#ifndef DEF_VOLUME_CACHE #define DEF_VOLUME_CACHE /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @COPYRIGHT : Copyright 1993,1994,1995 David MacDonald, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. The author and McGill University make no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. @VERSION : $Header: /software/source/minc/volume_io/Include/volume_io/volume_cache.h,v 2005/03/31 17:39:49 bert Exp $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ----------------------------- MNI Header ----------------------------------- @NAME : volume_cache.h @INPUT : @OUTPUT : @RETURNS : @DESCRIPTION: Volume block caching mechanism for treating large volumes as if they are in memory. @METHOD : @GLOBALS : @CALLS : @CREATED : Aug. 14, 1995 David MacDonald @MODIFIED : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include typedef enum { SLICE_ACCESS, RANDOM_VOLUME_ACCESS } VIO_Cache_block_size_hints; #define CACHE_DEBUGGING #undef CACHE_DEBUGGING typedef struct VIO_cache_block_struct { int block_index; VIO_SCHAR modified_flag; VIO_multidim_array array; struct VIO_cache_block_struct *prev_used; struct VIO_cache_block_struct *next_used; struct VIO_cache_block_struct **prev_hash; struct VIO_cache_block_struct *next_hash; } VIO_cache_block_struct; typedef struct { int block_index_offset; int block_offset; } VIO_cache_lookup_struct; typedef struct { int n_dimensions; int file_offset[VIO_MAX_DIMENSIONS]; VIO_STR input_filename; VIO_STR output_filename; nc_type file_nc_data_type; VIO_BOOL file_signed_flag; VIO_Real file_voxel_min; VIO_Real file_voxel_max; VIO_STR original_filename; VIO_STR history; minc_output_options options; VIO_BOOL writing_to_temp_file; int total_block_size; int block_sizes[VIO_MAX_DIMENSIONS]; int blocks_per_dim[VIO_MAX_DIMENSIONS]; VIO_BOOL output_file_is_open; VIO_BOOL must_read_blocks_before_use; void *minc_file; int n_blocks; int max_cache_bytes; int max_blocks; int hash_table_size; VIO_cache_block_struct *head; VIO_cache_block_struct *tail; VIO_cache_block_struct **hash_table; VIO_cache_lookup_struct *lookup[VIO_MAX_DIMENSIONS]; VIO_cache_block_struct *previous_block; int previous_block_index; VIO_BOOL debugging_on; int n_accesses; int output_every; int n_hits; int n_prev_hits; } VIO_volume_cache_struct; #if !VIO_PREFIX_NAMES typedef VIO_Cache_block_size_hints Cache_block_size_hints; typedef VIO_cache_block_struct cache_block_struct; typedef VIO_cache_lookup_struct cache_lookup_struct; typedef VIO_volume_cache_struct volume_cache_struct; #endif /* !VIO_PREFIX_NAMES */ #endif