
# Check for display being set \
if [ _$DISPLAY = _ ] ; then echo "DISPLAY is not set. Please set your DISPLAY environment variable!" ; exit 1 ; fi
# Check for FSLDIR being set \
if [ -z "$FSLDIR" ]; then echo "You need to set the FSLDIR environment variable to point to the FSL installation directory before you can run anything." ; exit 1; fi
# Check for FSLDIR being valid \
if [ ! -f $FSLDIR/etc/fslconf/fsl.sh ]; then echo "You need to set the FSLDIR environment variable to point to the FSL installation directory before you can run anything." ; exit 1; fi

# the next line restarts using wish \
if [ _$FSLWISH = _ ] ; then echo "You need to source an FSL setup file - either fsl.sh or fsl.csh in \$FSLDIR/etc/fslconf !" ; exit 1 ; else exec $FSLWISH "$0" -- "$@" ; fi


set origname [ string tolower [ file tail [ info script ] ] ]

set UNAME [ exec uname ]
if { $UNAME == "Darwin" || [ string compare CYGWIN [ string range $UNAME 0 5 ] ] == 0 } {
    regsub "_gui" $origname "" origname

source ${FSLDIR}/tcl/${origname}.tcl
