#ifndef DEF_MULTI_DIM #define DEF_MULTI_DIM /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @COPYRIGHT : Copyright 1993,1994,1995 David MacDonald, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. The author and McGill University make no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. @VERSION : $Header: /software/source/minc/volume_io/Include/volume_io/multidim.h,v 2005/03/31 17:39:49 bert Exp $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ----------------------------- MNI Header ----------------------------------- @NAME : multidim.h @INPUT : @OUTPUT : @RETURNS : @DESCRIPTION: Multidimensional variable type arrays. @METHOD : @GLOBALS : @CALLS : @CREATED : Aug. 14, 1995 David MacDonald @MODIFIED : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define VIO_MAX_DIMENSIONS 5 /* -------------------------- Data_types ------------------------- */ typedef enum { NO_DATA_TYPE, UNSIGNED_BYTE, SIGNED_BYTE, UNSIGNED_SHORT, SIGNED_SHORT, UNSIGNED_INT, SIGNED_INT, FLOAT, DOUBLE, MAX_DATA_TYPE } VIO_Data_types; typedef struct { int n_dimensions; int sizes[VIO_MAX_DIMENSIONS]; VIO_Data_types data_type; void *data; } VIO_multidim_array; /* ------------------------- set value ---------------------------- */ /* --- private macros */ #define SET_ONE( array, type, asterisks, subscripts, value ) \ (((type asterisks) ((array).data)) subscripts = (type) (value)) #define SET_GIVEN_DIM( array, asterisks, subscripts, value ) \ switch( (array).data_type ) \ { \ case UNSIGNED_BYTE: \ SET_ONE( array, unsigned char, asterisks, subscripts, value);\ break; \ case SIGNED_BYTE: \ SET_ONE( array, signed char, asterisks, subscripts, value);\ break; \ case UNSIGNED_SHORT: \ SET_ONE( array, unsigned short, asterisks, subscripts, value);\ break; \ case SIGNED_SHORT: \ SET_ONE( array, signed short, asterisks, subscripts, value);\ break; \ case UNSIGNED_INT: \ SET_ONE( array, unsigned int, asterisks, subscripts, value);\ break; \ case SIGNED_INT: \ SET_ONE( array, signed int, asterisks, subscripts, value);\ break; \ case FLOAT: \ SET_ONE( array, float, asterisks, subscripts, value);\ break; \ case DOUBLE: \ SET_ONE( array, double, asterisks, subscripts, value);\ break; \ } #define GET_MULTIDIM_TYPE_1D( array, type, v0 ) \ (((type *) ((array).data)) [v0]) #define GET_MULTIDIM_TYPE_2D( array, type, v0, v1 ) \ (((type **) ((array).data)) [v0][v1]) #define GET_MULTIDIM_TYPE_3D( array, type, v0, v1, v2 ) \ (((type ***) ((array).data)) [v0][v1][v2]) #define GET_MULTIDIM_TYPE_4D( array, type, v0, v1, v2, v3 ) \ (((type ****) ((array).data)) [v0][v1][v2][v3]) #define GET_MULTIDIM_TYPE_5D( array, type, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4 ) \ (((type *****) ((array).data)) [v0][v1][v2][v3][v4]) #define SET_MULTIDIM_TYPE_1D( array, type, v0, value ) \ (GET_MULTIDIM_TYPE_1D( array, type, v0 ) = (type) (value)) #define SET_MULTIDIM_TYPE_2D( array, type, v0, v1, value ) \ (GET_MULTIDIM_TYPE_2D( array, type, v0, v1 ) = (type) (value)) #define