Log file for annot2std Thu Jan 12 02:19:38 EST 2012 setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data cd /autofs/cluster/con_009/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30 /usr/local/freesurfer/dev/bin/annot2std --o label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot --rh --f /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/list.subjects.txt --t ni.sym.b40.i30 --a aparc.a2009s --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --xhemi freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-dev-20120111 $Id: annot2std,v 1.2 2012/01/05 18:41:21 greve Exp $ Linux compute-0-8.local 2.6.18-53.1.19.el5 #1 SMP Tue Apr 22 03:01:10 EDT 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux #@# 1/40 073 Thu Jan 12 02:19:38 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 073 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.1.073.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.1.073.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 073 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.1.073.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/073/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/073/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 073 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.1.073.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.1.073.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 073 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.1.073.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.1.073.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/073/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 36312 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 95655, nSrcLost = 36312, nSrcMulti = 64220, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.06177 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.1.073.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 073/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.1.073.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.1.073.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 073/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.1.073.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/073/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/073/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 073/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.1.073.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.1.073.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 073/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.1.073.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.1.073.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/073/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 40852 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 97652, nSrcLost = 40852, nSrcMulti = 67216, MnSrcMultiHits = 0.984736 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.1.073.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 2/40 080 Thu Jan 12 02:20:00 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 080 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.2.080.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.2.080.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 080 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.2.080.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/080/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/080/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 080 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.2.080.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.2.080.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 080 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.2.080.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.2.080.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/080/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 33118 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 89581, nSrcLost = 33118, nSrcMulti = 62316, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.19168 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.2.080.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 080/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.2.080.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.2.080.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 080/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.2.080.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/080/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/080/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 080/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.2.080.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.2.080.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 080/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.2.080.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.2.080.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/080/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 32946 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 90470, nSrcLost = 32946, nSrcMulti = 61556, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.19196 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.2.080.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 3/40 123 Thu Jan 12 02:20:21 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 123 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.3.123.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.3.123.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 123 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.3.123.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/123/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/123/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 123 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.3.123.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.3.123.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 123 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.3.123.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.3.123.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/123/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 19332 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 73472, nSrcLost = 19332, nSrcMulti = 55343, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.63291 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.3.123.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 123/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.3.123.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.3.123.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 123/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.3.123.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/123/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/123/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 123/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.3.123.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.3.123.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 123/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.3.123.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.3.123.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/123/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 19008 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 73274, nSrcLost = 19008, nSrcMulti = 55192, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.64096 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.3.123.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 4/40 144 Thu Jan 12 02:20:40 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 144 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.4.144.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.4.144.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 144 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.4.144.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/144/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/144/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 144 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.4.144.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.4.144.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 144 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.4.144.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.4.144.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/144/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 23098 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 77104, nSrcLost = 23098, nSrcMulti = 58432, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.48443 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.4.144.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 144/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.4.144.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.4.144.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 144/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.4.144.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/144/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/144/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 144/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.4.144.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.4.144.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 144/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.4.144.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.4.144.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/144/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 22633 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 77030, nSrcLost = 22633, nSrcMulti = 57760, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.50298 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.4.144.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 5/40 102 Thu Jan 12 02:20:59 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 102 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.5.102.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.5.102.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 102 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.5.102.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/102/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/102/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 102 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.5.102.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.5.102.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 102 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.5.102.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.5.102.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/102/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 20913 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 75232, nSrcLost = 20913, nSrcMulti = 56282, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.57439 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.5.102.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 102/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.5.102.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.5.102.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 102/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.5.102.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/102/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/102/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 102/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.5.102.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.5.102.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 102/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.5.102.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.5.102.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/102/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 21585 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 76083, nSrcLost = 21585, nSrcMulti = 57051, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.53826 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.5.102.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 6/40 140 Thu Jan 12 02:21:19 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 140 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.6.140.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.6.140.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 140 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.6.140.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/140/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/140/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 140 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.6.140.