/* Copyright (C) 2005 University of Oxford */ /* Part of FSL - FMRIB's Software Library http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl fsl@fmrib.ox.ac.uk Developed at FMRIB (Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain), Department of Clinical Neurology, Oxford University, Oxford, UK LICENCE FMRIB Software Library, Release 5.0 (c) 2012, The University of Oxford (the "Software") The Software remains the property of the University of Oxford ("the University"). The Software is distributed "AS IS" under this Licence solely for non-commercial use in the hope that it will be useful, but in order that the University as a charitable foundation protects its assets for the benefit of its educational and research purposes, the University makes clear that no condition is made or to be implied, nor is any warranty given or to be implied, as to the accuracy of the Software, or that it will be suitable for any particular purpose or for use under any specific conditions. Furthermore, the University disclaims all responsibility for the use which is made of the Software. It further disclaims any liability for the outcomes arising from using the Software. The Licensee agrees to indemnify the University and hold the University harmless from and against any and all claims, damages and liabilities asserted by third parties (including claims for negligence) which arise directly or indirectly from the use of the Software or the sale of any products based on the Software. No part of the Software may be reproduced, modified, transmitted or transferred in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the express permission of the University. The permission of the University is not required if the said reproduction, modification, transmission or transference is done without financial return, the conditions of this Licence are imposed upon the receiver of the product, and all original and amended source code is included in any transmitted product. You may be held legally responsible for any copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by your failure to abide by these terms and conditions. You are not permitted under this Licence to use this Software commercially. Use for which any financial return is received shall be defined as commercial use, and includes (1) integration of all or part of the source code or the Software into a product for sale or license by or on behalf of Licensee to third parties or (2) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing software products for sale or license to a third party or (3) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing non-software products for sale or license to a third party, or (4) use of the Software to provide any service to an external organisation for which payment is received. If you are interested in using the Software commercially, please contact Isis Innovation Limited ("Isis"), the technology transfer company of the University, to negotiate a licence. Contact details are: innovation@isis.ox.ac.uk quoting reference DE/9564. */ #ifndef __FIBRE_H_ #define __FIBRE_H_ #include <iostream> #include "stdlib.h" #include "libprob.h" #include <cmath> #include "miscmaths/miscprob.h" using namespace std; using namespace NEWMAT; using namespace MISCMATHS; const float maxfloat=1e10; const float minfloat=1e-10; const float maxlogfloat=23; const float minlogfloat=-23; namespace FIBRE{ //Returns the natural log of the 0th order modified Bessel function of first kind for an argument x //Follows the exponential implementation of the Bessel function in Numerical Recipes, Ch. 6 float logIo(const float& x){ float y,b; b=std::fabs(x); if (b<3.75){ float a=x/3.75; a*=a; //Bessel function evaluation y=1.0+a*(3.5156229+a*(3.0899424+a*(1.2067492+a*(0.2659732+a*(0.0360768+a*0.0045813))))); y=std::log(y); } else{ float a=3.75/b; //Bessel function evaluation //y=(exp(b)/sqrt(b))*(0.39894228+a*(0.01328592+a*(0.00225319+a*(-0.00157565+a*(0.00916281+a*(-0.02057706+a*(0.02635537+a*(-0.01647633+a*0.00392377)))))))); //Logarithm of Bessel function y=b+std::log((0.39894228+a*(0.01328592+a*(0.00225319+a*(-0.00157565+a*(0.00916281+a*(-0.02057706+a*(0.02635537+a*(-0.01647633+a*0.00392377))))))))/std::sqrt(b)); } return y; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////Class that represents one anisotropic compartment of the PVM model in an MCMC framework //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Fibre{ float m_th; //Current/candidate MCMC state float m_ph; float m_f; float m_lam; float m_th_prop; //Standard deviation for Gaussian proposal distributions of parameters float m_ph_prop; float m_f_prop; float m_lam_prop; float m_th_old; //Last accepted value. If a sample is rejected this value is restored float m_ph_old; float m_f_old; float m_lam_old; float m_th_prior; //Priors for the model parameters float m_ph_prior; float m_f_prior; float m_lam_prior; float m_th_old_prior; float m_ph_old_prior; float m_f_old_prior; float m_lam_old_prior; float m_prior_en; //Joint Prior float m_old_prior_en; float m_ardfudge; int m_th_acc; int m_th_rej; int m_ph_acc; int m_ph_rej; int m_f_acc; int m_f_rej; int m_lam_acc; int m_lam_rej; bool m_lam_jump; ColumnVector m_Signal; //Vector that stores the signal from the anisotropic compartment during the candidate/current MCMC state ColumnVector m_Signal_old; const float& m_d; const float& m_d_std; //second d param in multi-shell model - std in gamma dist of diffusivities const ColumnVector& m_alpha; //Theta angles of bvecs const ColumnVector& m_beta; //Phi angles of bvecs const Matrix& m_bvals; //b values const int& m_modelnum; //1 for single-shell, 2 for multi-shell model public: //constructors:: Fibre( const ColumnVector& alpha, const ColumnVector& beta, const Matrix& bvals,const float& d,const float& ardfudge=1,const int& modelnum=1, const float& d_std=0.01): m_ardfudge(ardfudge), m_d(d),m_d_std(d_std), m_alpha(alpha), m_beta(beta), m_bvals(bvals), m_modelnum(modelnum){ m_th=M_PI/2; m_th_old=m_th; m_ph=0; m_ph_old=m_ph; m_f=0.01; m_f_old=m_f; m_lam=10; m_lam_old=m_lam; m_lam_jump=true; m_th_prop=0.2; m_ph_prop=0.2; m_f_prop=0.2; m_lam_prop=1; m_th_prior=0; compute_th_prior(); m_ph_prior=0; compute_ph_prior(); m_f_prior=0; compute_f_prior(); //cc OUT(m_f_prior); //cc OUT(m_ardfudge); m_lam_prior=0; compute_lam_prior(); m_Signal.ReSize(alpha.Nrows()); m_Signal=0; m_Signal_old=m_Signal; compute_prior(); compute_signal(); m_th_acc=0; m_th_rej=0; m_ph_acc=0; m_ph_rej=0; m_f_acc=0; m_f_rej=0; m_lam_acc=0; m_lam_rej=0; } Fibre(const ColumnVector& alpha, const ColumnVector& beta, const Matrix& bvals, const float& d, const float& ardfudge, const float& th, const float& ph, const float& f, const bool lam_jump=true, const int& modelnum=1, const float& d_std=0.01) : m_th(th), m_ph(ph), m_f(f), m_ardfudge(ardfudge),m_lam_jump(lam_jump), m_d(d), m_d_std(d_std), m_alpha(alpha), m_beta(beta), m_bvals(bvals), m_modelnum(modelnum) { m_th_old=m_th; m_ph_old=m_ph; m_f_old=m_f; m_lam_old=m_lam; m_th_prop=0.2; m_ph_prop=0.2; m_f_prop=0.2; m_lam_prop=1; m_th_prior=0; compute_th_prior(); m_ph_prior=0; compute_ph_prior(); m_f_prior=0; compute_f_prior(); m_lam_prior=0; compute_lam_prior(); m_Signal.ReSize(alpha.Nrows()); m_Signal=0; m_Signal_old=m_Signal; compute_prior(); compute_signal(); m_th_acc=0; m_th_rej=0; m_ph_acc=0; m_ph_rej=0; m_f_acc=0; m_f_rej=0; m_lam_acc=0; m_lam_rej=0; } Fibre(const Fibre& rhs): m_d(rhs.m_d), m_d_std(rhs.m_d_std), m_alpha(rhs.m_alpha), m_beta(rhs.m_beta), m_bvals(rhs.m_bvals), m_modelnum(rhs.m_modelnum){ *this=rhs; } ~Fibre(){} inline float get_th() const{ return m_th;} inline void set_th(const float th){ m_th=th; } inline float get_ph() const{ return m_ph;} inline void set_ph(const float ph){ m_ph=ph; } inline float get_f() const{ return m_f;} inline void set_f(const float f){ m_f=f; } inline float get_lam() const{ return m_lam;} inline void set_lam(const float lam){ m_lam=lam; } inline void report() const { OUT(m_th); OUT(m_ph); OUT(m_f); OUT(m_lam); OUT(m_th_prop); OUT(m_ph_prop); OUT(m_f_prop); OUT(m_lam_prop); OUT(m_th_old); OUT(m_ph_old); OUT(m_f_old); OUT(m_lam_old); OUT(m_th_prior); OUT(m_ph_prior); OUT(m_f_prior); OUT(m_lam_prior); OUT(m_th_old_prior); OUT(m_ph_old_prior); OUT(m_f_old_prior); OUT(m_lam_old_prior); OUT(m_prior_en); OUT(m_old_prior_en); OUT(m_th_acc); OUT(m_th_rej); OUT(m_ph_acc); OUT(m_ph_rej); OUT(m_f_acc); OUT(m_f_rej); OUT(m_lam_acc); OUT(m_lam_rej); OUT(m_lam_jump); } inline const ColumnVector& getSignal() const{ return m_Signal; } inline void restoreSignal() { m_Signal=m_Signal_old; } inline void setSignal(const ColumnVector& Signal){ m_Signal=Signal; } inline void setSignal(const int i, const float val){ m_Signal(i)=val; } inline float get_prior() const{ return m_prior_en;} inline float get_modelnum() const{ return m_modelnum;} //Adapt the standard deviation of the proposal distributions during MCMC execution //to avoid over-rejection/over-acceptance of samples inline void update_proposals(){ m_th_prop*=sqrt(float(m_th_acc+1)/float(m_th_rej+1)); m_th_prop=min(m_th_prop,maxfloat); m_ph_prop*=sqrt(float(m_ph_acc+1)/float(m_ph_rej+1)); m_ph_prop=min(m_ph_prop,maxfloat); m_f_prop*=sqrt(float(m_f_acc+1)/float(m_f_rej+1)); m_f_prop=min(m_f_prop,maxfloat); //m_lam_prop*=sqrt(float(m_lam_acc+1)/float(m_lam_rej+1)); //m_lam_prop=min(m_lam_prop,maxfloat); m_th_acc=0; m_th_rej=0; m_ph_acc=0; m_ph_rej=0; m_f_acc=0; m_f_rej=0; m_lam_acc=0; m_lam_rej=0; } inline bool compute_th_prior(){ m_th_old_prior=m_th_prior; if(m_th==0){m_th_prior=0;} else{ m_th_prior=-log(fabs(sin(m_th)/2)); } return false; //instant rejection flag } inline bool compute_ph_prior(){ m_ph_old_prior=m_ph_prior; m_ph_prior=0; return false; } inline bool compute_f_prior(bool can_use_ard=true){ //note(gamma(lam+1)/(gamma(1)*gamma(lam)) = lam // the following is a beta distribution with alpha=0 m_f_old_prior=m_f_prior; if ((m_f<=0) | (m_f>=1)) return true; else{ //m_f_prior=-(log(m_lam) + (m_lam-1)*log(1-m_f)); if(!can_use_ard) m_f_prior=0; else{ if(m_lam_jump){ // m_f_prior=log(1-m_f)+2*log(fabs(log(1-m_f))); //marginalised with uniform prior on lambda m_f_prior=std::log(m_f); //cc OUT(m_f); //cc OUT(m_ardfudge); //cc float mmk=m_ardfudge*m_f_prior; //cc OUT(mmk); //cc OUT(m_f_old_prior); } else m_f_prior=0; } m_f_prior=m_ardfudge*m_f_prior; return false; } } inline bool compute_lam_prior(){ m_lam_old_prior=m_lam_prior; if((m_lam <0) | (m_lam > 1e16)) return true; else{ m_lam_prior=0; return false; } } inline void compute_prior(){ m_old_prior_en=m_prior_en; //m_prior_en=m_th_prior+m_ph_prior+m_f_prior+m_lam_prior; m_prior_en=m_th_prior+m_ph_prior+m_f_prior; } //Compute model predicted signal, only due to the anisotropic compartment void compute_signal(){ m_Signal_old=m_Signal; if(m_modelnum==1 || m_d_std<1e-5){ for (int i = 1; i <= m_alpha.Nrows(); i++){ float cos_alpha_minus_theta=cos(m_alpha(i)-m_th); //Used trigonometric identities to reduce the number of sinusoids evaluated float cos_alpha_plus_theta=cos(m_alpha(i)+m_th); //float angtmp=cos(m_ph-m_beta(i))*sin(m_alpha(i))*sin(m_th) + cos(m_alpha(i))*cos(m_th); float angtmp=cos(m_ph-m_beta(i))*(cos_alpha_minus_theta-cos_alpha_plus_theta)/2 + (cos_alpha_minus_theta+cos_alpha_plus_theta)/2; angtmp=angtmp*angtmp; m_Signal(i)=exp(-m_d*m_bvals(1,i)*angtmp); } } else if(m_modelnum==2){ float dbeta=m_d/(m_d_std*m_d_std); float dalpha=m_d*dbeta; for (int i = 1; i <= m_alpha.Nrows(); i++){ float cos_alpha_minus_theta=cos(m_alpha(i)-m_th); float cos_alpha_plus_theta=cos(m_alpha(i)+m_th); float angtmp=cos(m_ph-m_beta(i))*(cos_alpha_minus_theta-cos_alpha_plus_theta)/2 + (cos_alpha_minus_theta+cos_alpha_plus_theta)/2; angtmp=angtmp*angtmp; m_Signal(i)=exp(log(dbeta/(dbeta + m_bvals(1,i)*angtmp))*dalpha); //gamma distribution of diffusivities - params alpha (m_d) and beta (m_d_beta): Expected signal is (beta./(beta+b*g(th,ph))).