contrasts in $analysis." echo " Create contrasts with mkcontrast-sess or run with -no-con-ok." exit 1; endif endif ##### Create a log file ###### if($#LF == 0) then if($nolog) then set LF = /dev/null else if($#OutParent == 0) then set logdir = `pwd`/log; else set logdir = $OutParent/log; endif mkdir -p $logdir if(! -e $logdir) then echo "WARNING: could not create $logdir" set LF = /dev/null else set LF = $logdir/selxavg3-sess-$fsd-$analysis-$DateStr.log if(-e $LF) mv $LF $LF.old endif endif endif echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo "selxavg3-sess logfile is $LF" echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo "selxavg3-sess log file" >> $LF echo $0 >> $LF echo $inputargs >> $LF echo $VERSION >> $LF id >> $LF pwd >> $LF uname -a >> $LF date >> $LF set StartTime = `date`; if($SaveRes || $SaveResUnwhitened) set MatlabSaveRes = 1; # Dont run preproc if funcstem specified set funcstemspec = `getana -a $analysis -t funcstem-specified` if($funcstemspec) set DoPreProc = 0; ### Preprocess each session #### if($DoPreProc) then foreach sess ($SessList) set sessbase = `basename $sess`; set sessdir = `dirname $sess`; set cmd = (preproc-sess -s $sessbase -d $sessdir -a $analysis -nolog); #if($IsNative) set cmd = ($cmd -no-reg); # they can run with -no-preproc echo $cmd | tee -a $LF $cmd | tee -a $LF if($status) exit 1; end endif if($#MLF == 0) set MLF = /tmp/selxavg3-sess-$$.m rm -f $MLF echo "% `date` " >> $MLF echo "% `pwd` " >> $MLF echo "% $flacfile $analysis " >> $MLF echo " " >> $MLF echo " " >> $MLF set okfile = /tmp/selxavg3-sess-$$.ok rm -f $okfile set parname = `getana -a $analysis -t parname` set funcstem = `getana -a $analysis -t funcstem` set rlf = `getana -a $analysis -t runlistfile` set ConList = `getana -a $analysis -t contrasts` ### Go through each session ### @ nthsess = 0; @ nprocs = 0; foreach sess ($SessList) @ nthsess = $nthsess + 1; set sessbase = `basename $sess`; set sessdir = `dirname $sess`; echo "-------------------------------------------" |& tee -a $LF echo "$sess " |& tee -a $LF date |& tee -a $LF if(! -d $sess) then echo "ERROR: $sess does not exist" |& tee -a $LF exit 1; endif set funcdir = $sess/$fsd set anadir = $sess/$fsd/$analysisname if($#OutParent == 0) then set anadir = $sess/$fsd/$analysisname else set anadir = $OutParent/$sessbase/$fsd/$analysisname endif echo anadir = $anadir | tee -a $LF set DoGLMFit = 0; if($Overwrite || $perrun) set DoGLMFit = 1; set beta = `stem2fname $anadir/beta` if($status) set DoGLMFit = 1; # Beta file does not exist if($DoGLMFit == 0) then # Ouput beta exists, check against dependencies set deplist = ($analysis/analysis.info); set RunList = (`getrunlist $sess/$fsd $rlf`); set funclist = () foreach Run ($RunList) set funcstempath = $sess/$fsd/$Run/$funcstem; set func = `stem2fname $funcstempath`; if($status) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $funcstempath" exit 1; endif set deplist = ($deplist $func); if($#parname) then set parfile = $sess/$fsd/$Run/$parname if(! -e $parfile) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $parfile" exit 1; endif set deplist = ($deplist $parfile); endif end set DoGLMFit = `UpdateNeeded $beta $deplist` #ls -lt $beta $deplist endif set DoContrasts = 0; if($Overwrite) set DoContrasts = 1; if($DoGLMFit) set DoContrasts = 1; foreach con ($ConList) # Check whether output contrast exists set ces = `stem2fname $anadir/$con/ces` if($status) set DoContrasts = 1; # Check dependencies set deplist = ($beta) set mat = $analysis/$con.mat if(-e $mat) set deplist = ($deplist $mat) set tmp = `UpdateNeeded $ces $deplist` if($tmp) set DoContrasts = 1; end set UpdateNeeded = 0; if($DoGLMFit || $DoContrasts) set UpdateNeeded = 1; if($monly || $perrun) set UpdateNeeded = 1; echo "DoGLMFit = $DoGLMFit" echo "DoContrasts = $DoContrasts" echo "UpdateNeeded = $UpdateNeeded" if($UpdateNeeded == 0) then echo " $sessbase $Run Update not needed" | tee -a $LF continue endif # -- If it gets here, then an update is needed -- @ nprocs = $nprocs + 1; if(! $monly && ! $perrun && $DoGLMFit) then rm -f $anadir/* $anadir/*/*sig* $anadir/*/*cnr* $anadir/*/*ces* >& /dev/null endif echo "%--------------------------------" >> $MLF echo "sxa3pwd = '`pwd`'">> $MLF echo "sxa3cmd = '$0 $inputargs'">> $MLF echo "which fast_selxavg3" >> $MLF echo "okfile = '$okfile';" >> $MLF echo "if(fast_fileexists(okfile)) delete(okfile); end" >> $MLF