# # Configuration file for mritotal. These are just mritotal # command-line options, with lots of comments and blank lines. # # There are three broad classes of configuration variables: # site-specific (location of model, default protocol), data specific # (preprocessing steps to take), and preferences (everything else). # Site-specific options and preferences are found in this file; # data-specific options are found in the protocol file, which is just # called mritotal.foo.cfg, where "foo" is the protocol. Thus a site # (or user) can specify any number of protocols, either here or on the # command line, and the last one given takes precedence. (The command # line is processed after this file!) # # Note that all of these can be overridden on the command line. # # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Site-specific options -- if you edited Makefile.include to # correctly reflect where the "average_305" stereotaxic model # is installed on your system, these should be fine. # --------------------------------------------------------------- # -modeldir /usr/pubsw/packages/mni/1.4/share/mni_autoreg # problem! however mritotal defaults handle this -model average_305 -protocol default # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Other stuff - these are just personal preferences that don't # affect the fit. (Except -execute, which would completely # disable fitting if you used -noexecute.) # --------------------------------------------------------------- -verbose # print commands and status info -execute # actually execute commands -noclobber # do not blithely overwrite output files -nodebug # do not make minctracc and mincblur very noisy -nokeeptmp # do delete all temp files