^alpha; } } } inline bool propose_th(){ //cout<<"th"<<endl; m_th_old=m_th; m_th+=normrnd().AsScalar()*m_th_prop; bool rejflag=compute_th_prior();//inside this it stores the old prior compute_prior(); compute_signal(); return rejflag; }; inline void accept_th(){ m_th_acc++; } inline void reject_th(){ m_th=m_th_old; m_th_prior=m_th_old_prior; m_prior_en=m_old_prior_en; m_Signal=m_Signal_old;//Is there a better way of doing this?? m_th_rej++; } inline bool propose_ph(){ //cout<<"ph"<<endl; m_ph_old=m_ph; m_ph+=normrnd().AsScalar()*m_ph_prop; bool rejflag=compute_ph_prior();//inside this it stores the old prior compute_prior(); compute_signal(); return rejflag; }; inline void accept_ph(){ m_ph_acc++; } inline void reject_ph(){ m_ph=m_ph_old; m_ph_prior=m_ph_old_prior; m_prior_en=m_old_prior_en; m_Signal=m_Signal_old;//Is there a better way of doing this?? m_ph_rej++; } bool propose_th_ph(float th,float ph){ //m_th_old=m_th;m_ph_old=m_ph; //cout<<"thph"<<endl; m_th=th;m_ph=ph; bool rejflag_th=compute_th_prior();//inside this it stores the old prior bool rejflag_ph=compute_ph_prior(); compute_prior(); compute_signal(); return rejflag_th | rejflag_ph; } void accept_th_ph(){ m_th_acc++; m_ph_acc++; } void reject_th_ph(){ m_ph=m_ph_old; m_ph_prior=m_ph_old_prior; m_th=m_th_old; m_th_prior=m_th_old_prior; m_prior_en=m_old_prior_en; m_Signal=m_Signal_old;//Is there a better way of doing this?? m_th_rej++; m_ph_rej++; } inline bool propose_f( bool can_use_ard=true){ m_f_old=m_f; m_f+=normrnd().AsScalar()*m_f_prop; bool rejflag=compute_f_prior(can_use_ard); compute_prior(); return rejflag; }; inline void accept_f(){ m_f_acc++; } inline void reject_f(){ m_f=m_f_old; m_f_prior=m_f_old_prior; m_prior_en=m_old_prior_en; m_f_rej++; } inline bool propose_lam(){ if(m_lam_jump){ m_lam_old=m_lam; m_lam+=normrnd().AsScalar()*m_lam_prop; bool rejflag=compute_lam_prior(); compute_f_prior(); compute_prior(); return rejflag; } else {return true;} }; inline void accept_lam(){ m_lam_acc++; } inline void reject_lam(){ m_lam=m_lam_old; m_lam_prior=m_lam_old_prior; m_prior_en=m_old_prior_en; m_lam_rej++; } Fibre& operator=(const Fibre& rhs){ m_th=rhs.m_th; m_ph=rhs.m_ph; m_f=rhs.m_f; m_lam=rhs.m_lam; m_th_prop=rhs.m_th_prop; m_ph_prop=rhs.m_ph_prop; m_f_prop=rhs.m_f_prop; m_lam_prop=rhs.m_lam_prop; m_th_old=rhs.m_th_old; m_ph_old=rhs.m_ph_old; m_f_old=rhs.m_f_old; m_lam_old=rhs.m_lam_old; m_th_prior=rhs.m_th_prior; m_ph_prior=rhs.m_ph_prior; m_f_prior=rhs.m_f_prior; m_lam_prior=rhs.m_lam_prior; m_th_old_prior=rhs.m_th_old_prior; m_ph_old_prior=rhs.m_ph_old_prior; m_f_old_prior=rhs.m_f_old_prior; m_lam_old_prior=rhs.m_lam_old_prior; m_prior_en=rhs.m_prior_en; m_old_prior_en=rhs.m_old_prior_en; m_th_acc=rhs.m_th_acc; m_th_rej=rhs.m_th_rej; m_ph_acc=rhs.m_ph_acc; m_ph_rej=rhs.m_ph_rej; m_f_acc=rhs.m_f_acc; m_f_rej=rhs.m_f_rej; m_lam_acc=rhs.m_lam_acc; m_lam_rej=rhs.m_lam_rej; m_lam_jump=rhs.m_lam_jump; m_Signal=rhs.m_Signal; m_Signal_old=rhs.m_Signal_old; m_ardfudge=rhs.m_ardfudge; return *this; } friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& ostr,const Fibre& p); }; //overload << inline ostream& operator<<(ostream& ostr,const Fibre& p){ ostr<<p.m_th<<" "<<p.m_ph<<" "<<p.m_f<<endl; return ostr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Class that represents the PVM model in an MCMC framework. An isotropic compartment and M>=1 //anisotropic compartments (Fibre objects) are considered. Functions