echo "monly = $monly;" >> $MLF echo "perrun = $perrun;" >> $MLF echo "jkrun = $jkrun;" >> $MLF echo "DoGLMFit = $DoGLMFit;" >> $MLF echo "DoContrasts = $DoContrasts;" >> $MLF echo "ConList = splitstring('$ConList');" >> $MLF echo "DoSynth = $DoSynth;" >> $MLF echo "SynthNoiseAmp = $SynthNoiseAmp;" >> $MLF echo "SynthNoiseAR1 = $SynthNoiseAR1;" >> $MLF echo "SynthSignalAmp = $SynthSignalAmp;" >> $MLF echo "SynthSeed = $SynthSeed;" >> $MLF echo "sess = '$sess';" >> $MLF echo "analysis = '$analysis';" >> $MLF echo "flacname = '$flacfile';" >> $MLF echo "outtop = '$OutParent';" >> $MLF echo "DoFWHM = $DoFWHM;" >> $MLF echo "MatlabSaveRes = $MatlabSaveRes;" >> $MLF echo "SaveResUnwhitened = $SaveResUnwhitened;" >> $MLF echo "fast_selxavg3;" >> $MLF echo "if(~fast_fileexists(okfile) && ~monly); quit; end" >> $MLF if($#SessList > 1 && ! $monly) then echo "clear all;" >> $MLF echo "pack;" >> $MLF endif echo " " >> $MLF echo " " >> $MLF end # Loop over sessions # if(! $monly ) echo "quit;" >> $MLF echo "------------------------------------------" >> $LF cat $MLF >> $LF echo "------------------------------------------" >> $LF if(! $monly && $nprocs > 0) then echo "------------------------------------------" | tee -a $LF if($UseOctave == 0) then echo "------- matlab output --------------------" | tee -a $LF cat $MLF | matlab -display iconic | tee -a $LF else echo "------- octave output --------------------" | tee -a $LF echo LD_LIBRARY_PATH $LD_LIBRARY_PATH cat $MLF | $FS_OCTAVE_BIN |& tee -a $LF endif echo "------------------------------------------" | tee -a $LF rm $MLF if(! -e $okfile) then echo "ERROR: fast_selxavg3() failed\n"; exit 1; endif rm -f $okfile # Copy the fs build, etc foreach sess ($SessList) set sessbase = `basename $sess`; set sessdir = `dirname $sess`; if($#OutParent == 0) then set anadir = $sess/$fsd/$analysisname else set anadir = $OutParent/$sessbase/$fsd/$analysisname endif cp $FREESURFER_HOME/build-stamp.txt $anadir/fs.build-stamp.txt cp $analysis/analysis.info $anadir end # The computing of FWHM is now done in fast_selxavg3 endif if($nprocs == 0) then echo "INFO: no data sets needed processing" | tee -a $LF exit 0; endif echo "Started at $StartTime" | tee -a $LF echo "Ended at `date`" | tee -a $LF echo " " | tee -a $LF echo "selxavg3-sess completed" | tee -a $LF echo " " | tee -a $LF exit 0; ############################################### ############--------------################## parse_args: set cmdline = ($argv); while( $#argv != 0 ) set flag = $argv[1]; shift; switch($flag) case "-analysis": case "-a": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; if($#analysis) then echo "ERROR: you have specified the analysis twice" exit 1 endif set analysis = $argv[1]; shift; set analysis = `basename $analysis`; # remove trailing / breaksw case "-flac": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set flacfile = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "-outparent": case "-op": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set OutParent = $1; shift; breaksw case "-log": if( $#argv < 1) goto arg1err; set LF = $1; shift; breaksw case "-monly": if( $#argv < 1) goto arg1err; set MLF = $1; shift; set monly = 1; set DoPreProc = 0; breaksw case "-contrasts-only": case "-co": set DoGLMFit = 0; set DoContrasts = 1; breaksw case "-c" if( $#argv < 1) goto arg1err; set DoContrasts = 1; set ConList = ($ConList $argv[1]); shift breaksw case "-run-wise": case "-per-run": case "-perrun": set perrun = 1; breaksw case "-no-preproc": set DoPreProc = 0; breaksw case "-jkrun": set jkrun = 1; breaksw case "-svres": set SaveRes = 1; breaksw case "-svres-unwhitened": case "-svres-uw": set SaveResUnwhitened = 1; breaksw case "-no-con-ok": set RequireContrasts = 0; breaksw case "-no-fwhm": set DoFWHM = 0; breaksw case "-fwhm": set DoFWHM = 1; breaksw case "-force": case "-overwrite": set Overwrite = 1; breaksw case "-nolog": set nolog = 1; breaksw case "-octave": set UseOctave = 1 breaksw case "-no-octave": case "-matlab": set UseOctave = 0; breaksw case "-debug": set verbose = 1; set echo = 1; breaksw case "-synth": set DoSynth = 1; breaksw case "-synth-signal-amp": if($#argv < 1) goto arg1err; set SynthSignalAmp = $1; shift; set DoSynth = 1; breaksw case "-synth-noise-amp": if($#argv < 1) goto arg1err; set SynthNoiseAmp = $1; shift; set DoSynth = 1; breaksw case "-synth-noise-ar1": if($#argv < 