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.6.140.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 140 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.6.140.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.6.140.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/140/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 23764 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 80168, nSrcLost = 23764, nSrcMulti = 57704, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.45006 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.6.140.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 140/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.6.140.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.6.140.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 140/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.6.140.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/140/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/140/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 140/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.6.140.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.6.140.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 140/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.6.140.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.6.140.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/140/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 22775 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 80337, nSrcLost = 22775, nSrcMulti = 56371, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.48135 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.6.140.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 7/40 084 Thu Jan 12 02:21:38 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 084 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.7.084.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.7.084.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 084 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.7.084.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/084/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/084/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 084 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.7.084.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.7.084.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 084 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.7.084.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.7.084.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/084/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 22050 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 78142, nSrcLost = 22050, nSrcMulti = 56074, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.52834 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.7.084.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 084/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.7.084.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.7.084.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 084/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.7.084.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/084/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/084/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 084/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.7.084.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.7.084.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 084/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.7.084.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.7.084.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/084/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 22984 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 78746, nSrcLost = 22984, nSrcMulti = 56653, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.50206 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.7.084.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 8/40 145 Thu Jan 12 02:21:57 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 145 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.8.145.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.8.145.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 145 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.8.145.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/145/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/145/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 145 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.8.145.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.8.145.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 145 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.8.145.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.8.145.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/145/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 26164 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 79475, nSrcLost = 26164, nSrcMulti = 60159, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.4024 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.8.145.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 145/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.8.145.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.8.145.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 145/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.8.145.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/145/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/145/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 145/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.8.145.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.8.145.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 145/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.8.145.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.8.145.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/145/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 24634 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 77791, nSrcLost = 24634, nSrcMulti = 59823, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.43843 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.8.145.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 9/40 092 Thu Jan 12 02:22:17 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 092 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.9.092.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.9.092.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 092 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.9.092.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/092/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/092/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 092 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.9.092.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.9.092.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 092 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.9.092.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.9.092.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/092/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 24428 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 82991, nSrcLost = 24428, nSrcMulti = 56749, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.42471 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.9.092.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 092/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.9.092.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.9.092.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 092/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.9.092.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/092/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/092/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 092/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.9.092.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.9.092.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 092/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.9.092.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.9.092.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/092/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 24570 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 84045, nSrcLost = 24570, nSrcMulti = 56539, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.41136 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.9.092.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 10/40 004 Thu Jan 12 02:22:38 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 004 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.10.004.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.10.004.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 004 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.10.004.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/004/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/004/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 004 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.10.004.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.10.004.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 004 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.10.004.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.10.004.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/004/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 30589 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 88102, nSrcLost = 30589, nSrcMulti = 61274, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.23609 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.10.004.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 004/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.10.004.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.10.004.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 004/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.10.004.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/004/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/004/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 004/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.10.004.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.10.004.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 004/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.10.004.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.10.004.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/004/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 29900 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 89014, nSrcLost = 29900, nSrcMulti = 60440, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.23805 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.10.004.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 11/40 008 Thu Jan 12 02:22:58 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 008 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.11.008.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.11.008.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 008 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.11.008.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/008/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/008/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 008 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.11.008.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.11.008.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 008 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.11.008.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.11.008.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/008/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 14249 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 61155, nSrcLost = 14249, nSrcMulti = 54640, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.87934 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.11.008.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 008/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.11.008.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.11.008.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 008/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.11.008.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/008/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/008/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 008/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.11.008.