are defined for performing //a single MCMC iteration ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Multifibre{ vector<Fibre> m_fibres; float m_d; float m_d_old; float m_d_prop; float m_d_prior; float m_d_old_prior; float m_d_acc; float m_d_rej; float m_d_std; //second d param in multi-shell model - std in gamma dist of diffusivities - to get non-monoexponential decay. float m_d_std_old; float m_d_std_prop; float m_d_std_prior; float m_d_std_old_prior; float m_d_std_acc; float m_d_std_rej; float m_S0; float m_S0_old; float m_S0_prop; float m_S0_prior; float m_S0_old_prior; float m_S0_acc; float m_S0_rej; float m_tau; //Precision parameter (1/sigma^2) for Rician noise float m_tau_old; float m_tau_prop; float m_tau_prior; float m_tau_old_prior; float m_tau_acc; float m_tau_rej; float m_f0; //Volume fraction for the unattenuated signal compartment float m_f0_old; float m_f0_prop; float m_f0_prior; float m_f0_old_prior; float m_f0_acc; float m_f0_rej; float m_prior_en; //Joint Prior float m_old_prior_en; float m_likelihood_en; //Likelihood float m_old_likelihood_en; float m_energy; //Posterior float m_old_energy; float m_ardfudge; ColumnVector m_iso_Signal; //Vector that stores the signal from the isotropic compartment during the candidate/current state ColumnVector m_iso_Signal_old; const ColumnVector& m_data; //Data vector const ColumnVector& m_alpha; //Theta angles of bvecs const ColumnVector& m_beta; //Phi angles of bvecs const Matrix& m_bvals; //b values const int m_modelnum; //1 for single-shell, 2 for multi-shell model const bool m_rician; //If true, use Rician noise model const bool m_includef0; //If true, include an unattenuated signal compartment in the model with fraction f0 const bool m_ardf0; //If true, use ard on the f0 compartment public: //Constructor Multifibre(const ColumnVector& data,const ColumnVector& alpha, const ColumnVector& beta, const Matrix& b, int N ,float ardfudge=1, int modelnum=1, bool rician=false, bool inclf0=false, bool ardf0=false): m_ardfudge(ardfudge),m_data(data), m_alpha(alpha), m_beta(beta), m_bvals(b), m_modelnum(modelnum), m_rician(rician), m_includef0(inclf0), m_ardf0(ardf0){ m_iso_Signal.ReSize(alpha.Nrows()); m_iso_Signal=0; m_iso_Signal_old=m_iso_Signal; //Initialize vectors that keep the signal from the isotropic compartment m_d_acc=0; m_d_rej=0; m_d_std_acc=0; m_d_std_rej=0; m_S0_acc=0; m_S0_rej=0; m_tau_acc=0; m_tau_rej=0; m_f0_acc=0; m_f0_rej=0; m_d_prior=0; m_d_std_prior=0; m_S0_prior=0; m_f0_prior=0; m_tau_prior=0; m_d=0; m_d_old=0; m_d_std=0; m_d_std_old=0; m_S0=0; m_S0_old=0; m_f0=0.0; m_f0_old=0.0; //Set this parameter to 0, it will be initialized later only if m_includef0 is true } ~Multifibre(){} const vector<Fibre>& fibres() const{ return m_fibres; } vector<Fibre>& get_fibres(){ return m_fibres; } void addfibre(const float th, const float ph, const float f,const bool use_ard=true){ Fibre fib(m_alpha,m_beta,m_bvals,m_d,m_ardfudge,th,ph,f,use_ard,m_modelnum,m_d_std); m_fibres.push_back(fib); } void addfibre(){ Fibre fib(m_alpha,m_beta,m_bvals,m_d,m_ardfudge,m_modelnum,m_d_std); m_fibres.push_back(fib); } void initialise_energies(){ compute_d_prior(); if(m_modelnum==2) compute_d_std_prior(); if (m_rician){ compute_tau_prior(); } if (m_includef0) compute_f0_prior(); compute_S0_prior(); m_prior_en=0; compute_prior(); m_likelihood_en=0; compute_iso_signal(); compute_likelihood(); compute_energy(); } //Initialize standard deviations for the proposal distributions void initialise_props(){ m_S0_prop=m_S0/10.0; //must have set initial values before this is called; m_d_prop=m_d/10.0; m_d_std_prop=m_d_std/10.0; m_tau_prop=m_tau/2.0; m_f0_prop=0.2; } inline float get_d() const{ return m_d;} inline void set_d(const float d){ m_d=d; } inline float get_d_std() const{ return m_d_std;} inline void set_d_std(const