1) goto arg1err; set SynthNoiseAR1 = $1; shift; set DoSynth = 1; breaksw case "-g": case "-s": case "-sf": case "-d": case "-df": shift; # ignore getsesspath arguments breaksw case "-cwd": # ignore getsesspath arguments breaksw default: echo ERROR: Flag $flag unrecognized. echo $cmdline exit 1 breaksw endsw end goto parse_args_return; ############--------------################## ############--------------################## check_params: if($#SessList == 0) then echo "ERROR: no sessions specified" exit 1 endif if($#analysis == 0 && $flacfile == 0) then echo "ERROR: no analysis name or flac file specified" exit 1 endif if($#analysis != 0) then if(! -d $analysis ) then echo "ERROR: analysis $analysis does not exist, see mkanalysis-sess" exit 1; endif if(! -e $analysis/analysis.info ) then echo "ERROR: analysis $analysis/analysis.info does not exist, see mkanalysis-sess" exit 1; endif endif if($#flacfile != 0) then if(! -e $flacfile ) then echo "ERROR: flac file $flacfile does not exist" exit 1; endif endif if($perrun && $jkrun) then echo "ERROR: cannot -run-wise AND -jkrun" exit 1 endif if($UseOctave) then if($?FS_OCTAVE_LIB == 0) then echo "ERROR: you must set the FS_OCTAVE_LIB environment variable" exit 1; endif if(! -e $FS_OCTAVE_LIB) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $FS_OCTAVE_LIB" exit 1; endif if($?FS_OCTAVE_BIN == 0) then echo "ERROR: you must set the FS_OCTAVE_BIN environment variable" exit 1; endif if(! -x $FS_OCTAVE_BIN) then echo "ERROR: cannot find or execute $FS_OCTAVE_BIN" exit 1; endif if($?LD_LIBRARY_PATH == 0) setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "" if($#LD_LIBRARY_PATH == 0) then setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $FS_OCTAVE_LIB else setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:$FS_OCTAVE_LIB endif endif goto check_params_return; ############--------------################## ############--------------################## arg1err: echo "ERROR: flag $flag requires one argument" exit 1 ############--------------################## ############--------------################## usage_exit: echo "" echo "USAGE: selxavg3-sess" echo "" echo "Required Arguments:"; echo " -analysis analysisname : name of functional analysis" echo "" echo "Optional Arguments:"; echo "" echo " -overwrite : delete analysis if session of already analyzed" echo " -contrasts-only : only compute contrasts (estimation already done) <-co>" echo " -c c1 <-c c2 ...> : compute contrasts c1, c2, ... (default is to compute all)" echo " -no-con-ok : run even if no contrasts in analysis" echo " -fwhm : compute FWHM of residual" echo "" echo "Session Arguments (Required)" echo " -sf sessidfile ..." echo " -df srchdirfile ..." echo " -s sessid ..." echo " -d srchdir ..." echo "" echo "Other args" echo " -no-preproc : do not run preprocessing" echo " -svres : save residuals (usually not needed)" echo " -svres-unwhitened : save unwhitened residuals (usually not needed)" echo " -run-wise : analyze each run separately" echo " -version : print version and exit" echo " -debug" echo " -nolog : do not create a log file" echo " -log logfile : specify log file explicitly" echo " -outparent dir : save output to this dir instead of in session" echo "" if(! $PrintHelp) exit 1; echo $VERSION echo "------------------------------------------------------------" cat $0 | awk 'BEGIN{prt=0}{if(prt) print $0; if($1 == "BEGINHELP") prt = 1 }' exit 1; #---- Everything below here is printed out as part of help -----# BEGINHELP This program performs the first-level fMRI analysis. Specify the analysis configuration with -analysis. This is the configuration created with mkanalysis-sess. The analysis should already have contrasts created (by mkcontrast-sess), though you can add contrasts afterwards. By default, selxavg3-sess will check the preprocessing to make sure that it has been run properly (turn off with -no-preproc). By default, it will only run the analysis on data sets that actually need to be re-run based on the time stamps of the input data. To force a re-analysis run with -force or -overwrite. This program will construct the design matrix for each run, fit the GLM, save regression coefficients, compute contrasts and significances of contrasts. The runs are combined together so the output is the average across runs (some would call this a "second-level" analysis). This program requires matlab or octave.