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.11.008.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 008/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.11.008.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.11.008.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/008/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 15375 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 62527, nSrcLost = 15375, nSrcMulti = 56212, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.80237 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.11.008.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 12/40 017 Thu Jan 12 02:23:16 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 017 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.12.017.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.12.017.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 017 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.12.017.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/017/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/017/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 017 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.12.017.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.12.017.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 017 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.12.017.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.12.017.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/017/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 31220 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 89291, nSrcLost = 31220, nSrcMulti = 60464, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.23298 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.12.017.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 017/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.12.017.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.12.017.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 017/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.12.017.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/017/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/017/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 017/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.12.017.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.12.017.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 017/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.12.017.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.12.017.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/017/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 31128 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 89401, nSrcLost = 31128, nSrcMulti = 60357, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.23334 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.12.017.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 13/40 021 Thu Jan 12 02:23:37 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 021 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.13.021.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.13.021.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 021 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.13.021.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/021/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/021/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 021 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.13.021.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.13.021.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 021 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.13.021.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.13.021.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/021/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 29238 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 85903, nSrcLost = 29238, nSrcMulti = 60360, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.29124 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.13.021.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 021/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.13.021.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.13.021.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 021/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.13.021.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/021/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/021/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 021/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.13.021.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.13.021.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 021/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.13.021.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.13.021.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/021/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 29764 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 87959, nSrcLost = 29764, nSrcMulti = 60229, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.25991 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.13.021.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 14/40 032 Thu Jan 12 02:23:58 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 032 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.14.032.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.14.032.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 032 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.14.032.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/032/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/032/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 032 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.14.032.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.14.032.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 032 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.14.032.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.14.032.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/032/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 27683 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 84583, nSrcLost = 27683, nSrcMulti = 59912, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.32292 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.14.032.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 032/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.14.032.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.14.032.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 032/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.14.032.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/032/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/032/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 032/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.14.032.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.14.032.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 032/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.14.032.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.14.032.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/032/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 26803 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 82103, nSrcLost = 26803, nSrcMulti = 59700, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.36916 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.14.032.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 15/40 039 Thu Jan 12 02:24:17 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 039 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.15.039.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.15.039.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 039 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.15.039.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/039/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/039/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 039 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.15.039.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.15.039.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 039 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.15.039.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.15.039.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/039/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 14581 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 59822, nSrcLost = 14581, nSrcMulti = 54843, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.89669 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.15.039.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 039/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.15.039.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.15.039.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 039/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.15.039.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/039/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/039/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 039/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.15.039.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.15.039.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 039/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.15.039.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.15.039.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/039/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 13442 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 60390, nSrcLost = 13442, nSrcMulti = 54142, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.91075 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.15.039.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 16/40 040 Thu Jan 12 02:24:35 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 040 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.16.040.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.16.040.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 040 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.16.040.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/040/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/040/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 040 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.16.040.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.16.040.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 040 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.16.040.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.16.040.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/040/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 11631 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 54950, nSrcLost = 11631, nSrcMulti = 53580, MnSrcMultiHits = 2.03233 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.16.040.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 040/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.16.040.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.16.040.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 040/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.16.040.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/040/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/040/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 040/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.16.040.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.16.040.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 040/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.16.040.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.16.040.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/040/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 11158 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 55932, nSrcLost = 11158, nSrcMulti = 53336, MnSrcMultiHits = 2.02321 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.16.040.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 17/40 045 Thu Jan 12 02:24:52 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 045 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.17.045.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.17.045.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 045 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.17.045.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/045/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/045/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 045 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.17.045.