#! /bin/csh -f # # tkmedit-sess # # Original Author: Doug Greve # CVS Revision Info: # $Author: greve $ # $Date: 2013/03/08 17:35:18 $ # $Revision: $ # # Copyright (C) 2002-2007, # The General Hospital Corporation (Boston, MA). # All rights reserved. # # Distribution, usage and copying of this software is covered under the # terms found in the License Agreement file named 'COPYING' found in the # FreeSurfer source code root directory, and duplicated here: # https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FreeSurferOpenSourceLicense # # General inquiries: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu # Bug reports: analysis-bugs@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu # set VERSION = '$Id: tkmedit-sess,v 2013/03/08 17:35:18 greve Exp $'; set inputargs = ($argv); set sessid = (); set sessdir = (); set sessdirfile = (); set analysis = (); set flac = (); set mapanalysis = (); set contrastlist = (); set map = (); set ShowHdr = 1; set ShowOverlay = 1; set ShowSurfs = 0; set ToSelf = 0; # show tal on subjects anatomy set RegDOF = 6; set regfile = (); set UseFreeview = 0; set subject = (); set mainvol = orig.mgz; set auxvol = brainmask.mgz; set segvol = aparc+aseg.mgz; set segcolor = $FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt set segopacity = .3; set fthresh = 2; set fmax = 4; set DoAllContrasts = 0; set TCL = (); set IsFIR = 0; set UseTalairach = 0; set tmpdir = (); set cleanup = 1; set PrintHelp = 0; if($#argv == 0) goto usage_exit; set n = `echo $argv | grep -e -help | wc -l` if($n != 0) then set PrintHelp = 1; goto usage_exit; endif set n = `echo $argv | grep -e -version | wc -l` if($n != 0) then echo $VERSION exit 0; endif goto parse_args; parse_args_return: goto check_params; check_params_return: ## Parse the analysis if($#analysis != 0) then if(! -e $analysis ) then echo "ERROR: $analysis does not exist. Try running mkanalysis-sess" |& tee -a $LF exit 1; endif set IsSurface = `getana -a $analysis -t IsSurface` if($IsSurface) then echo "ERROR: This is a surface-based analysis. Try using tksurfer-sess" exit 1; endif set fsd = `getana -a $analysis -t fsd`; set UseTalairach = `getana -a $analysis -t IsMNI305`; set IsFIR = `getana -a $analysis -t IsFIR`; else if($#flac) then set fsd = `cat $flac | awk '{if($1 == "fsd") print $2}'` set analysis = `basename $flac .flac` echo $analysis $fsd set ShowHdr = 0; endif ## Parse the map analysis if($#mapanalysis != 0) then set mapfsd = `getana -a $mapanalysis -t fsd`; set IsSurface = `getana -a $mapanalysis -t IsSurface` if($IsSurface) then echo "ERROR: $mapanalysis is a surface-based analysis. Try using tksurfer-sess" exit 1; endif set MapUseTalairach = `getana -a $mapanalysis -t IsMNI305`; if($UseTalairach != $MapUseTalairach) then if($MapUseTalairach) then echo "ERROR: map analysis $mapanalysis is talairach-based." echo "This does not match the analysis $analysis" else echo "ERROR: map analysis $mapanalysis is NOT talairach-based." echo "This does not match the analysis $analysis" endif exit 1; endif else if($#flac) then set mapfsd = $fsd set mapanalysis = $analysis endif set anadir = $sess/$fsd/$analysis if($#tmpdir == 0) then set tmpdir = $anadir/tmp.tkmedit-sess mkdir -p $tmpdir endif # Get subject name (and maybe reg) if(! $UseTalairach) then set regfile = $sess/$fsd/$regfile if(! -e $regfile ) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $regfile" exit 1; endif # get the full path the regfile set d = `dirname $regfile`; pushd $d > /dev/null set d = `pwd`; popd > /dev/null set regfile = $d/`basename $regfile`; set subject = `cat $regfile | head -n 1`; else set regfile = (); set subject = fsaverage endif echo "subject is $subject" if(! -e $SUBJECTS_DIR/$subject) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $subject in $SUBJECTS_DIR" exit 1; endif if($ToSelf && $UseTalairach) then set self = `cat $sess/subjectname` if(0) then if(! -e $SUBJECTS_DIR/$self) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $self in $SUBJECTS_DIR" exit 1; endif set mf = `stem2fname $anadir/meanfunc` set reg1 = $tmpdir/reg1.dat set cmd = ( tkregister2_cmdl --reg $reg1 --mov $mf \ --s fsaverage --regheader --noedit) echo $cmd $cmd if($status) exit 1; set reg2 = $tmpdir/reg2.dat set cmd = (tkregister2_cmdl --s $self --fstal --reg $reg2) echo $cmd $cmd if($status) exit 1; set regfile = $tmpdir/register.dat set cmd = (mri_matrix_multiply -im $reg1 -im $reg2 -om $regfile) echo $cmd $cmd if($status) exit 