float d_std){ m_d_std=d_std; } inline int get_nfibre(){return m_fibres.size();} inline float get_energy() const { return m_likelihood_en+m_prior_en;} inline float get_likelihood_energy() const { return m_likelihood_en;} inline float get_prior() const {return m_prior_en;} inline float get_S0() const{ return m_S0;} inline void set_S0(const float S0){ m_S0=S0; } inline float get_tau() const { return m_tau; } inline void set_tau(const float tau){ m_tau=tau;} inline float get_f0() const{ return m_f0;} inline void set_f0(const float f0){ m_f0=f0; } inline void report() const{ OUT(m_d); OUT(m_d_old); OUT(m_d_prop); OUT(m_d_prior); OUT(m_d_old_prior); OUT(m_d_acc); OUT(m_d_rej); OUT(m_d_std); OUT(m_d_std_old); OUT(m_d_std_prop); OUT(m_d_std_prior); OUT(m_d_std_old_prior); OUT(m_d_std_acc); OUT(m_d_std_rej); OUT(m_S0); OUT(m_S0_old); OUT(m_S0_prop); OUT(m_S0_prior); OUT(m_S0_old_prior); OUT(m_S0_acc); OUT(m_S0_rej); OUT(m_prior_en); OUT(m_old_prior_en); OUT(m_likelihood_en); OUT(m_old_likelihood_en); OUT(m_energy); OUT(m_old_energy); for (unsigned int i=0;i<m_fibres.size();i++){cout <<"fibre "<<i<<endl;m_fibres[i].report();} } inline bool compute_d_prior(){ m_d_old_prior=m_d_prior; if(m_d<0 || m_d>0.008) return true; else{ m_d_prior=0; return false; } } //More restrictive prior for the model with f0 //particularly useful for the CSF voxels inline bool compute_d_prior_f0(){ m_d_old_prior=m_d_prior; if(m_d<0 || m_d>0.008) return true; else{ m_d_prior=0; return false; } } inline bool compute_d_std_prior(){ m_d_std_old_prior=m_d_std_prior; if(m_d_std<=0 || m_d_std>0.01) return true; else{ //m_d_std_prior=0; m_d_std_prior=std::log(m_d_std); return false; } } inline bool compute_S0_prior(){ m_S0_old_prior=m_S0_prior; if(m_S0<0) return true; else { m_S0_prior=0; return false; } } inline bool compute_tau_prior(){ m_tau_old_prior=m_tau_prior; if(m_tau<=0) return true; else{ m_tau_prior=0; return false; } } inline bool compute_f0_prior(){ m_f0_old_prior=m_f0_prior; if (m_f0<=0 || m_f0>=1) return true; else{ if(!m_ardf0) //Without ARD m_f0_prior=0; else //With ARD m_f0_prior=std::log(m_f0); return false; } } //Check if sum of volume fractions is >1 bool reject_f_sum(){ float fsum=m_f0; for(unsigned int f=0;f<m_fibres.size();f++){ fsum+=m_fibres[f].get_f(); } return fsum>1; //true if sum(f) > 1 and therefore, we should reject f } //Compute Joint Prior inline void compute_prior(){ m_old_prior_en=m_prior_en; m_prior_en=m_d_prior+m_S0_prior; if(m_modelnum==2) m_prior_en=m_prior_en+m_d_std_prior; if(m_rician) m_prior_en=m_prior_en+m_tau_prior; if (m_includef0) m_prior_en=m_prior_en+m_f0_prior; for(unsigned int f=0;f<m_fibres.size(); f++){ m_prior_en=m_prior_en+m_fibres[f].get_prior(); } } void compute_iso_signal(){ //Function that computes the signal from the isotropic compartment m_iso_Signal_old=m_iso_Signal; if(m_modelnum==1 || m_d_std<1e-5){ for(int i=1;i<=m_alpha.Nrows();i++) m_iso_Signal(i)=exp(-m_d*m_bvals(1,i)); } else if(m_modelnum==2){ for(int i=1;i<=m_alpha.Nrows();i++){ float dbeta=m_d/(m_d_std*m_d_std); float dalpha=m_d*dbeta; m_iso_Signal(i)=exp(log(dbeta/(dbeta+m_bvals(1,i)))*dalpha); } } } void compute_likelihood(){ m_old_likelihood_en=m_likelihood_en; ColumnVector pred(m_alpha.Nrows()),pred2; pred=0; pred2=pred; float fsum=m_f0; for(unsigned int f=0;f<m_fibres.size();f++){ //Signal from the anisotropic compartments pred=pred+m_fibres[f].get_f()*m_fibres[f].getSignal(); fsum+=m_fibres[f].get_f(); //Total anisotropic volume fraction } for(int i=1;i<=pred.Nrows();i++){ pred(i)=m_S0*(pred(i)+(1-fsum)*m_iso_Signal(i)+m_f0); //Add the signal from the isotropic compartment } //and multiply by S0 to get the total signal if (!m_rician){ //Likelihood energy for Gaussian noise float sumsquares=(m_data-pred).SumSquare(); //Sum of squared residuals