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.17.045.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 045 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.17.045.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.17.045.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/045/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 11946 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 55964, nSrcLost = 11946, nSrcMulti = 54485, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.97996 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.17.045.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 045/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.17.045.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.17.045.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 045/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.17.045.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/045/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/045/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 045/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.17.045.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.17.045.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 045/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.17.045.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.17.045.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/045/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 11612 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 55511, nSrcLost = 11612, nSrcMulti = 54923, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.97242 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.17.045.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 18/40 049 Thu Jan 12 02:25:09 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 049 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.18.049.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.18.049.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 049 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.18.049.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/049/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/049/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 049 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.18.049.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.18.049.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 049 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.18.049.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.18.049.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/049/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 30073 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 81135, nSrcLost = 30073, nSrcMulti = 61477, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.34533 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.18.049.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 049/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.18.049.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.18.049.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 049/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.18.049.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/049/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/049/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 049/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.18.049.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.18.049.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 049/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.18.049.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.18.049.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/049/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 27875 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 85237, nSrcLost = 27875, nSrcMulti = 58804, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.33673 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.18.049.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 19/40 067 Thu Jan 12 02:25:32 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 067 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.19.067.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.19.067.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 067 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.19.067.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/067/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/067/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 067 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.19.067.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.19.067.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 067 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.19.067.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.19.067.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/067/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 25289 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 76630, nSrcLost = 25289, nSrcMulti = 60015, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.45317 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.19.067.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 067/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.19.067.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.19.067.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 067/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.19.067.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/067/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/067/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 067/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.19.067.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.19.067.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 067/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.19.067.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.19.067.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/067/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 24161 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 79720, nSrcLost = 24161, nSrcMulti = 58137, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.44696 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.19.067.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 20/40 074 Thu Jan 12 02:25:52 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 074 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.20.074.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.20.074.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 074 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.20.074.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/074/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/074/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 074 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.20.074.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.20.074.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 074 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.20.074.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.20.074.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/074/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 14860 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 63852, nSrcLost = 14860, nSrcMulti = 55238, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.81017 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.20.074.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 074/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.20.074.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.20.074.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 074/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.20.074.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/074/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/074/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 074/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.20.074.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.20.074.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 074/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.20.074.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.20.074.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/074/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 14870 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 65187, nSrcLost = 14870, nSrcMulti = 55023, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.79298 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.20.074.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 21/40 091 Thu Jan 12 02:26:10 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 091 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.21.091.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.21.091.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 091 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.21.091.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/091/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/091/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 091 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.21.091.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.21.091.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 091 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.21.091.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.21.091.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/091/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 23349 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 76163, nSrcLost = 23349, nSrcMulti = 58194, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.50667 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.21.091.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 091/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.21.091.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.21.091.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 091/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.21.091.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/091/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/091/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 091/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.21.091.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.21.091.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 091/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.21.091.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.21.091.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/091/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 22369 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 77745, nSrcLost = 22369, nSrcMulti = 57127, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.50712 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.21.091.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 22/40 093 Thu Jan 12 02:26:29 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 093 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.22.093.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.22.093.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 093 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.22.093.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/093/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/093/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 093 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.22.093.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.22.093.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 093 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.22.093.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.22.093.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/093/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 22765 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 78799, nSrcLost = 22765, nSrcMulti = 56166, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.51414 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.22.093.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 093/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.22.093.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.22.093.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 093/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.22.093.