SET_MULTIDIM_TYPE_3D( array, type, v0, v1, v2, value ) \ (GET_MULTIDIM_TYPE_3D( array, type, v0, v1, v2 ) = (type) (value)) #define SET_MULTIDIM_TYPE_4D( array, type, v0, v1, v2, v3, value ) \ (GET_MULTIDIM_TYPE_4D( array, type, v0, v1, v2, v3 ) = (type) (value)) #define SET_MULTIDIM_TYPE_5D( array, type, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, value ) \ (GET_MULTIDIM_TYPE_5D( array, type, v0, v1, v2, v3, v4 ) = (type) (value)) /* --- public macros to set the [x][y]... voxel of 'array' to 'value' */ #define SET_MULTIDIM_1D( array, x, value ) \ SET_GIVEN_DIM( array, *, [x], value ) #define SET_MULTIDIM_2D( array, x, y, value ) \ SET_GIVEN_DIM( array, **, [x][y], value ) #define SET_MULTIDIM_3D( array, x, y, z, value ) \ SET_GIVEN_DIM( array, ***, [x][y][z], value ) #define SET_MULTIDIM_4D( array, x, y, z, t, value ) \ SET_GIVEN_DIM( array, ****, [x][y][z][t], value ) #define SET_MULTIDIM_5D( array, x, y, z, t, v, value ) \ SET_GIVEN_DIM( array, *****, [x][y][z][t][v], value ) /* --- same as previous, but don't have to know dimensions of volume */ #define SET_MULTIDIM( array, x, y, z, t, v, value ) \ switch( (array).n_dimensions ) \ { \ case 1: SET_MULTIDIM_1D( array, x, value ); break; \ case 2: SET_MULTIDIM_2D( array, x, y, value ); break; \ case 3: SET_MULTIDIM_3D( array, x, y, z, value ); break; \ case 4: SET_MULTIDIM_4D( array, x, y, z, t, value ); break; \ case 5: SET_MULTIDIM_5D( array, x, y, z, t, v, value ); break; \ } /* ------------------------- get multidim value ------------------------ */ /* --- private macros */ #define GET_ONE( value, vtype, array, type, asterisks, subscripts ) \ (value) = vtype (((type asterisks) ((array).data)) subscripts) #define GET_GIVEN_DIM( value, vtype, array, asterisks, subscripts ) \ switch( (array).data_type ) \ { \ case UNSIGNED_BYTE: \ GET_ONE( value, vtype, array, unsigned char, asterisks, subscripts );\ break; \ case SIGNED_BYTE: \ GET_ONE( value, vtype, array, signed char, asterisks, subscripts );\ break; \ case UNSIGNED_SHORT: \ GET_ONE( value, vtype, array, unsigned short, asterisks, subscripts );\ break; \ case SIGNED_SHORT: \ GET_ONE( value, vtype, array, signed short, asterisks, subscripts );\ break; \ case UNSIGNED_INT: \ GET_ONE( value, vtype, array, unsigned int, asterisks, subscripts );\ break; \ case SIGNED_INT: \ GET_ONE( value, vtype, array, signed int, asterisks, subscripts );\ break; \ case FLOAT: \ GET_ONE( value, vtype, array, float, asterisks, subscripts );\ break; \ case DOUBLE: \ GET_ONE( value, vtype, array, double, asterisks, subscripts );\ break; \ } /* --- public macros to place the [x][y]...'th voxel of 'array' in 'value' */ #define GET_MULTIDIM_1D( value, vtype, array, x ) \ GET_GIVEN_DIM( value, vtype, array, *, [x] ) #define GET_MULTIDIM_2D( value, vtype, array, x, y ) \ GET_GIVEN_DIM( value, vtype, array, **, [x][y] ) #define GET_MULTIDIM_3D( value, vtype, array, x, y, z ) \ GET_GIVEN_DIM( value, vtype, array, ***, [x][y][z] ) #define GET_MULTIDIM_4D( value, vtype, array, x, y, z, t ) \ GET_GIVEN_DIM( value, vtype, array, ****, [x][y][z][t] ) #define GET_MULTIDIM_5D( value, vtype, array, x, y, z, t, v ) \ GET_GIVEN_DIM( value, vtype, array, *****, [x][y][z][t][v] ) /* --- same as previous, but no need to know array dimensions */ #define GET_MULTIDIM( value, vtype, array, x, y, z, t, v ) \ switch( (array).n_dimensions ) \ { \ case 1: GET_MULTIDIM_1D( value, vtype, array, x ); break; \ case 2: GET_MULTIDIM_2D( value, vtype, array, x, y ); break; \ case 3: GET_MULTIDIM_3D( value, vtype, array, x, y, z ); break; \ case 4: GET_MULTIDIM_4D( value, vtype, array, x, y, z, t ); break; \ case 5: GET_MULTIDIM_5D( value, vtype, array, x, y, z, t, v ); break; \ } /* ------------------------- get multidim ptr ------------------------ */ /* --- private macros */ #define GET_ONE_PTR( ptr, array, type, asterisks, subscripts ) \ (ptr) = (void *) (&(((type asterisks) ((array).data)) subscripts)) #define GET_GIVEN_DIM_PTR( ptr, array, asterisks, subscripts ) \ switch( (array).data_type ) \ { \ case UNSIGNED_BYTE: \ GET_ONE_PTR( ptr, array, unsigned char, asterisks, subscripts );\ break; \ case SIGNED_BYTE: \ GET_ONE_PTR( ptr, array, signed char, asterisks, subscripts );\ break; \ case UNSIGNED_SHORT: \ GET_ONE_PTR( ptr, array, unsigned short, asterisks, subscripts );\ break; \ case SIGNED_SHORT: \ GET_ONE_PTR( ptr, array, signed short, asterisks, subscripts );\ break; \ case UNSIGNED_INT: \ GET_ONE_PTR( ptr, array, unsigned int, asterisks, subscripts );\ break; \ case SIGNED_INT: \ GET_ONE_PTR( ptr, array, signed int, asterisks, subscripts );\ break; \ case FLOAT: \ GET_ONE_PTR( ptr, array, float, asterisks, subscripts );\ break; \ case DOUBLE: \ GET_ONE_PTR( ptr, array, double, asterisks, subscripts );\ break; \ } /* --- public macros to return a pointer to the [x][y]'th voxel of the 'array', and place it in 'ptr' */ #define GET_MULTIDIM_PTR_1D( ptr, array, x ) \ GET_GIVEN_DIM_PTR( ptr, array, *, [x] ) #define GET_MULTIDIM_PTR_2D( ptr, array, x, y ) \ GET_GIVEN_DIM_PTR( ptr, array, **, [x][y] ) #define GET_MULTIDIM_PTR_3D( ptr, array, x, y, z ) \ GET_GIVEN_DIM_PTR( ptr, array, ***, [x][y][z] ) #define GET_MULTIDIM_PTR_4D( ptr, array, x, y, z, t ) \ GET_GIVEN_DIM_PTR( ptr, array, ****, [x][y][z][t] ) #define GET_MULTIDIM_PTR_5D( ptr, array, x, y, z, t, v ) \ GET_GIVEN_DIM_PTR( ptr, array, *****, [x][y][z][t][v] ) /* --- same as previous, but no need to know array dimensions */ #define GET_MULTIDIM_PTR( ptr, array, x, y, z, t, v ) \ switch( (array).n_dimensions ) \ { \ case 1: GET_MULTIDIM_PTR_1D( ptr, array, x ); break; \ case 2: GET_MULTIDIM_PTR_2D( ptr, array, x, y ); break; \ case 3: GET_MULTIDIM_PTR_3D( ptr, array, x, y, z ); break; \ case 4: GET_MULTIDIM_PTR_4D( ptr, array, x, y, z, t ); break; \ case 5: GET_MULTIDIM_PTR_5D( ptr, array, x, y, z, t, v ); break; \ } #if !VIO_PREFIX_NAMES typedef VIO_multidim_array multidim_array; typedef VIO_Data_types Data_types; #define MAX_DIMENSIONS VIO_MAX_DIMENSIONS #endif /* !VIO_PREFIX_NAMES */ #endif