m_likelihood_en=(m_data.Nrows()/2.0)*log(sumsquares/2.0); } else{ //Likelihood energy for Rician noise for(int i=1;i<=pred.Nrows();i++) pred2(i)=std::log(m_data(i))-0.5*m_tau*(m_data(i)*m_data(i)+pred(i)*pred(i))+logIo(m_tau*pred(i)*m_data(i)); m_likelihood_en=-m_data.Nrows()*std::log(m_tau)-pred2.Sum(); } } inline void compute_energy(){ m_old_energy=m_energy; m_energy=m_prior_en+m_likelihood_en; //cout<<m_prior_en<<" "<<m_likelihood_en<<endl; } /* void evaluate_energy(){ m_old_energy=m_energy; for(unsigned int f=0;f<m_fibres.size();f++){ m_fibres[f].compute_th_prior(); m_fibres[f].compute_ph_prior(); m_fibres[f].compute_f_prior(); //m_fibres[f].compute_lam_prior(); m_fibres[f].compute_signal(); m_fibres[f].compute_prior(); } compute_prior(); compute_likelihood(); m_energy=m_prior_en+m_likelihood_en; } */ //Test whether the candidate state will be accepted bool test_energy(){ float tmp=exp(m_old_energy-m_energy); return (tmp>unifrnd().AsScalar()); } inline void restore_energy(){ m_prior_en=m_old_prior_en; m_likelihood_en=m_old_likelihood_en; m_energy=m_old_energy; } inline void restore_energy_no_lik(){ m_prior_en=m_old_prior_en; m_energy=m_old_energy; } inline bool propose_d(){ //cout<<"d"<<endl; bool rejflag; m_d_old=m_d; m_d+=normrnd().AsScalar()*m_d_prop; if (m_includef0) rejflag=compute_d_prior_f0(); else rejflag=compute_d_prior(); for(unsigned int f=0;f<m_fibres.size();f++) m_fibres[f].compute_signal(); compute_iso_signal(); return rejflag; }; inline void accept_d(){ m_d_acc++; } inline void reject_d(){ m_d=m_d_old; m_d_prior=m_d_old_prior; m_prior_en=m_old_prior_en; for(unsigned int f=0;f<m_fibres.size();f++) m_fibres[f].restoreSignal(); m_iso_Signal=m_iso_Signal_old; m_d_rej++; } inline bool propose_d_std(){ m_d_std_old=m_d_std; m_d_std+=normrnd().AsScalar()*m_d_std_prop; bool rejflag=compute_d_std_prior();//inside this it stores the old prior for(unsigned int f=0;f<m_fibres.size();f++) m_fibres[f].compute_signal(); compute_iso_signal(); return rejflag; }; inline void accept_d_std(){ m_d_std_acc++; } inline void reject_d_std(){ m_d_std=m_d_std_old; m_d_std_prior=m_d_std_old_prior; m_prior_en=m_old_prior_en; for(unsigned int f=0;f<m_fibres.size();f++) m_fibres[f].restoreSignal(); m_iso_Signal=m_iso_Signal_old; m_d_std_rej++; } inline bool propose_S0(){ m_S0_old=m_S0; m_S0+=normrnd().AsScalar()*m_S0_prop; bool rejflag=compute_S0_prior();//inside this it stores the old prior return rejflag; }; inline void accept_S0(){ m_S0_acc++; } inline void reject_S0(){ m_S0=m_S0_old; m_S0_prior=m_S0_old_prior; m_prior_en=m_old_prior_en; m_S0_rej++; } inline bool propose_tau(){ m_tau_old=m_tau; m_tau+=normrnd().AsScalar()*m_tau_prop; bool rejflag=compute_tau_prior();//inside this it stores the old prior return rejflag; }; inline void accept_tau(){ m_tau_acc++; } inline void reject_tau(){ m_tau=m_tau_old; m_tau_prior=m_tau_old_prior; m_prior_en=m_old_prior_en; m_tau_rej++; } inline bool propose_f0(){ m_f0_old=m_f0; m_f0+=normrnd().AsScalar()*m_f0_prop; bool rejflag=compute_f0_prior(); compute_prior(); return rejflag; }; inline void accept_f0(){ m_f0_acc++; } inline void reject_f0(){ m_f0=m_f0_old; m_f0_prior=m_f0_old_prior; m_prior_en=m_old_prior_en; m_f0_rej++; } //Adapt standard deviation of proposal distributions during MCMC execution //to avoid over-rejection/over-acceptance of MCMC samples inline void update_proposals(){ m_d_prop*=sqrt(float(m_d_acc+1)/float(m_d_rej+1)); m_d_prop=min(m_d_prop,maxfloat); if(m_modelnum==2){ m_d_std_prop*=sqrt(float(m_d_std_acc+1)/float(m_d_std_rej+1)); m_d_std_prop=min(m_d_std_prop,maxfloat); m_d_std_acc=0; m_d_std_rej=0; } if (m_rician){ m_tau_prop*=sqrt(float(m_tau_acc+1)/float(m_tau_rej+1)); m_tau_prop=min(m_tau_prop,maxfloat); m_tau_acc=0; m_tau_rej=0; } if (m_includef0){ m_f0_prop*=sqrt(float(m_f0_acc+1)/float(m_f0_rej+1)); m_f0_prop=min(m_f0_prop,maxfloat); m_f0_acc=0; m_f0_rej=0; } m_S0_prop*=sqrt(float(m_S0_acc+1)/float(m_S0_rej+1)); m_S0_prop=min(m_S0_prop,maxfloat); m_d_acc=0; m_d_rej=0; m_S0_acc=0; m_S0_rej=0; for(unsigned int f=0; f<m_fibres.size();f++){ m_fibres[f].update_proposals(); } } //Function that performs a single MCMC iteration void jump( bool can_use_ard=true ){ if (m_includef0){ //Try f0 if(!propose_f0()){ if(!reject_f_sum()){ compute_prior(); compute_likelihood(); compute_energy(); if(test_energy()) accept_f0(); else{ reject_f0(); restore_energy(); } } else //else for rejecting fsum>1 reject_f0(); } else //else for rejecting rejflag returned from propose_f() reject_f0(); } if(m_rician){ //Try tau if(!propose_tau()){ compute_prior(); compute_likelihood(); compute_energy(); if(test_energy()) accept_tau(); else{ reject_tau(); restore_energy(); } } else reject_tau(); } if(!propose_d()){ //Try d compute_prior(); compute_likelihood(); compute_energy(); if(test_energy()){ accept_d(); } else{ reject_d(); restore_energy(); } } else reject_d(); if(m_modelnum==2){ //Try d_std if(!propose_d_std()){ compute_prior(); compute_likelihood(); compute_energy(); if(test_energy()){ accept_d_std(); } else{ reject_d_std(); restore_energy(); } } else reject_d_std(); } if(!propose_S0()){ //Try S0 compute_prior(); compute_likelihood(); compute_energy(); if(test_energy()) accept_S0(); else{ reject_S0(); restore_energy(); } } else reject_S0(); for(unsigned int f=0;f<m_fibres.size();f++){ //For each fibre if(!m_fibres[f].propose_th()){ //Try theta compute_prior(); compute_likelihood(); compute_energy(); if(test_energy()) m_fibres[f].accept_th(); else{ m_fibres[f].reject_th(); restore_energy(); } } else m_fibres[f].reject_th(); if(!m_fibres[f].propose_ph()){ //Try phi compute_prior(); compute_likelihood(); compute_energy(); if(test_energy()) m_fibres[f].accept_ph(); else{ m_fibres[f].reject_ph(); restore_energy(); } } else m_fibres[f].reject_ph(); if(!m_fibres[f].propose_f( can_use_ard )){ //Try f if(!reject_f_sum()){ compute_prior(); compute_likelihood(); compute_energy(); if(test_energy()) m_fibres[f].accept_f(); else{ m_fibres[f].reject_f(); restore_energy(); } } else //else for rejectin fsum>1 m_fibres[f].reject_f(); } else //else for rejecting rejflag returned from propose_f() m_fibres[f].reject_f(); // if(!m_fibres[f].propose_lam()){ // compute_prior(); // compute_energy(); // if(test_energy()){ // m_fibres[f].accept_lam(); // } // else{ // m_fibres[f].reject_lam(); // restore_energy_no_lik(); // } // } // else{ // m_fibres[f].reject_lam(); // } } } Multifibre& operator=(const Multifibre& rhs){ m_fibres=rhs.m_fibres; m_d=rhs.m_d; m_d_old=rhs.m_d_old; m_d_prop=rhs.m_d_prop; m_d_prior=rhs.m_d_prior; m_d_old_prior=rhs.m_d_old_prior; m_d_acc=rhs.m_d_acc; m_d_rej=rhs.m_d_rej; m_d_std=rhs.m_d_std; m_d_std_old=rhs.m_d_std_old; m_d_std_prop=rhs.m_d_std_prop; m_d_std_prior=rhs.m_d_std_prior; m_d_std_old_prior=rhs.m_d_std_old_prior; m_d_std_acc=rhs.m_d_std_acc; m_d_std_rej=rhs.m_d_std_rej; m_S0=rhs.m_S0; m_S0_old=rhs.m_S0_old; m_S0_prop=rhs.m_S0_prop; m_S0_prior=rhs.m_S0_prior; m_S0_old_prior=rhs.m_S0_old_prior; m_S0_acc=rhs.m_S0_acc; m_S0_rej=rhs.m_S0_rej; m_f0=rhs.m_f0; m_f0_old=rhs.m_f0_old; m_f0_prop=rhs.m_f0_prop; m_f0_prior=rhs.m_f0_prior; m_f0_old_prior=rhs.m_f0_old_prior; m_f0_acc=rhs.m_f0_acc; m_f0_rej=rhs.m_f0_rej; m_tau=rhs.m_tau; m_tau_old=rhs.m_tau_old; m_tau_prop=rhs.m_tau_prop; m_tau_prior=rhs.m_tau_prior; m_tau_old_prior=rhs.m_tau_old_prior; m_tau_acc=rhs.m_tau_acc; m_tau_rej=rhs.m_tau_rej; m_prior_en=rhs.m_prior_en; m_old_prior_en=rhs.m_old_prior_en; m_likelihood_en=rhs.m_likelihood_en; m_old_likelihood_en=rhs.m_old_likelihood_en; m_energy=rhs.m_energy; m_old_energy=rhs.m_old_energy; m_ardfudge=rhs.m_ardfudge; m_iso_Signal=rhs.m_iso_Signal; m_iso_Signal_old=rhs.m_iso_Signal_old; return *this; } }; } #endif