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/093/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/093/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 093/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.22.093.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.22.093.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 093/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.22.093.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.22.093.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/093/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 22398 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 77254, nSrcLost = 22398, nSrcMulti = 56396, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.53536 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.22.093.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 23/40 095 Thu Jan 12 02:26:48 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 095 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.23.095.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.23.095.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 095 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.23.095.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/095/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/095/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 095 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.23.095.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.23.095.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 095 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.23.095.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.23.095.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/095/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 11297 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 53766, nSrcLost = 11297, nSrcMulti = 54567, MnSrcMultiHits = 2.01726 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.23.095.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 095/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.23.095.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.23.095.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 095/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.23.095.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/095/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/095/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 095/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.23.095.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.23.095.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 095/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.23.095.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.23.095.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/095/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 11524 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 54281, nSrcLost = 11524, nSrcMulti = 54523, MnSrcMultiHits = 2.00945 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.23.095.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 24/40 097 Thu Jan 12 02:27:06 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 097 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.24.097.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.24.097.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 097 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.24.097.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/097/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/097/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 097 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.24.097.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.24.097.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 097 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.24.097.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.24.097.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/097/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 19331 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 72447, nSrcLost = 19331, nSrcMulti = 55895, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.63512 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.24.097.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 097/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.24.097.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.24.097.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 097/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.24.097.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/097/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/097/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 097/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.24.097.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.24.097.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 097/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.24.097.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.24.097.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/097/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 21042 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 75335, nSrcLost = 21042, nSrcMulti = 57080, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.55058 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.24.097.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 25/40 099 Thu Jan 12 02:27:24 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 099 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.25.099.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.25.099.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 099 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.25.099.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/099/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/099/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 099 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.25.099.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.25.099.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 099 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.25.099.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.25.099.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/099/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 12147 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 56607, nSrcLost = 12147, nSrcMulti = 53439, MnSrcMultiHits = 2.00668 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.25.099.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 099/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.25.099.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.25.099.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 099/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.25.099.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/099/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/099/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 099/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.25.099.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.25.099.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 099/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.25.099.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.25.099.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/099/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 13386 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 56542, nSrcLost = 13386, nSrcMulti = 54634, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.96398 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.25.099.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 26/40 103 Thu Jan 12 02:27:42 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 103 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.26.103.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.26.103.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 103 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.26.103.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/103/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/103/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 103 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.26.103.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.26.103.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 103 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.26.103.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.26.103.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/103/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 17435 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 71331, nSrcLost = 17435, nSrcMulti = 54863, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.68622 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.26.103.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 103/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.26.103.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.26.103.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 103/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.26.103.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/103/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/103/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 103/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.26.103.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.26.103.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 103/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.26.103.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.26.103.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/103/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 17129 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 69474, nSrcLost = 17129, nSrcMulti = 55148, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.71118 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.26.103.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 27/40 106 Thu Jan 12 02:28:00 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 106 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.27.106.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.27.106.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 106 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.27.106.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/106/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/106/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 106 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.27.106.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.27.106.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 106 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.27.106.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.27.106.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/106/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 16680 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 67209, nSrcLost = 16680, nSrcMulti = 54495, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.77325 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.27.106.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 106/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.27.106.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.27.106.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 106/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.27.106.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/106/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/106/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 106/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.27.106.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.27.106.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 106/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.27.106.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.27.106.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/106/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 16020 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 67228, nSrcLost = 16020, nSrcMulti = 53512, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.80546 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.27.106.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 28/40 108 Thu Jan 12 02:28:18 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 108 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.28.108.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.28.108.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 108 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.28.108.