1; endif set regfile = $tmpdir/register.dat set cmd = (reg-mni305.2mm --s $self --reg $regfile) echo $cmd $cmd if($status) exit 1; set subject = $self endif # Construct the overlay options set mapconcatfile = (); set mapoption = () if($ShowOverlay) then set mapanadir = $sess/$mapfsd/$mapanalysis set maplist = () foreach contrast ($contrastlist) set condir = $mapanadir/$contrast if(! -e $condir) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $condir" exit 1; endif set mapstem = $condir/$map set mapfile = `stem2fname $mapstem` if($status) then echo "$mapfile" exit 1; endif set maplist = ($maplist $mapfile) end set mapconcatfile = $tmpdir/tkmconcat.nii set cmd = (mri_concat $maplist --o $mapconcatfile); echo $cmd $cmd if($status) exit 1; set mapoption = (-overlay $mapconcatfile) endif # Construct the time course options set hdroption = "" if(! $IsFIR) set ShowHdr = 0; if($ShowHdr) then set anapath = $sess/$fsd/$analysis set hdrfile = `stem2fname $sess/$fsd/$analysis/h`; if($status) then echo "$hdrfile" exit 1; endif set hofffile = `stem2fname $sess/$fsd/$analysis/h-offset`; if($status) then echo "$hofffile" exit 1; endif set hdroption = (-timecourse $hdrfile -timecourse-offset $hofffile); endif if($ShowHdr && $UseFreeview) then echo "ERROR: you must use tkmedit to display the hemodynamic response time course" echo " Two things you can do:" echo " 1. To display with freeview but no HRF, re-run with the -nohdr option" echo " 2. To display with tkmedit and the HRF, re-run with the -tkmedit option" endif #------- Create and run the cmd line -----------------------# if($UseFreeview == 0) then set TKMEDIT = tkmedit set cmd = ($TKMEDIT $subject $mainvol) if($#auxvol) set cmd = ($cmd -aux $auxvol) if($ShowSurfs) set cmd = ($cmd -surfs) if($#segvol) set cmd = ($cmd -seg $segvol $segcolor -opacity $segopacity) if($#regfile) set cmd = ($cmd -reg $regfile) set cmd = ($cmd $hdroption $mapoption) set cmd = ($cmd -fthresh $fthresh -fmax $fmax) if($#TCL) set cmd = ($cmd -tcl $TCL) else set mdir = $SUBJECTS_DIR/$subject/mri set cmd = (freeview -v $mdir/$mainvol) if($#auxvol) set cmd = ($cmd -v $mdir/$auxvol) if($#segvol) set cmd = ($cmd -v "$mdir/$segvol":"lut=$segcolor":"opacity=$segopacity":"colormap=lut") set fmid = `echo "($fthresh+$fmax)/2"|bc -l` set fvopt = ($mapconcatfile":"colormap=heat":"heatscale=$fthresh,$fmid,$fmax) if($#regfile) set fvopt = ($fvopt":"reg=$regfile) set cmd = ($cmd -v $fvopt) endif echo "------------------------" echo "SUBJECTS_DIR $SUBJECTS_DIR" pwd echo $cmd echo "------------------------" # Print out list of contrasts and their frame number @ nth = 0; foreach c ($contrastlist) echo $nth $c @ nth = $nth + 1; end # Run the cmd $cmd if($status) then echo "tkmedit failed" exit 1; endif if($cleanup) rm -rf $tmpdir exit 0; ###--------------------------------------------### ############--------------################## parse_args: set cmdline = ($argv); while( $#argv != 0 ) set flag = $argv[1]; shift; switch($flag) case "-c": case "-contrast": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set contrastlist = ($contrastlist $argv[1]); shift; breaksw case "-call": set DoAllContrasts = 1; breaksw case "-main": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set mainvol = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "-aux": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set auxvol = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "-no-aux": set auxvol = (); breaksw case "-map": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set map = $argv[1]; shift; if($map != sig && $map != minsig && $map != iminsig && $map != t) then #echo "ERROR: map must be either sig, minsig, iminsig, or t" # exit 1; endif breaksw case "-s": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set sessid = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "-d": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set sessdir = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "-df": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set sessdirfile = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "-a": case "-analysis": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set analysis = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "-flac": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set flac = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "-mapanalysis": case "-ma": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set mapanalysis = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "-fthresh": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set fthresh = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "-fmax": case "-fsat": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set fmax = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "-seg": if ( $#argv < 2) then echo "ERROR: -seg needs to arguments" exit 1; endif set segvol = $argv[1]; shift; set segcolor = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "-no-seg": set segvol = (); breaksw case "-segopacity": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set segopacity = $argv[1]; shift; breaksw case "-aseg": set segvol = aseg.mgz; breaksw case "-aparc+aseg": set segvol = aparc+aseg.mgz; breaksw case "-surfs": set ShowSurfs = 1; breaksw case "-reg": if($#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set regfile = $argv[1];shift; breaksw case "-reg-dof": if($#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set RegDOF = $argv[1];shift; breaksw case "-tmp": if($#argv < 1) goto arg1err; set tmpdir = $argv[1]; shift; set cleanup = 0; breaksw case "-no-cleanup": case "-nocleanup": set cleanup = 0; breaksw case "-cleanup": set cleanup = 1; breaksw case "-no-show-hdr": case "-nohdr": set ShowHdr = 0; breaksw case "-freeview": case "-fv": set UseFreeview = 1; breaksw case "-tkm": case "-tkmedit": set UseFreeview = 0; breaksw case "-tcl": if ( $#argv == 0) goto arg1err; set TCL = $argv[1]; shift; if(! -e $TCL) then echo "ERROR: cannot find $TCL" exit 1 endif breaksw case "-self": set ToSelf = 1; breaksw case "-debug": set verbose = 1; set echo = 1; setenv XDEBUG 1 breaksw case "-cwd": set cwd = `pwd`; set sessdir = `dirname $cwd`; set sessid = `basename $cwd`; breaksw default: echo ERROR: Flag $flag unrecognized. echo $cmdline exit 1 breaksw endsw end goto parse_args_return; ############--------------################## ############--------------################## check_params: if($#flac == 0) then if($#analysis == 0) then echo "ERROR: no analysis specified" exit 1; endif if(! -e $analysis) then echo "ERROR: $analysis does not exist" exit 1; endif if($#mapanalysis == 0) set mapanalysis = $analysis; if(! -e $mapanalysis) then echo "ERROR: $mapanalysis does not exist" exit 1; endif set IsRet = `getana -a $analysis -t IsRetinotopy` if($IsRet && $#contrastlist == 0) then set contrastlist = (eccen polar) if($#map == 0) set map = fsig; endif if($DoAllContrasts) set contrastlist = `getana -a $mapanalysis -t contrasts` if($#contrastlist == 0) then echo "INFO: no contrast specified" sleep 2 set ShowOverlay = 0; endif if($#map == 0) set map = sig; endif # flac == 0 # Get session path if($#sessid == 0) then echo "ERROR: no sessions specified" exit 1; endif set cmd = (getsesspath -s $sessid) if($#sessdir) set cmd = ($cmd -d $sessdir) if($#sessdirfile) set cmd = ($cmd -df $sessdirfile) set sess = `$cmd`; if($status) then echo "$sess" exit 1; endif if($#regfile == 0) set regfile = register.dof$RegDOF.dat goto check_params_return; ############--------------################## ############--------------################## arg1err: echo "ERROR: flag $flag requires one argument" exit 1 ############--------------################## ############--------------################## usage_exit: echo "USAGE: tkmedit-sess" echo "" echo " -s sessid <-d sessdir, -df sessdirfile>" echo " -analysis analysis" echo " -c contrast <-c contrast>" echo " -call : show all contrasts" echo "" echo " -map map" echo " -mapanalysis mapanalysis" echo " -no-show-hdr : for FIR analyses" echo " -self : show talairach on subject's own anatomy" echo "" echo " -main mainvol : default is ($mainvol)" echo " -aux auxvol : default is ($auxvol)" echo " -surfs : display surfaces" echo " -no-seg : do not display segmentation (default is aparc+aseg)" echo " -aseg : display aseg instead of aparc+aseg" echo " -seg segmentation colortable : specify segmentation" echo " -segopacity opacity : between 0 and 1 (def .3)" echo " -fthresh fthresh : threshold for color overlay" echo " -fmax fmax : saturation threshold for color overlay" echo " -tcl script.tcl : run tkmedit with tcl script" echo " -freeview : display with freeview (cannot display HRFs)" echo " -tkmedit : display with tkmedit" echo "" if(! $PrintHelp) exit 1; echo $VERSION cat $0 | awk 'BEGIN{prt=0}{if(prt) print $0; if($1 == "BEGINHELP") prt = 1 }' exit 1; #---- Everything below here is printed out as part of help -----# BEGINHELP tkmedit frontend