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/108/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/108/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 108 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.28.108.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.28.108.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 108 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.28.108.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.28.108.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/108/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 26228 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 82284, nSrcLost = 26228, nSrcMulti = 58385, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.3969 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.28.108.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 108/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.28.108.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.28.108.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 108/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.28.108.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/108/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/108/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 108/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.28.108.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.28.108.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 108/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.28.108.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.28.108.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/108/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 25805 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 82382, nSrcLost = 25805, nSrcMulti = 58128, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.40139 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.28.108.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 29/40 111 Thu Jan 12 02:28:38 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 111 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.29.111.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.29.111.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 111 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.29.111.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/111/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/111/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 111 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.29.111.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.29.111.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 111 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.29.111.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.29.111.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/111/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 23006 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 77220, nSrcLost = 23006, nSrcMulti = 57484, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.50689 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.29.111.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 111/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.29.111.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.29.111.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 111/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.29.111.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/111/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/111/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 111/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.29.111.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.29.111.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 111/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.29.111.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.29.111.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/111/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 22049 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 76689, nSrcLost = 22049, nSrcMulti = 57399, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.51837 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.29.111.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 30/40 114 Thu Jan 12 02:28:56 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 114 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.30.114.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.30.114.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 114 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.30.114.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/114/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/114/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 114 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.30.114.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.30.114.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 114 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.30.114.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.30.114.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/114/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 16230 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 53425, nSrcLost = 16230, nSrcMulti = 57985, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.90423 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.30.114.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 114/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.30.114.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.30.114.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 114/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.30.114.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/114/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/114/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 114/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.30.114.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.30.114.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 114/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.30.114.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.30.114.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/114/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 13467 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 55014, nSrcLost = 13467, nSrcMulti = 55972, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.94433 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.30.114.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 31/40 124 Thu Jan 12 02:29:14 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 124 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.31.124.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.31.124.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 124 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.31.124.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/124/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/124/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 124 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.31.124.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.31.124.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 124 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.31.124.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.31.124.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/124/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 10700 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 53751, nSrcLost = 10700, nSrcMulti = 54313, MnSrcMultiHits = 2.02697 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.31.124.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 124/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.31.124.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.31.124.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 124/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.31.124.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/124/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/124/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 124/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.31.124.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.31.124.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 124/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.31.124.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.31.124.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/124/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 11389 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 54873, nSrcLost = 11389, nSrcMulti = 53530, MnSrcMultiHits = 2.03566 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.31.124.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 32/40 128 Thu Jan 12 02:29:31 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 128 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.32.128.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.32.128.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 128 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.32.128.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/128/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/128/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 128 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.32.128.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.32.128.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 128 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.32.128.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.32.128.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/128/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 15718 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 61035, nSrcLost = 15718, nSrcMulti = 55758, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.84381 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.32.128.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 128/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.32.128.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.32.128.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 128/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.32.128.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/128/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/128/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 128/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.32.128.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.32.128.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 128/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.32.128.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.32.128.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/128/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 13596 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 56174, nSrcLost = 13596, nSrcMulti = 55105, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.95387 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.32.128.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 33/40 129 Thu Jan 12 02:29:48 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 129 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.33.129.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.33.129.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 129 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.33.129.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/129/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/129/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 129 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.33.129.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.33.129.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 129 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.33.129.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.33.129.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/129/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 14500 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 58907, nSrcLost = 14500, nSrcMulti = 54935, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.91017 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.33.129.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 129/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.33.129.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.33.129.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 129/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.33.129.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/129/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/129/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 129/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.33.129.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.33.129.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 129/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.33.129.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.33.129.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/129/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 14020 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 59613, nSrcLost = 14020, nSrcMulti = 55116, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.89108 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.33.129.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 34/40 130 Thu Jan 12 02:30:05 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 130 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.34.130.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.34.130.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 130 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.34.130.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/130/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/130/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 130 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.34.130.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.34.130.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 130 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.34.130.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.34.130.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/130/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 18600 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 73334, nSrcLost = 18600, nSrcMulti = 55087, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.643 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.34.130.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 130/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.34.130.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.34.130.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 130/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.34.130.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/130/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/130/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 130/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.34.130.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.34.130.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 130/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.34.130.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.34.130.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/130/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 19546 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 74247, nSrcLost = 19546, nSrcMulti = 55782, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.60616 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.34.130.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 35/40 131 Thu Jan 12 02:30:24 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 131 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.35.131.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.35.131.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 131 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.35.131.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/131/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/131/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 131 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.35.131.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.35.131.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 131 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.35.131.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.35.131.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/131/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 11489 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 54027, nSrcLost = 11489, nSrcMulti = 53817, MnSrcMultiHits = 2.04053 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.35.131.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 131/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.35.131.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.35.131.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 131/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.35.131.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/131/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/131/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 131/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.35.131.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.35.131.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 131/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.35.131.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.35.131.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/131/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 11892 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 54858, nSrcLost = 11892, nSrcMulti = 54473, MnSrcMultiHits = 2.0007 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.35.131.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 36/40 133 Thu Jan 12 02:30:41 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 133 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.36.133.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.36.133.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 133 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.36.133.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/133/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/133/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 133 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.36.133.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.36.133.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 133 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.36.133.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.36.133.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/133/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 17329 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 65497, nSrcLost = 17329, nSrcMulti = 56367, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.74473 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.36.133.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 133/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.36.133.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.36.133.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 133/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.36.133.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/133/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/133/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 133/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.36.133.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.36.133.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 133/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.36.133.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.36.133.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/133/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 15089 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 62851, nSrcLost = 15089, nSrcMulti = 55491, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.81995 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.36.133.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 37/40 136 Thu Jan 12 02:30:59 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 136 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.37.136.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.37.136.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 136 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.37.136.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/136/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/136/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 136 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.37.136.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.37.136.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 136 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.37.136.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.37.136.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/136/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 12156 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 53261, nSrcLost = 12156, nSrcMulti = 55066, MnSrcMultiHits = 2.00815 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.37.136.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 136/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.37.136.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.37.136.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 136/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.37.136.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/136/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/136/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 136/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.37.136.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.37.136.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 136/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.37.136.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.37.136.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/136/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 11439 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 52503, nSrcLost = 11439, nSrcMulti = 54719, MnSrcMultiHits = 2.03474 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.37.136.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 38/40 138 Thu Jan 12 02:31:16 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 138 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.38.138.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.38.138.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 138 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.38.138.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/138/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/138/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 138 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.38.138.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.38.138.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 138 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.38.138.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.38.138.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/138/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 14407 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 63092, nSrcLost = 14407, nSrcMulti = 53914, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.86872 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.38.138.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 138/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.38.138.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.38.138.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 138/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.38.138.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/138/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/138/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 138/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.38.138.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.38.138.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 138/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.38.138.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.38.138.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/138/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 15419 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 65639, nSrcLost = 15419, nSrcMulti = 54297, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.80863 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.38.138.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 39/40 141 Thu Jan 12 02:31:34 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 141 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.39.141.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.39.141.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 141 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.39.141.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/141/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/141/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 141 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.39.141.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.39.141.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 141 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.39.141.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.39.141.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/141/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 18315 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 70191, nSrcLost = 18315, nSrcMulti = 54767, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.70999 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.39.141.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 141/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.39.141.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.39.141.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 141/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.39.141.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/141/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/141/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 141/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.39.141.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.39.141.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 141/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.39.141.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.39.141.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/141/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 17989 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 71212, nSrcLost = 17989, nSrcMulti = 55042, MnSrcMultiHits = 1.6829 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.39.141.xhemi.std.mgh #@# 40/40 149 Thu Jan 12 02:31:52 EST 2012 mri_annotation2label --subject 149 --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.40.149.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.40.149.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 149 annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.40.149.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/149/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/149/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --hemi rh --srcsubject 149 --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.40.149.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.40.149.std.mgh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 149 srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.40.149.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.40.149.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/149/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 11000 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 52255, nSrcLost = 11000, nSrcMulti = 54622, MnSrcMultiHits = 2.04289 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.40.149.std.mgh mri_annotation2label --subject 149/xhemi --hemi rh --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.40.149.xhemi.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.40.149.xhemi.ctab --annotation aparc.a2009s subject = 149/xhemi annotation = aparc.a2009s hemi = rh segfile = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.40.149.xhemi.mgh surface = white Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/149/xhemi/surf/rh.white Loading annotations from /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/149/xhemi/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Seg base 0 Converting to a segmentation mri_surf2surf --mapmethod nnf --srchemi rh --srcsubject 149/xhemi --srcsurfreg ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg --sval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.40.149.xhemi.mgh --trgsubject ni.sym.b40.i30 --trgsurfreg sphere.reg --tval /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.40.149.xhemi.std.mgh --trghemi rh Source registration surface changed to ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Target registration surface changed to sphere.reg srcsubject = 149/xhemi srcval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.40.149.xhemi.mgh srctype = trgsubject = ni.sym.b40.i30 trgval = /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.40.149.xhemi.std.mgh trgtype = srcsurfreg = ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg trgsurfreg = sphere.reg srchemi = rh trghemi = rh frame = 0 fwhm-in = 0 fwhm-out = 0 label-src = (null) label-trg = (null) OKToRevFaceOrder = 1 UseDualHemi = 0 Reading source surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/149/xhemi/surf/rh.ni.sym.b40.i29.sphere.reg Loading source data Converting source to float Reading target surface reg /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.sphere.reg Done Using surf2surf_nnfr() Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16). Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842) Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842) INFO: nSrcLost = 11815 nTrg121 = 163842, nTrgMulti = 0, MnTrgMultiHits = 0 nSrc121 = 52628, nSrcLost = 11815, nSrcMulti = 54959, MnSrcMultiHits = 2.02358 Saving target data Saving to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.40.149.xhemi.std.mgh mri_concat /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.1.073.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.1.073.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.2.080.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.2.080.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.3.123.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.3.123.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.4.144.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.4.144.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.5.102.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.5.102.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.6.140.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.6.140.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.7.084.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.7.084.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.8.145.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.8.145.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.9.092.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.9.092.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.10.004.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.10.004.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.11.008.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.11.008.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.12.017.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.12.017.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.13.021.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.13.021.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.14.032.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.14.032.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.15.039.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.15.039.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.16.040.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.16.040.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.17.045.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.17.045.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.18.049.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.18.049.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.19.067.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.19.067.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.20.074.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.20.074.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.21.091.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.21.091.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.22.093.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.22.093.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.23.095.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.23.095.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.24.097.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.24.097.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.25.099.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.25.099.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.26.103.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.26.103.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.27.106.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.27.106.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.28.108.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.28.108.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.29.111.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.29.111.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.30.114.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.30.114.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.31.124.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.31.124.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.32.128.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.32.128.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.33.129.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.33.129.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.34.130.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.34.130.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.35.131.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.35.131.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.36.133.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.36.133.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.37.136.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.37.136.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.38.138.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.38.138.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.39.141.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.39.141.xhemi.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.40.149.std.mgh /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.40.149.xhemi.std.mgh --vote --o /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.vote.mgh ninputs = 80 Checking inputs nframestot = 80 Allocing output Done allocing nframes = 80 Voting MRIvote: sorting MRIvote: done sorting Writing to /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.vote.mgh mri_convert --frame 1 /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.vote.mgh /autofs/cluster/con_009/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot.p.mgh mri_convert --frame 1 /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.vote.mgh /autofs/cluster/con_009/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot.p.mgh $Id: mri_convert.c,v 1.188 2011/12/19 22:59:15 greve Exp $ reading from /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.vote.mgh... TR=0.00, TE=0.00, TI=0.00, flip angle=0.00 i_ras = (-1, 0, 0) j_ras = (0, 0, -1) k_ras = (0, 1, 0) keeping frame 1 writing to /autofs/cluster/con_009/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot.p.mgh... mris_seg2annot --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.vote.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.1.073.xhemi.ctab --s ni.sym.b40.i30 --hemi rh --o /autofs/cluster/con_009/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot $Id: mris_seg2annot.c,v 1.9 2011/03/02 00:04:34 nicks Exp $ cwd /autofs/cluster/con_009/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30 cmdline mris_seg2annot --seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.vote.mgh --ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.1.073.xhemi.ctab --s ni.sym.b40.i30 --hemi rh --o /autofs/cluster/con_009/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot sysname Linux hostname compute-0-8.local machine x86_64 user greve subject ni.sym.b40.i30 hemi rh surfseg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.vote.mgh ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.1.073.xhemi.ctab annotfile /autofs/cluster/con_009/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Reading ctab /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.1.073.xhemi.ctab Reading surface seg /scratch/tmpdir.annot2std.17004/seg.vote.mgh Reading surface /cluster/con/9/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/surf/rh.white Writing annot to /autofs/cluster/con_009/users/greve/fsaverage_sym-data/ni.sym.b40.i30/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot Started at Thu Jan 12 02:19:38 EST 2012 Ended at Thu Jan 12 02:32:14 EST 2012 Annot2std-Run-Time-Sec 756 annot2std Done